The soldiers immediately went to convey the order: "King Tuogu ordered to attack and kill all the Chu soldiers!"

Each bank account has an ordering soldier, and they are passed down from one bank account to another. There is not much movement, but the order is transmitted very quickly. In less than two quarters of an hour, the order to attack was passed to the ears of all the soldiers.

The ordering soldier will also remind: "Tian Khan said that this battle is related to our defeat of Chu. We must not yell or make noise. We must first break the defense of Erhuliang. Once the defense is broken, we can seize the Chu girl." At any time, you can call me whatever you want."

After hearing this, the soldiers suppressed the roar in their throats, waited for the attacking animal skin flag to wave, and rushed towards a guard post on the right side of Erhuliang like a tiger or a bear.

This guard is called Xiaohu Liangwei, a guard of thousands of households in his twenties.

The reason why he was able to become a member of the Qianhu family at such a young age was because he came from a wealthy family and had enough money and food to support the army. He also maintained many nursing homes that he could use as soldiers.

General Cheng was worried that Qianhu, the noble young master, would not be able to handle the situation, so he specially gave him an extra five hundred troops, bringing the number of Xiao Hu Liang Wei's troops to two thousand.

However, the soldiers were fierce and took advantage of the festival to attack with tens of thousands of elite soldiers. They also used poison made by the great wizard to help. Before the soldiers arrived, the sentry at the guard post was poisoned to death.




Waves of wolf howls sounded, and a group of wolves rushed out of the darkness, scattered in all directions, and ran all the way, howling hard all the way.

Soldiers have been with cattle, horses, sheep, and wolves since they were young, and they quickly realized: "No, these beasts in the mountains are informing the guards of Jian Chu. Hurry up and kill these beasts with arrows!"

After the wolves made great contributions in the battle to defend the city of Xing'an Prefecture, the guard post on the first line of defense began to raise wolves.

After being tamed, the wolves helped again this time. After discovering that something was wrong, they immediately ran to the surrounding guard stations to report the situation.

Whoosh whoosh!

The soldiers immediately drew their bows and arrows, and fired countless sharp arrows at the wolves on all sides, killing half of them.

But the wolves ran too fast. When the soldiers fired arrows again, the other half of the wolves had already run out of range.

"Hurry up and chase them, don't let them escape!"

The soldiers chased and killed the escaping wolf. In order to sneak attack, Tuogude only let the soldiers crawl over without bringing their horses. No matter how fast the soldiers ran, they could not catch up with the wolf like the wind.

Tuogude had already learned about the situation here, and was very angry. He said directly: "Blow the attack horn, call the soldiers behind, and charge into the Little Tiger Liangwei!"

At a command, the horn of the cattle was blown.

Moo moo, moo moo!

When the soldiers heard the rapid sound of cattle horns, they immediately understood and shouted: "Charge order, kill!"

Finally no longer needing to hide, the soldiers excitedly rushed towards Xiaohu Liangwei.

Boom, boom, boom!

Xiaohu Liangwei's hundred households finally discovered the enemy's situation, and asked people to beat drums and shout: "The thieves are coming to kill, the thieves are coming to kill, stop them quickly!"

However, they only had a few soldiers and horses, and the Rong soldiers had tens of thousands of elite soldiers. But in the blink of an eye, they became the souls killed by the soldiers' swords.

Click, click, click!

The machete was so sharp that it was like chopping vegetables. The soldiers picked up the heads that fell on the ground and hung them on their waists. These were their achievements.

"Keep on killing, kill all the Chu soldiers, and steal all their women!"

"Pregnant woman, keep the pregnant woman with King Arman, he will like this!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, I will definitely keep it for King Arman, and I will never spoil his little fairy meat!"

The soldiers laughed and killed the soldiers guarding the defense line.

The soldiers were so fierce that the hundreds of families who had their families following them couldn't stand it anymore. They mounted their horses and ran back, shouting: "Go back to the guard post, hurry back to the guard post, let the family members escape for their lives!"

