Tian Khan thought that the Hemu family was his work on the side of the great wizard.

And the great wizard felt that the Hemu family was his work on Tian Khan's side.

However, they were all wrong. The Hemu family was not loyal to either of them from the beginning to the end. The Hemu family had another master, and they only obeyed that master's orders to subvert the great army!

In order to accomplish this, he did not hesitate to purify Sannuo.

The cold wind was howling, the snow was flying, and the entire northwest was covered with snow. Tuogude braved the wind and snow and led only a hundred witch troops straight to the place where Tihe camped.

He was not afraid that Tiehe would kill him, because he knew very well that Tiehe was not a fool and could not kill him, the tribal king, on the eve of the attack on Chu.


Da Rong's long ox horn sounded, and the soldiers shouted: "King Tuo Gu has arrived!"

The sound spread throughout the camp, letting all the Da Rong warriors know that Tuo Gude was coming.

When the great wizard heard the shouting, he was completely relieved. He Muji was right, Tiehe would not kill Ade.

"Bring the makeup box. I want to put on makeup and go to see King Tuogude. He is a great hero in guarding Du Chonggou and deserves this gift." The great wizard ordered hurriedly.

"Yes." Sannuo brought the makeup box and gave the great wizard a dignified look. He looked at the great wizard and praised, "The great wizard is worthy of being the messenger of the witch god. He truly has the appearance of a god."

Although it is an exaggeration, the appearance of the great wizard is indeed extraordinary.

This is the custom of Da Rong. Only those with beautiful appearance can be selected as great wizards. Those with average appearance will not be selected.

The great wizard was very satisfied with what he heard. He put his hand on Sannuo's arm and said, "Let's go and meet King Tuokude."

"Yes." Sannuo helped him out of the big tent, let him sit on the animal skin chair, and carried him to the king's tent of Tian Khan.

When he arrived in front of the king's tent, Sannuo shouted: "The great wizard has arrived!"

Tian Khan was bringing the tribal kings and generals to meet Tuogude. When he heard this shout, he sneered in his heart... Damn eunuch, you can't wait to see your concubine?

He cursed in his heart, but smiled on his face: "Brother Tuogude, you are so lucky, you will be welcomed by the great wizard as soon as you come back!"

What he said made Togud angry. What did Tiehe want to do when he deliberately said such words that made people have abnormal thoughts? After destroying him and the great wizard, how could Tiehe attack Chu?

Tiehe knew that Tuogude was angry, but ignored him and said: "Please come in, the great wizard!"

The great wizard was helped into the king's tent. When all the tribal kings and generals saw him, they all bowed and saluted: "Great wizard."

The great wizard was very satisfied when he saw this... Although the Witch God was fake and he had been cheating, it had to be said that the name of the Witch God was really useful, making these noble and distinguished tribal kings bow down to him!

"You don't have to be polite." The great wizard said, came to Tuo Gude, took out a bottle of snow water, poured it into his hand, and sprinkled it on Tuo Gude: "King Tuo Gude protects the poisonous insect ditch for the Witch God, and kills The people of Chu are despised, so the power of the witch god spreads throughout Chu. He is a great meritorious official. He specially gives holy water to make King Tuo Gude invincible in battle!"

Tiehe didn't say much, just looked at him coldly and pretended to be a ghost.

After he finished sprinkling the holy water, Tuo Gude said: "Too Gude thanks the witch god for the gift. Thank you so much, the great wizard."

The great wizard smiled and said: "This is what King Tuokud deserves. Get up."

Tuogude nodded and stood up. He didn't look at the great wizard, but looked at the Green Horse King: "The Green Horse King is really here. It's really gratifying."

A few years ago, when the army invaded Chu, King Qingma did not send any troops. But this time he came and asked, "Has King Qingma completely given up his identity as a Qin citizen?"

This remark had an ulterior motive, clearly indicating that King Qingma was not a Rong man and that his heart was towards Da Chu.

