Dang, Dang, Dang!

Seeing that they were serious, Humo led the dead soldiers of the witch army to fight back.

But they only had a few hundred people. They were no match for tens of thousands of soldiers. They were surrounded and killed by the soldiers in just a quarter of an hour.

Click, the sound of a broadsword cutting off arms and heads.

Hiss, the sound of the soldiers tearing off their skin and flesh angrily.

There was even the sound of soldiers eating red meat chewing raw meat. They really wanted to make them drink blood and eat meat.

Canghu looked at the miserable end of Humo and the others, and his mind was buzzing. For the first time, he felt that the soldiers were as scary as ghosts. He seemed to understand why the Hemu family and Sannuo betrayed Dayong... It's scary, it's so scary, Rong. Soldiers are not human beings at all.

"There is another one here, kill him to avenge the great wizard!" The soldiers were furious and wanted to kill Cang Hu too.

Aqishan stopped the soldiers: "There must be an explanation for the death of the great wizard. Let him live so that he can tell everyone how the great wizard died."

He added: "There is also King Tuokud. They are King Tuokude's people. They must be kept alive, lest King Tuokud say that we have wronged them."

After the soldiers vented their anger, they felt a lot less sad and angry, and became calmer. They spared Cang Hu's life, and saw that the great wizard was still lying on the ground covered with snow and mud, with a terrifying hole in his neck. Kneel down and cry: "Great wizard!"

The cries were so loud that they reached the ears of Lei Wuye and Jun Tianwei who could not escape, making them laugh out loud: "Hahaha, the great wizard died before appointing the next successor. The Great Rong is over!"

After laughing, tears welled up again... After so many years, they had suffered so much and suffered so much, and finally destroyed the fighting spirit of the soldiers.

Listening to these cries, Tiehe knew that the great wizard was really dead. He turned pale with anger and trembled all over. The smell of blood rushed straight to his throat. He suppressed the urge to vomit blood, pointed at Lei Wuye and the others and said: " Catch these lowly people, drag them to the God's tent, and tear off their flesh piece by piece to avenge the great wizard!"

"Yes!" Jin Tuo once again led the troops to charge forward.

Lei Wuye and Jun Tianwei were not afraid. Instead, they were very excited. They held their big swords and shouted: "Brothers, rush, the more we kill, the more we earn!"

"Hoo——!" the Juntian guards shouted, advancing instead of retreating, raising their swords to kill the soldiers.

But until now, they only had a dozen people left. Jin Tuo and his opponents were mostly dead after holding on for half a quarter of an hour. The remaining six were captured by the soldiers.

Zi Chexing also stabbed Lei Wuye with a knife, captured him alive, and escorted him to Tie He: "Tian Khan, Zi Che Torture?!”

Zi Chexing spoke loudly, letting the surrounding soldiers know that it was Hemuji whom Zi Chexing, the son of King Qingma, captured... Only in this way, the soldiers would not suspect their family.

Tiehe stared at Hemuji and was about to curse, but when he opened his mouth, he spit out a mouthful of blood... The great wizard was dead, and the weapon to control the army and people of Da Rong was gone... How dare they kill the great wizard!

"Tian Khan!" Jin Tuo quickly supported Tiehe and said, "Hold on, you can't fall."

Can't fall?

At this moment, Tiehe wanted to faint and didn't care about anything... Da Rong was composed of mixed people, and the tribes were bloodthirsty and easy to kill. If there were no witch gods and no great wizards to control them, it would be impossible for him to be the Heavenly Khan. Control all ministries.

Thousands of years of foundation were destroyed in one fell swoop!

"...Drag them to the god's tent!" Tiehe pointed at Hemuji and the others and ordered, "Send troops and horses to chase Sannuo and Hemutuo again. We must catch them. I want their whole family and the entire clan. , I must die a good death!"

"Yes!" The general under his command responded, and tens of thousands of people went to chase Sannuo and the others, while the rest took Hemuji and the others to the divine tent and to the body of the great wizard.

The soldiers who saw the great wizard's body for the first time knelt down and cried bitterly: "Great wizard!"

Here we go again, the great wizard is a piece of shit. Tiehe can’t wait to pull them all up one by one and tell them, stop fucking crying, it’s all fake, it’s all fake, there is no witch god in the world, and the great wizard is not the messenger of the witch god, he He was just an ordinary person and a eunuch, so his death was normal.

However, Da Rong used the witch god and the great wizard to control the army and the people for thousands of years. This weapon cannot be lost and must be passed down.

With a thud, Tiehe knelt down heavily, performed a kneeling ceremony in the direction of Da Rong, and shouted loudly: "Wizard God, please rest assured, I will definitely avenge the great wizard, and then I will give you the gift of victory. Da Rong’s new envoy!”

"Hahaha, are you going to continue to pretend to be gods and ghosts again?" Lei Wuye laughed and shouted at the soldiers: "There is no witch god, the witch god is fake, but a fake thing used by Tian Khan to control you... There is no such thing. The messengers of the witch god, the so-called great wizards are just eunuchs selected by the Khan of Heaven... Eunuchs in Dachu are eunuchs, eunuchs!"

Then he shouted: "The great wizard is not only a eunuch, he is also an immortal king. He was slept with by Tuogude. The Khan of Heaven also knows about this. They have lied to you and have been lying to you..."

Whoosh whoosh!

Tiehe was furious and before he could speak, he fired a crossbow and interrupted Lei Wuye's words: "The base Chu is making lies to deceive the people in an attempt to break the morale of the army. Warriors, please don't believe his words. Remember, the Witch God is real. He will always protect Da Rong!"

Seeing that Mr. Lei Wu was seriously injured, the remaining Juntian guards shouted in succession: "The witch god is fake. The great wizard is not the messenger of the witch god. He is an immortal king who has served Tuo Gude..."

Tiehe's eyes were red with tears and he shouted: "Kill them!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless crossbow arrows were fired at Jun Tianwei, shooting them into sieves... They were in pain, but their faces were full of smiles... The root of the disaster had been planted, and their mission was completed.

Before they died, they didn't have the strength to shout anymore, but they made a humming sound in their throats. Many soldiers couldn't understand it, but Tiehe understood it.

This is a song. When Wei Guogong's line was still there, the old northwest army would sing loudly every time they went on an expedition. He was still very young at that time. He followed his father Khan to plunder the city of Da Chu and was chased. When fighting, except for the brave old northwest army, it was this kind of singing that got into people's heads.

Tiehe's eyes were red with anger, he rushed over personally, drew his knife, hiss, hiss, hiss, slit the necks of the five Juntian guards, cut off their heads, and threw them one by one in front of the Fifth Master Lei: " Old man, have you seen that they were all killed by you?"

Tiehe knew Chu Jun and knew that Chu Jun was very loyal. Saying these words would make Lei Wuye feel worse than death.

Then he said: "And your sons, Sannuo and Hemutuo. After catching them, I will make them suffer all inhuman humiliations before killing them... Hemutuo has not been castrated yet. Come on, oh, wait, I will let him taste the humiliation that Sanno suffered!"

"As for you, just explore the way for them first and endure all the tortures!" Tiehe yelled like crazy: "Come here, give this old guy some medicine, I want him to endure all the tortures while he is awake! "

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