When asked this question, Tiehe almost spit out another mouthful of blood. After suppressing the blood, he replied loudly: "Nonsense. The great wizard is the messenger of the witch god. How can he be the cheap Immortal Lord Chu who is lying under a man? No This is the sinister talk of traitor Sannuo. He wants to damage our military morale, so don’t believe it!"


"The great wizard was so kind to King Tuokude. When he returned to the camp, the great wizard personally went to pick him up and sprinkled the divine water on him. Everyone was poisoned together, but the great wizard was the first to give the antidote to King Tuokude's tribe; King Tuokude was the first to give him the antidote. When I left the camp to go on an expedition, the great wizard personally went to see him off. Who among the kings of the tribes in Dayong had such a gift? Not even the Khan of Heaven."

Tiehe was about to go crazy. He pointed at the thousand households in the golden account who were talking and said: "Come here, this man is deceiving the public with his evil words and ruining the reputation of the great wizard and King Tuogu. Let me kill him on the spot!"

Damn it, Tuo Gude had an affair with the great wizard, and he still has to clean up the mess for them... Tuo Gude, just wait for me. After rebuilding the morale of the army and defeating Jian Chu, see how I kill you.

"Yes!" Jin Tuo moved his wrist, immediately drew the knife, and chopped off the head of the golden account Qianhu with a click. The movement was so fast that it shocked everyone around him.

Tiehe looked at them and said: "Generals and warriors, today we were tricked by Jian Chu, but our country is a holy land blessed by the witch god. As long as we unite as one, we will definitely destroy Chu... Jian Chu is clean Comfortable houses, warm and beautiful clothes, countless cattle, horses and sheep, land covered with lush green grass, and girls with fine skin and tender meat, who are more beautiful than fairies, as long as Da Chu is destroyed, these will be yours. Yes, you can take the cattle and sheep as you please, fence the land as you please, and sleep with the beauties as you please!"

Since the Witch God doesn't work anymore, he can use money and beauty to drive them. He doesn't believe that these wolf-like soldiers will not be tempted.

Sure enough, the soldiers were moved.

Tie He looked at it and sneered. These beasts really care about their own interests. If they give them some benefits, they will forget about gods and great wizards... But he still underestimated the status of the witch gods in the hearts of soldiers. After all, they have believed in them for thousands of years. How could you not care if something collapsed?

Big trouble is still to come!

"Come here, prepare the divine fire, and send the body of the great wizard to see the witch god as soon as possible!" Tiehe ordered, and went to arrange the candidate for the next great wizard himself.

He wanted to find a new great wizard as soon as possible so that he could overcome this disaster that had never happened in a thousand years.

"What did you say? The great wizard is dead?" Tuo Gude was leading the troops to Du Chonggou. When he heard the words of the dead wizard soldier, his eyes turned red with anger.

He doesn't feel sorry for the great wizard, but he feels sad that he can no longer use the great wizard to benefit himself!

"Dead, his neck was bitten off by Sannuo... The camp was in chaos, the warriors were furious, they chopped Humo and the others to death like ghosts, their flesh was all eaten... We took advantage of the chaos to escape to you Reporter." The dead soldier of the witch army said tremblingly, still frightened when he recalled the horrific scene of the camp in chaos and the bloodthirsty soldiers after the death of the great wizard.

"King, what should we do now? Should we go back to the camp?" asked the dead soldier of the witch army, and then said: "Khan Tian has detained the warehouse and said that it is not good for us, the dead soldiers of the witch army, to protect the great wizard... This By the way, I’m afraid he’s going to bite our witch army, and if the king doesn’t go back quickly to take charge of the overall situation, he will definitely be plotted by Tian Khan.”

After Tuo Gude heard this, his hand holding the knife tightened, and his heart was uncertain... The great wizard was dead. If he didn't go back, he would indeed be plotted by Tiehe, but if he didn't take advantage of the news of the great wizard's death to spread, He rushed to Duchonggou to kill Jiang Wankang before leaving. If he wanted to win this battle, it would be even more difficult.

