Tiehe didn't want to come at first, but Tuogude sent someone to send news that Sannuo had escaped into the Chu army camp, and asked him to send troops immediately to defeat the Chu army, kill Sannuo, avenge the great wizard, and save Da Rong. Thousand-year foundation.

The death of the great wizard caused such a big fuss that many soldiers could not accept the fact and committed suicide. Now Sannuo must be killed to give an explanation to the soldiers, so Tiehe came with his troops.

Boom, boom, boom!

Under the tower, there were messengers who specially read the flags. As soon as they saw the flags, they immediately shouted: "Right ahead, the army of thieves is attacking, the Khan of Heaven!"

Qin Sanlang soon heard this and ordered: "Line up, straight ahead, to block the army of thieves. The Wolf Marquis Army and the Death Soldier Battalion continue to kill Tuogude!"

Zhang Tu was nearby. After hearing this, he held up his commander's flag and rode his horse to deliver the order: "General Qin ordered that all armies form formations and attack the army of thieves from the front!"

After hearing this, the generals of each battalion who were messing around immediately beat drums and gathered their troops.

When the soldiers heard the drums, they hurriedly ended the melee and gathered towards the flags of each battalion.

When the troops were gathering, the baggage camp was already in action, with slingshots carrying huge stones and poison, heading towards the army of thieves.

Bang bang bang!

The boulder fell, smashing the soldiers at the front into a pulp. The poison packet burst open and the poisonous mist filled the air again.

Moo moo!

On the hill occupied by the Chu army, bursts of horn horns were suddenly heard, and thousands of soldiers shouted in Rong language: "Tuogu slept with the great wizard and blasphemed the wizard god. The wizard god was furious and brought disaster. The Rong army will definitely attack this time." Death!"

Most of the people who knew Rong language were old soldiers from the northwest. They were very good at making trouble. They felt that shouting like this was too polite and could not attack the soldiers. They shouted again: "Tuo Gu is crazy. He covets the beauty of the great wizard and takes possession of him by force." , several sets of clothes were torn into pieces..."

Someone else shouted: "The great wizard and eunuch, neither male nor female, salivated when he saw King Tuokude's bravery and strength, and drugged himself to die!"

Damn it, who covets whom?

Luo Ying almost died laughing after hearing this, and what was even more rogue was that the old northwest army made up all the postures Tuo Gu and the great wizard used, and they were so lifelike and vivid!

The young Dachu soldiers: "..."

The soldiers who were hit: "!!!"

The soldiers were shocked and angry. When Tiehe saw this, he shouted angrily: "It's fake, they are slandering King Tuokude and the great wizard. Go up and kill those who spread the rumors!"

But when he shouted, something even worse came.

The old northwest army also used catapults to throw into the army of thieves a pair of obscene trousers worn by the royal thieves, as well as bellybands with names embroidered on them. On those obscene trousers, there was also written in Rong script: A gift to Ade when he is thirty-six years old. The birthday thing, Rong Dan.

"Who is Rong Dan?" a young soldier asked.

After hearing this, the soldier, who was in his thirties and forties, cried loudly: "This is the name of a great wizard!"

"What? Rong Dan is the great wizard, so these things are really given by the great wizard to King Tuogu? They really have an affair, and the great wizard is the messenger of the witch god!"

Bang bang bang!

The boulder came again, killing the soldiers. At the same time, the soldiers discovered the big words on the boulder: "There is no witch god. The witch god is a ghost created by the Khan and the tribal king. The great wizard is not holy either. He is just a human being." You are a puppet that can be slept with by the tribal kings at will, you have been deceived!"

"Don't do evil again. You don't have the blessing of the witch god. If you do bad karma again, bad luck will only befall you and your family!"

The words on the boulder, the trousers, the bellyband, and the shouts of the old northwest army formed a knife, cutting into the hearts of the soldiers, making them believe more and more that the wizard god did not exist, and that the great wizard was a bitch who took the initiative to sacrifice himself.

