A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2341 Do you think we are stupid?

Supervisor Xin was choked by these words... The thieves came with great ferocity and indeed massacred many of their people. Looking back on the past, the Northwest Army led by Xu You was indeed ineffective and could not compare with Luo Ying and the others.

Seeing that he was speechless, Luo Ying sneered and said: "Jiang Xin, let's discuss things on the tower. Once the matter is settled, we can send troops to fight against the bandits."

If the negotiation is not settled, he will not send troops!

Supervisor Xin had no choice but to nod. A group of people went up to the tower and entered the largest and best room.

Luo Ying was really arrogant. After entering the house, he smiled and said, "This is the house where Xu You lives. He died here. Did you see that dark red thing? That's Xu You's blood."

At this point, Inspector Xin was so angry that he wanted to slap Luo Ying, but Xu You was already dead. He could only sit down and start negotiating: "How many soldiers and horses do you have under your command? Can you guarantee that you will repel the bandits? If you can't hold on, Territory, I won’t help you!”

Luo Ying smiled arrogantly: "We don't have many soldiers and horses under our command, just 30,000 people from the Eagle Food Gang, plus more than 50,000 old northwest troops, and some of the old troops of the Yuan Kingdom."


Supervisor Xin was shocked. He did not expect that Luo Ying and the others could gather so many soldiers and horses, and asked: "The old members of the Duke of Yuan Dynasty are also here?"

Luo Ying nodded: "Yes, General Sheng, General Ling, and General Feng are gathering their troops. They can get here in five days at most."

As he said that, he took out a Sheng family jade pendant and slapped it on the table: "If Supervisor Xin doesn't believe it, you can take a look at this jade pendant."

Xin Jianjun was old. He had witnessed the prosperity of the Yuan Kingdom, Wei Kingdom, and Qinhou Palaces. He recognized the Sheng family jade pendant. He picked it up and looked at it. It was indeed the queen of the Sheng family. He was 80% convinced.

But you don't dare to believe it all, because Luo Ying is too cunning, and you don't know whether what he said is true until the last moment.


Xin Jianjun sighed in his heart: The Duke of Yuan Dynasty has been holding back for the sake of the empress. After nearly twenty years of ordinary life, this time he actually went out... The Great Chu Dynasty is afraid that the biggest disturbance will happen. Come.

"As for whether we can defeat the Rong bandits, it depends on whether Xin Jianjun and Jing Yuan, the old thief, support us." Luo Ying crossed his legs and looked at Xin Jianjun sideways and said: "All kinds of materials must be continuously supplied to us; We are not allowed to take our relatives and friends in various places in Dachu as hostages and threaten us; we must be given certain rights, such as beheading first and then reporting, etc., and finally..."

Luo Ying looked directly at Supervisor Xin and said: "Thoroughly investigate the case of Duke Wei and his family collaborating with the enemy, and restore the innocence of Duke Wei and his family. We cannot let our families die in vain!"

The Qin family, Luo family, He family, Yu family and other families were all implicated. They were not disloyal to Da Chu or His Majesty at all. It is reasonable and not excessive to demand a thorough investigation of the case back then.


"His Majesty personally decided your cases. To demand a thorough investigation and overturn of the case at this time is to blackmail and slap His Majesty in the face. How should His Majesty deal with himself and face the world?" Supervisor Xin was still very loyal to Emperor Jing Yuan. Otherwise, he would not have been sent to oversee the army. The previous attempts to please the Xu family and make concessions were just to save his life and get better services.

"Bah, hasn't his face been beaten enough? What's the matter with one more beating? Besides, it's just a slap on his face, not his life. I'm worthy of him. He almost killed our whole family!" Luo Ying was furious and kicked the negotiating table over. His eyes were red with anger. Thinking of the bloodshed of several families back then, he wished he could even kill Supervisor Xin.

Supervisor Xin was startled and hurriedly avoided being hit by the falling table. After calming down, he said: "I will submit your request, but will His Majesty agree? I don't know." I guarantee it, but no matter what, you have to lead the troops to resist!"