But King Qingma smiled: "No, I and the people of the tribe have always thought that we are the people of Qin, and so did your ancestors."

Seriously speaking, Da Rong is not even considered a citizen of Qin, they are just Qin's horse slaves who look after Da Qin's horse farm.

Later, the Qin Dynasty collapsed and the new dynasty could no longer govern such a large territory. The ancestors of the Great Rong took the opportunity to occupy the Great Qin Horse Farm and combined with the barbarians. After several decades, they called themselves Rong, and the original Great Rong was born.

The Rong people were a mixed people, and tribes often fought and killed each other. In order to rule well, they created a witch god and unified the mixed Rong people in the name of the witch god.

As soon as King Qingma said this, many people present changed their expressions... The fact that the ancestor of Da Rong was the slave of the ancestor of Da Chu made them feel very embarrassed.

A general said angrily: "Humph, our army is protected by the shaman god. We will definitely destroy the humble Chu people and make the Chu people our slaves!"

There were many soldiers under the command of King Qingma. Tiehe needed King Qingma to help fight the war. He did not want to have internal strife at this time, so he said: "That was all a thousand years ago. I don't know the truth. Now everyone is the son of the witch god." People, please stop killing each other over some empty legends, that will only make Chu Chu more advantageous!"

Tuo Gude said that because he was dissatisfied that King Qingma did not send troops to attack Da Chu, which caused Da Rong to lose the opportunity to completely occupy Da Chu. He did not really want to cause internal strife. At this moment, he regretted it and nodded: "Tian Khan That’s right, we are all the people of the Witch God, now we should unite and defeat Jian Chu in one fell swoop!”

As he spoke, he took out a defense plan, spread it out on the long table, and said: "This long line is the poisonous insect ditch that Xu You sent people to dig. It was full of poisonous insects. I once asked the warriors to dig tunnels underground. I want to We broke through Jian Chu's first line of defense from underground, but were discovered by Qin Sanlang and failed!"

"Qin Sanlang, is that the great Chu Baihu who killed King Lemuqin?" King Qingma asked, quite satisfied in his heart... His sister and granddaughter's man is indeed a great hero.

Tuo Gude nodded: "It's him. This man is very good at fighting and has great abilities. His identity is definitely not simple. I sent someone to check him out. Now we have some clues. He should be the son of the Marquis of Qin!"

As soon as the word "Qin Hou" came out, many veteran generals and tribal kings were startled.

"He is the son of the Butcher of Qin? No wonder, no wonder, I said how could a man in his early twenties have the ability to kill King Lemuqin? It turns out he is the son of the Butcher of Qin!"

Only the son of Butcher Qin has such ability!

The Marquis of Qin in the Great Chu was a god of killing. He loved to use strange moves in battles and was ruthless. Almost all the generals who fought against him were wiped out.

Therefore, the Marquis of Qin got the title of Butcher of Qin.

Tuogude said: "Eighty percent yes."

He said it was 80%, but he just made it up. He had no actual evidence. He just felt that a farmer's son, even if his family was a military household, could not learn such a powerful skill.

Is the tribal king of Dayong so easy to kill?

How could a person who had not been taught by various capable masters and carefully cultivated since childhood have the ability to kill a tribal king? !

And the appearance of the Eagle Food Gang was too coincidental. Tuo Gude thought about the war that year countless times, and finally felt that there was something wrong with Qin Sanlang's identity.

King Arman said: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and report him. Didn't Jian Chu regard the Qin Butcher as a traitor? His whole family is a criminal. Report him and let the emperor of Jian Chu kill him. Let's capture Jian Chu." At that time, there will be fewer obstacles.”

Tuogu said: "The Emperor of Chu is in the capital, thousands of miles away from the northwest. By the time he finds out, we will have already confronted that boy. But I have already sent a message to Xu You and told him about it. I will wait for him After receiving the news, we will definitely send troops to capture this son, and we can avenge King Lemuqin!"

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