Inspector Du frowned: "Tapioca to scrape the intestines?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, although cassava is good, it requires more oil than rice and wheat to feed people."

Qi Yi said: "It's nothing. Soybean oil has been popularized in Dachu. Ordinary people in the south can afford it. The northwest is relatively poor, but one meal of soybean oil in two days is still enough."

Again, cassava must be promoted throughout Dachu!

He also assured Gu Jinli and his wife: "Don't worry, I will send a trustworthy person to deliver the recipe for cassava flour directly to the palace and it will not be leaked."

Gu Jinli would wait until Qi Yi arrived before teaching Du Neijian how to make cassava flour. He was afraid that the craftsmanship of cassava flour would leak out and Xu You's people would take advantage. After hearing this, she felt relieved: "We can trust Uncle Qi." .”

He added: "This is a place where insects are raised. No one will come. Uncle Qi and Supervisor Du Nei can safely try making cassava flour here."

After Du Nei listened, his body shook unsatisfactorily.

Seeing this, Gu Jinli grinned and said, "Don't be afraid, Du Nei Jian. The poisonous insects are kept in pottery jars. They are well sealed and will not escape."

Haha, a stiff smile appeared on Du Neijian's face: "Mrs. Qin said that, I feel relieved."

"Hey, you guys do it slowly, we're leaving first." Gu Jinli pulled Qin Sanlang away.

Qi Yi shook his head and said to Supervisor Du Nei: "This girl has been lively and tempered since she was a child. Supervisor Du Nei must not be surprised."

Superintendent Du: "Mr. Qi's words are serious, Mrs. Qin has a very good temper."

Although he may be fierce, he understands right and wrong, is willing to follow his husband to the northwest to endure hardships, and is also willing to hand over the craftsmanship of cassava flour. He is a rare person.

However: "Mrs. Qin's temper is completely different from Gu Tanhua's."

Gu Tanhua is gentle, courteous, and very tolerant... His Majesty is moody, and running errands in front of him is tantamount to being punished, but Gu Tanhua is able to endure it and wins His Majesty's Sacred Heart.

If Gu Jinli were here, he would definitely snicker. It seems you don't understand my brother. He is just a black man.

In the next four days, Qi Yi and Du Neijian made tapioca flour in this room. There was a fire kang inside, and they were roasted in a fire pit. The tapioca flour dried quickly.

I also made a meal of bread using the tapioca flour I made, which was very delicious.

And when they ate food made from cassava, their stomachs were indeed bland, and they used six more spoons of soybean oil than usual. Although it was deficient, it was still a good food that was beneficial to the country.

On the afternoon of the fourth day, people from Linjiapo, Gujia Village, Xiejiaping, Dujia Village, and Wuting Village all came. They hurried here after receiving Chang Liangwei's letter.

Xiejiaping is the village where the husband and wife of Gu Fuya, the biological daughter of the third grandfather and the third grandmother, have returned. Gu Jinli sent people to the village to ask for news about Gu Fuya's family. All they got was: "I haven't seen him yet. I should." Did he go to the Northeast, or sold himself to some noble person as a slave?"

Although no one was found, the people in Xiejiaping were pretty good, so Gu Jinli reached out to take care of them. He would think of them when good things happened.

Dujia Village is Doctor Du’s village, and Wuting Village is the third grandmother’s natal village.

Gu Jinli had already told Qi Yi that several villages wanted to try cassava, so after learning that they were coming, Qi Yi met with them in person and explained the pros and cons of trying cassava.

"Cassava is not something that suddenly appeared. It is a ghost potato from the northwest. It is poisonous, but it can be eaten after the toxins are removed. It can feed people. If you try to eat it, you will have to sign a life and death certificate. If something happens, the government will The government will give you medicine, funeral money, and pension money, but if you survive, I will ask for credit for you and let your village name go down in history."

Lin Houde took the lead and said: "Master Magistrate, we know the stakes and are willing to give it a try. Please let us sign a life and death certificate!"

Lin Houde's family really suffered a lot after escaping from famine, and his family had been defeated beyond hope. Only by taking a risk could it be possible to revitalize the Lin family.

People from other villages also said: "Sir, we are not afraid of death and are willing to eat!"

Supervisor Du Nei said: "It's not that serious. I took it for half a month and I'm still alive and well."

Just a little greedy.

"Now that you have thought it through, I will sign a life and death certificate for you." Qi Yi took out several written life and death certificates and slowly read them to them. After reading, he asked: "Do you understand? ? If you don’t understand something, just ask and I will answer it for you.”

"My lord spoke in plain language, and we all understood it."

Qi Yi said: "Okay, please sign and fingerprint."

There were those who couldn't write, so Qi Yi did it for them, but they had to press their fingerprints themselves.

After finishing it, Qi Yi said: "The certificates of life and death will be kept in the government office, so you can rest assured. These are ten taels of silver. You can keep them. Every village that tries to eat cassava grains has them."

"Hey, thank you, sir!" The big guy happily accepted the money.

In addition, villages that try out cassava grains will also receive preferential treatment. If you have anything to do, you can go straight to the prefectural city to see him. If you get sick, no matter what the illness is, the prefectural government will send a doctor to see a doctor, and the medical fees will be free of charge.

Since the imperial court was poor, Qi Yi paid for these benefits.

"Okay, come with me, I will take you to learn how to remove toxins from cassava and how to plant cassava." Qi Yi took care of it himself and took them to Uncle Mutong to learn how to handle cassava.

Many wealthy families also took action. Sheng Rui came to the guardhouse in person and said that Zhuangzi of the Sheng family was willing to grow and eat cassava.

Uncle He of the Zhong family also came, and all the farmers and tenant farmers of the Zhong family were willing to grow and eat cassava.

There are also Zhuangzi from the Shi family, Zhuangzi from the Lei family caravan, Zhuangzi from the Fengjia escort agency, Zhuangzi from the Fang family, Zhuangzi from the Zheng family, and Zhuangzi from the Shangguan family, all of whom are happy to grow and eat cassava.

When General Dai of the third line of defense heard about it, he sent Butler Dai to come and said: "Our Dai family is willing to try cassava, the tenant farmers under my command are also willing to eat it, and my aunt's natal village is also happy to try cassava."

General Dai is not good at fighting, but he is happy to do something that can earn him credit. It is not him who eats cassava anyway, so there is no need to be afraid.

The Dai family was also very wealthy and sent dozens of carts of things, including charcoal, medicinal materials, meat and grains, etc., as if they were afraid that Chang Liangwei would not allow them to try cassava.

Qi Yi agreed, but explained: "The cassava is now in the trial stage, and the guard station is an important place for guarding the border and resisting the army. It is best not to let the third line of defense guard station try cassava."

Butler Dai said: "Don't worry, sir, our general is a coward. He doesn't dare to risk the guardhouse."

General Dai was most afraid of death, but he did not dare to let his guards try to eat cassava.

Qi Yi: "Come here and sign the life and death certificate."

"Hey." Every household signed a life and death certificate one after another.

After a few more days of busy work, at the end of November, Xu You, Lord Xin, Jiang Wangang, Uncle Cao, Mr. Qianshan and others came to Changliang Wei again.

The Xu family didn't get the credit, so Xu You really didn't want to come, but the new food was a big deal, so he could only come here once.

Fortunately, it was just a formality, a witness, a seal, it was all done in one day, and the endurance was over.

"Master Xu, Mr. Xin, and General Jiang, these are the life and death certificates signed by each village and prefecture. Please take a look." Qi Yi laid out a stack of life and death certificates, and then listed Sheng Rui, Dai Guanjia, and each of them. The village chief called to see Xu You.

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