They know how cruel the Rong people are, and their families must escape, otherwise it will be worse than death!

Hundreds of households who did not have any family members at the guard station stayed with other soldiers, saying: "If you don't want your female family members to suffer, just stick to the defense line. If you can stop it for a while, all your family members will be destroyed!"

At this moment, many soldiers understood the purpose of Emperor Jingyuan giving them land and food to bring their relatives to the northwest... He wanted to use the life and death of their relatives to control them and make them fight to the death.

"Yes, fight with the thieves!"

Half of Xiaohu Liangwei's soldiers had fought against the soldiers and were relatively good at fighting, but the soldiers used poison, and in just over a quarter of an hour, they were all poisoned to death.

Tens of thousands of soldiers marched straight in and flattened the entire Xiaohu Liangwei.

The soldiers who were ambushing on the side of the mountain immediately set off, riding their war horses, towards the little tiger Liang Wei. They had to attack the main camp before the Chu army could react.



The wolves that escaped had already rushed to the nearby guard station, constantly howling to report the news.

The sentries of Big Tiger Liangwei and Erhu Liangwei knew that the wolves in the guard station were raised to report news. When they saw the wailing wolves, they understood that the little tiger Liangwei had been attacked and immediately beat the war drums in the sentry.

Boom, boom, boom!

"The thieves are coming, gather quickly to defend against the enemy!"

He also set fire to the entire sentry tower and used the fire to notify the nearby guard posts that there was an enemy attack!

Although many sentries at the guard post could not believe that the bandits would attack at this time, General Cheng and Jiang Wankang were both strict military officers. After hesitating for a while, they set fire to the towers of their sentries.

All of a sudden, all the guard posts were on fire, and the flames shot into the sky, allowing everyone on the first line of defense and the Daokougou camp to see.

"There is an enemy attack on General Cheng's side. Send an order quickly. Three hundred troops from each guard post will be sent to rescue!" General Wu saw the fire and immediately asked his soldiers to beat drums and gather the soldiers and horses in Duchonggou.

Boom, boom, boom!

The war drums were beating rapidly, and the messengers rode horses to all the guard points: "General Cheng has an enemy attack on his defense line. General Wu has given an order. Three hundred troops from all guard posts are sent to support!"

After hearing the news, General Ma rushed over and said, "Old Wu, do you want to mobilize troops to rescue General Cheng's guard post?"

General Wu said: "Of course."

General Ma: "But what if this is a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain? Our side is the center of resistance against the enemy. Even if there is an enemy attack on the Chengchong side, the number of soldiers should not be large... It is impossible for a large number of soldiers to bypass It's such a long way to reach over there."

"Have you forgotten how the soldiers bypassed Long'an Prefecture and attacked Xing'an Prefecture?" General Wu pointed at the disappearing fire and said: "Look, all the guard towers were burned down to report the news. It can be seen that this enemy attack was very serious. It’s serious, I’m afraid the bandits will come out in force!”

General Ma said: "Three hundred troops for each guard post is too much, two hundred at most."

General Wu frowned and agreed: "Sure, I'll do as you say."

General Ma asked again: "Who do you want to lead the troops to rescue?"

General Wu: "I'll go!"

"No!" General Ma said: "This is the key point for the confrontation with the bandits. You can't go, you must stay. I'll go."

General Jiang and General Xiao Zhou both went to Daokougou camp for a banquet. The only general who knew how to fight in Duchonggou was General Wu, so General Wu had to stay.

"Are you going?" General Wu said: "Old Ma, I have fought many battles with the bandits. Don't think the bandits are stupid. That Tuogu is smarter than a fox. He has been dormant for so long. This time, it will be a big attack. , I’m afraid you won’t be able to withstand it if you go.”

With that said, when he saw thousands of households arriving, he yelled at them: "Hurry up and send your scouts back to the guard post to deliver a message, asking the relatives to escape to the gathering place in Mu County!"

One of the functions of Mu County Collection is to take in relatives and provide them with rest and supplies during wartime.

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