While he was hesitating, fires burst out on the mountain road in the distance, a large number of soldiers fired rockets towards the front, and the sound of low horns was heard.

General Wu Yong was startled and said hurriedly: "There is an enemy situation. Listen to the sound. It is the generals under Tian Khan who are chasing the enemy."

Wu Yong was Tiehe's man. Seeing that Tiehe's generals were pursuing the enemy, he could not help but immediately gave an order to his soldiers: "Half of the troops will stay with King Tuogu, and half of the troops will go with me to support!" "

"Ouch!" the soldiers responded, split into two, and ran towards the mountain road.

Wu Yong and the others were behind the army. By the time Tuo Gude received the news, it was already too late to call them back.

What's even more frightening is that when the soldiers on the mountain road saw the fire here, they sent a group of soldiers to ride over, blowing horns and shouting: "Sang Nuo is a cheap Chu, he killed the great wizard." , all the soldiers immediately turned around to pursue Sannuo, we must catch him, avenge the great wizard, and apologize to the wizard god!"

The soldiers were all selected with good riding skills and loud voices. They shouted all the way, and within a quarter of an hour they collided with Wu Yong and the others.

"What did you say? The great wizard is dead? The great wizard!" Wu Yong cried in grief. He felt that his brain was hollowed out and he suddenly became confused. He didn't know what to do?

The ordering soldiers hurriedly said: "General, Sannuo is a great sinner. He must die. Please quickly lead your troops to get in front of them, block their escape route, and kill this evil thief!"

After saying that, he blew the horn again, which woke Wu Yong up. He looked at the soldiers, nodded repeatedly, and choked with sobs: "Yes, yes, yes, we must catch the traitor and avenge the great wizard!"

Then he ordered the deputy general: "Aquan, go and tell King Tuogude quickly and tell him not to go to Du Chonggou. The great wizard is dead. We must quickly bring the army to chase Sannuo and avenge the great wizard!"

"Yes!" Ah Quan wiped away his tears and rode back with his troops.

Tuo Gude hesitated for a while and then led his troops to Du Chonggou.

But Ah Quan and the others still caught up with Tuo Gude and the others, blowing horns and shouting while chasing: "The great wizard was assassinated by Sannuo. Stop quickly and rush to pursue Sannuo to avenge the great wizard, otherwise If the Witch God punishes us, we will all die!"

The army led by Tuogude was very large, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, and the tail of the team was too long. Even though Tuogude had been running out for a quarter of an hour, the soldiers behind him did not run far because they heard Aqun's words.

For a moment, the soldiers behind the army became confused: "The great wizard is dead, bitten to death by Sannuo? But is it true?!"

Moo moo!

The bull horn sounded again, and the soldiers led by A Quan shouted: "Stop the warriors in front, Sannuo has assassinated the great wizard and is running away. Turn back quickly, pursue Sannuo, and avenge the great wizard!"

The distance was getting closer, and the soldiers at the back of the army heard clearly, and there was complete chaos. From the back to the front, the army was so disrupted that it stopped.

"Bastard!" Tuo Gude yelled angrily, wishing to kill A Quan. All his good plans were ruined by him.

"Master, everyone knows, what should we do this time?" Hu Ang rode his horse over and asked, "Master, the death of the great wizard affects the entire army, so we should turn around and arrest Sannuo. If you insist on fighting, Even if the poisonous insect ditch is conquered, it will still be criticized."

"Da Rong speaks with his military exploits. If I lay down the poisonous insect trench, who would dare to say otherwise!" Tuogude said angrily, and then cursed the great wizard: "Trash, before I left, I reminded him to be careful of Sannuo, he If you don’t listen, you really deserve to die!”

Hu Ang was so frightened that he hurriedly said: "Master, please don't say such things."

This army is composed of various tribes. In order to keep an eye on his master, Tiehe sent many troops in. They must be careful what they say.

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