"Rong Dan, how dare you do this? You are a great wizard!" A soldier knelt down and cried: "You treat yourself as a prostitute, and where do you put us?!"

As soon as these words came out, many soldiers knelt down and cried bitterly, losing all their fighting spirit.

When Tiehe saw this, he became even more furious. He ignored the danger and rode his horse directly in front of the soldiers who were kneeling and crying. He shouted again: "False, this is a cheap rumor. They want to destroy our military morale and make us Defeat!"

As he was talking, a soldier pointed in the direction of the Chu army and shouted: "Look, that's... the military flag of the Hemu family... Hemu is here!"

He Mutuo was not afraid of death. He led Tao Shan and the others on horseback towards the soldiers, and together with Tao Shan and the others, they used military flags to raise flags and tell them about Tuo Gu's affair with the great wizard.

But the flag could only wave a few words. He Mutuo gritted his teeth and rushed to the front, shouting desperately: "Sangnuo has seen the great wizard serving Tuogude with his own eyes, and heard the great wizard with his own ears. The wizard said that he would use the non-existent wizard god to help King Tuogud control the army and seize the throne of Sky Khan!!"

Tao Shan and the others risked their lives to accompany him and rushed with him, shouting what he had just shouted, and added: "The former great witch doctor Fu Pu discovered their adultery and was killed by them!"

Hemu Tuo has a special identity. He is the son of He Muji and the brother of Sannuo. His words, coupled with what happened in the past few days, caused the soldiers to collapse again: "The great wizard really told Tuo King Gude is asleep.”

"The great wizard himself said that the wizard god does not exist!"

"Tokud, the Great Wizard, Tian Khan, and the tribal kings really lied to us, and we were fooled!"

For thousands of years, they were fooled around by a false thing. The soldiers were angry and drew their swords at Tiehe: "Say, why did you lie to us?!"

Tiehe was extremely angry. These barbarians actually started a fight with him on the battlefield. Are they crazy? !

He roared: "This is a battlefield. Charge forward and kill the enemy. As for the matter of the great wizard and Tuo Gude, I will give you an explanation after the Chu army is defeated!"

He added: "When we attack the Chu army, the more enemies we kill, the richer the reward will be! Those who fight within the battle will be beheaded on the spot, and all the Rongjing family members will be killed!"

They all had families and houses to keep them in check, so he didn't believe they dared to continue making trouble with him!

At this time, Shutang led troops to escort the new great wizard over. He pointed at the new great wizard and said: "The wizard is real, but Rong Dan was shameless and betrayed the wizard. Now that the wizard has given us another great wizard, the new great wizard will definitely Will protect us and let us win!"

Tiehe saw that the soldiers believed too much in the witch god, so he selected a new great wizard. He just wanted to come to help kill the Chu army, but he had not had time to hold a canonization ceremony for the new great wizard.

The new great wizard was just an eleven-year-old boy named A Zhi. He was a medicine slave who specialized in making medicine for the soldiers. However, he was suddenly taken away by Jin Tuo. After cleaning up, he went to see Tie He.

Tiehe was very happy to see him and praised him: "Although his appearance is not as good as that of Rong Dan, his appearance is rare in our Dahong. He is the one with immortality. Teach him well and be sure to support him." .”

From that moment on, he became the new Grand Wizard.

But before he could react, he was pulled onto the battlefield, and now he was pulled in front of the soldiers. He was so frightened that he cried: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I'm not a great wizard, let me go, I want to go back and make medicine!"

Useless things!

Tiehe was furious and was about to rush forward and teach him a few words quietly, but another boulder hit him from the sky.

"Tian Khan, be careful!" Shutang and Jin Tuo rushed up and rescued Tiehe. The other soldiers also hurriedly dispersed, but Azhi was young and specialized in dispensing medicine. He was not good at skills and could not run fast. He was killed. The boulder hit him!

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