After saying that, he looked at Qin Sanlang.

Only Lord Qin Xiaohou can control Luo Ying.

Qin Sanlang said: "Resisting the enemy is a great responsibility and has nothing to do with other things. We will desperately defend the territory and repel the enemy."

Supervisor Xin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Master Qin Xiaohou is very generous. Thank you very much."

He then took the opportunity to say: "Due to your status, I would also like to ask you to write a letter of guarantee in your own hand, guaranteeing that you will not support your troops and stand on your own."

"What did you say?" Luo Ying was angry, rushed over and grabbed Xin Jianjun's shirt, and sneered: "Old man Xin, you have made it clear to me, now we are helping old thief Jing Yuan to fight against the enemy, you still want us to Do you think we are stupid for writing this kind of guarantee?!"

Supervisor Xin was very scared, but he still had the courage to say: "But you are prisoners of the imperial court, and you are asked to lead the troops. What if after repelling the thieves, you lead troops directly to attack the capital? You must write a letter of guarantee!" "

After speaking, he looked at Qin Sanlang again.

But this time Qin Sanlang did not obey his wishes. He looked at him and said: "We can't write this kind of guarantee letter. I can only give you one sentence. I will not be disloyal to Da Chu first, but if Emperor Jing Yuan betrays me, , then don’t blame me for using troops to protect myself.”

He has a wife and children, and many relatives to protect. He is no longer alone. For them, he will not write such a letter of guarantee that is detrimental to himself.

"You..." Supervisor Xin was very angry and wanted to curse them as thieves, but were they wrong? They have already been betrayed once by Emperor Jing Yuan, causing the death of their family members. It would be stupid if they didn't try to point out Emperor Jing Yuan again!

The room fell into silence, and the two sides were in a stalemate for more than a quarter of an hour. Supervisor Xin finally gave in: "You don't need to write a guarantee letter, but everyone has heard what Mr. Qin Xiaohou just said. This is a promise. I will take this sentence." Write it in the memorial, spread it throughout the country, and record it in the annals of history. I hope that the young Marquis of Qin will do what he says and will not embarrass the Marquis of Qin."

Luo Ying smiled: "Brother Mu will naturally keep his word, but you also remember to tell Emperor Jingyuan that I didn't make any promises, so he'd better be honest and don't make any mistakes, otherwise I will ruin the capital. , Kick him down from the Golden Palace!"

"Luo Ying, how dare you!" Supervisor Xin was furious. Luo Ying, the bastard, was not only cunning, but also disrespectful to His Majesty many times.

Luo Ying smiled: "I have been bold since I was a child. Even the old thief Jing Yuan knows this, why do you need to speak for me?"

"You!" Thanks to Xin Jianjun's good health, otherwise he would have been so angry that he had a stroke.

Luo Ying waved his hand and said: "Goodbye, that's all. Write a memorial to Emperor Jingyuan quickly, tell him about this, and let him transport supplies. If there is no supplies and the battle is defeated, we can't blame you. It’s his fault!”

Thinking of the pain in Emperor Jingyuan's face when he learned about this, Luo Ying laughed loudly again: "It's great!"

Vulgar, barbaric, nothing like the noble young master he once was!

Supervisor Xin was so angry that he cursed Luo Ying in his heart, but now, he could only endure it. After scanning around again and not finding Jiang Wangang and General Dai's troops, he asked: "Why are there no people from either side?" ? General Jiang is a fierce general, with many soldiers and horses under his command, and he is also Xu You’s confidant. If he doesn’t agree to this, I’m afraid he will lead his troops to attack you.”

Qin Sanlang: "General Jiang is a sensible man. The most important thing is to fight against the enemy at this time. He will not stand up for Xu You at this time."

As for General Dai...

"I have sent someone to deliver a letter, saying that everything will be under the command of Supervisor Xin." Qin Sanlang handed General Dai's personal letter to Supervisor Xin.

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