A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2332 Killing Xu You【3】

Liang Tu indeed arrived too quickly, an hour earlier than they expected, completely disrupting their plans.

But Luo Ying still said: "Even so, you shouldn't take the risk. With so many people here, Liang Tu can always be killed. You don't need to be a woman in danger! You must know that you are a married man with children. If What if you let Muge'er and his son do it?!"

Gu Jinli was scolded and wanted to draw his sword, but he suddenly remembered something and said: "Liang Tu is the commander of the dead soldiers. Just in case, he will leave a group of dead soldiers on the road to report the news. You have to find them along the way quickly." , find them out, otherwise our plan will be in vain!"

Ha, Luo Ying said, "Have you finally remembered this? You don't need to worry, Master Gui has already led people to look for him. With him here, he will be able to uncover the dead soldiers hidden by Liang Tu."

Then he told Ma Wu: "Go and kill those guys."

"Yes." Ma Wu immediately led people to help You Ping and the others. Everyone worked together and quickly killed all Liang Tu's dead soldiers.

Mr. Qianshan, Gao Lei, and Steward Lei rushed over. When they saw Liang Tu's body missing, they breathed a sigh of relief: "He is finally dead. As long as he is dead, it will be much easier to kill Xu You."

Then he said: "Madam, all the dead men who broke into Zhuangzi have been killed, please don't worry."

There is a trap in Zhuangzi, and there are people from the Lei family's caravan. The leader is the third steward of the Lei family who has fought in the war. Cao Laosi leads the dead men into Zhuangzi. As soon as he falls into the trap, he is immediately surrounded by ambushes. , all were killed.

It was Cao Laosi who was more powerful. He seriously injured several of them and killed Cui Cheng.

Mr. Qianshan explained the situation.

Gu Jinli nodded after hearing this: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Let the injured brothers stay and recuperate. The rest of the group will gather together and follow Master Ying's team to the county seat."

After hearing this, Mr. Qianshan said: "Cui Duo, quickly follow the third steward to handle this matter."

"Yes." Cui Duo responded and went to integrate the troops.

Mr. Qianshan did not leave, but stayed and looked at Luo Ying... The sudden appearance of the Eagle Food Gang three years ago was indeed not a coincidence. It should have been called by Qin Sanlang.

And Luo Ying was really good to Qin Sanlang. He brought such people to help him fight with just one sentence... Qin Sanlang had the ability, the soldiers and horses, and the help of Luo Ying, the old Northwest Army, and the Lu family, he could not even imagine hegemony. Disaster!

Mr. Qianshan was very excited and finally felt that he had chosen the right person. If he could assist a founding emperor, Wu Qianshan would be remembered forever.

Gu Jinli went to check the pulses of Widow Xiao and Songxue: "There are some internal injuries, but it's not a problem. Take a few pills first, and then wait for two months to recuperate after things calm down."

Then he looked at Songxue and said, "Miss Songxue, you have to work hard. Come with us to Mu County to kill Xu You."

Before killing Liang Tu, Songxue was still a little unsure, but now that Liang Tu was dead and Gu Jinli brought in another Eagle Food Gang, she, a weak woman, could only follow Gu Jinli and the others.

Therefore, she bowed to Gu Jinli and said, "Yes, Songxue obeys."

Gu Jinli raised his eyebrows when he heard this... This Songxue was becoming more and more aware of current affairs.

But just after he finished the compliment, Songxue's old habit relapsed. He looked at Luo Ying and bowed: "Greetings to Lord Ying."

Luo Ying is only in his early thirties. He is very handsome, has many people under his command, and is from a noble family in the capital. Even though he has fallen into disgrace, there is still a sense of nobility in his body, and if it comes to pass, his identity will be If you can recover, if you can commit yourself to him, that's not too bad.

Gu Jinli's mouth twitched when he saw it... If you dare to pry into Cousin Yu's corner, Songxue, do you want to try my strongest poison? !

Seeing this, Luo Ying laughed, raised her steps, and walked towards Songxue with elegant steps. Standing in front of Songxue, she pinched her chin, lifted it up, leaned down, and came closer. She smiled quite sinisterly and said: "Beauty, you are very courageous. If so, I won't be polite."

His voice was low and charming, and his smile was handsome and handsome, making Songxue's heart beat faster.

But the next moment, her neck suddenly hurt.

Whoosh, Luo Ying gave her a knife on the neck, but it only made a shallow wound and shed a little blood, but did not damage the arteries and trachea.

But even this was enough to frighten Songxue until her face turned pale and she choked with sobs: "Ying, Lord Ying, why are you doing this?"

With a bang, Luo Ying pushed Songxue away.

Songxue fell on the snow.

Luo Ying took the handkerchief handed to her, wiped her hands, threw the handkerchief on her face, and sneered: "It's not interesting, I just teach you how to behave. Remember, you are Xu You's concubine, and he The fact of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country has been spread to everyone in Long'an Prefecture. If we don't kill him, he won't live long. If you don't want to be punished, just obey and do the work honestly. Don't think that if you accomplish something, you will immediately Once you have achieved great power, you can start going crazy...I, Luo Ying, am not afraid of crazy people the least, and anyone who dares to behave disrespectfully in front of me has already gone to the underworld!"

Songxue was shocked when she heard this. After being stunned for a moment, she quickly knelt down and said, "Yes, Songxue understands."

Luo Ying: "You'd better understand."

If she didn't understand, he wouldn't mind taking matters into his own hands and sending her on her way.

Then he said to Gu Jinli: "Why are you snickering? You can only watch a show, but you can't even take care of yourself. You dare to show off and deliberately make Brother Mu worried!"

Gu Jinli was being scolded all the time, and became angry and darkened his face.

When Luo Ying saw this, she thought of Qin Sanlang and knew that he regarded Gu as his thorn in the side. She was afraid that he would be angry with her if he knew about it in the future, so she could only shut up and stop scolding him.


Luo Ying still explained: "This assassination is dangerous. You have to protect yourself. If you can't, run away. I will find a way to kill Xu You... Remember, you have to think about your husband and children."

"I know." Gu Jinli said: "Hurry up and make a quick calculation to avoid making mistakes."

Luo Ying nodded, called the people who were going to the city, and after talking about the plan, started to set off.

But before setting off: "I have to give you some injuries... The injuries on your body are easy to tell, just smear some other people's blood on them, but the injuries on your face can be seen at a glance. They have to be real, fake ones can't fool you." people."

However, Luo Ying did not dare to slap Gu Jinli. If he hit Gu Jinli, Brother Mu would have to break off the relationship with him!

"Come here!" Luo Ying pointed at Mr. Qianshan and said.

Mr. Qianshan waved his hand: "No, a certain person has joined the Qin and Gu families. Mrs. Qin is now my boss and cannot be beaten."

Luo Ying looked at Uncle Qin again: "Uncle Ninth?"

"I'm a subordinate. If you hit me, you'll be overstepping your bounds, and if you're serious, you'll be beheaded." Uncle Qin, hehe, you don't dare to do it yourself, how do you expect me to dare?

Luo Ying looked at Gu Jinli: "How about you slap yourself?"

Gu Jinli: "My fanning is not strong enough, and the five fingerprints will be wrong. If you look closely, you will be exposed."

Finally, it was Gao Lei who came forward: "Stand still, old lady, come!"

Then he rolled up his sleeves and slapped Gu Jinli twice, making two five-finger prints.

Everyone present felt their faces hurt when they saw this.

However, Gao Lei still kept his hand and there was no blood. Gu Jinli could only bite his lip and get blood on his mouth.

"Okay, let's set off!" Gu Jinli got on his horse and took the lead in running towards the county seat of Mu County.

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