A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2368 Big victory, big victory


The corpses of Tuo Gude and the Little Witch Army were thrown off their horses and hit the ground, splashing a burst of bloody dust.

"King!" Pengtu shouted, regardless of his injuries, he ran towards Tuogude, cut off the spear with a knife, kicked the body of the little witch army aside, and hurried to see if Tuogude was still alive?

At this time, the witch army led by Hu Ang had already fired arrows at Qin Sanlang... Swish, swish, dense rain of arrows, killing Qin Sanlang. Even though he had the courage of Chi You, facing such a dense rain of arrows, he wanted to Escape is also difficult.

You Ping and the others reacted quickly and threw out a long roll of leather: "Pull the leather to block the arrow!"

The tough and light leather was thrown into the air and flew towards the other end. Feng Jin flew up, grabbed the leather, and pulled it down.


The leather blocked most of the arrow rain for Qin Sanlang, while Hong Dao and the others formed a shield formation to block the falling arrow rain from below for Qin Sanlang.


Qin Sanlang landed firmly, but he was still hit by two arrows, but they did not hurt his vitals. After the sharp arrows pierced the armor, they only penetrated an inch of the flesh, causing minor injuries.

"Little Marquis, take the antidote quickly, the arrows of the witch army are all poisonous!" He Min rushed over on horseback, jumped up, rolled into the iron shield formation, and took out the antidote to Qin Sanlang.

"I have detoxification pills." Qin Sanlang took out the detoxification pills Gu Jinli gave him. After taking two of them, he handed the remaining four pills to He Min: "Give me some medicine."

After saying that, he raised his breath and pulled out the two sharp arrows on the left collarbone and left shoulder...the arrows had barbs, and when they were pulled out, they hooked a few strands of flesh.

But these are minor injuries, nothing serious.

He Min quickly crushed the detoxification pills, applied them to his two wounds, then tied them with cotton tape and roughly bandaged Qin Sanlang's wounds.

"Black Begonia!" Qin Sanlang stood up and called Black Begonia.

Hei Haitang neighed, turned around and ran towards Qin Sanlang. He used his strength to get on his horse and said to He Min: "Blow the drum and pursue the victory. Let the soldiers who can speak Rong language shout and tell the Rong thieves that Tiehe has been captured by Tuogu." Virtue kills!”

This is to cause civil strife.

"Yes!" He Min quickly mounted his horse to convey Qin Sanlang's command.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

The war drums sounded loudly, spreading in all directions with the commander's chariot as the point.

After hearing this, all the armies from all directions beat the war drums. For a time, the entire battlefield was filled with the sound of war drums, indicating that the Chu army had defeated the attack.

Zhang Tu led his messengers on horseback and shouted: "General Qin beheaded the Great Rongtian Khan, seriously injured Tuo Gude, and ordered all the troops to pursue the victory and regain the lost territory!"

When the sentry at the nearby tower heard this, he immediately waved a flag.

The battle line was very long, but the sentry tower stood high and could see far away. When the nearby sentry saw the flag, he immediately waved the same flag. When the messenger under the tower saw the flag, he rode on horseback and conveyed the good news to the soldiers.

Soon, the whole army knew that Qin Sanlang had killed Tian Khan and seriously injured Tuo Gude.

"General Qin killed the Rong thief Tian Khan and seriously injured Tuo Gude!"

"Well done, little Marquis!" The old northwest army was very excited. They knew that the sons of Marquis Qin were all brave men, and it was right to fight with the Marquis Qin's family.

"General Qin beheaded Tian Khan Tiehe, seriously injured Tuo Gude, and ordered all the troops to pursue the victory and regain the lost ground!" The soldiers shouted, and the military order resounded throughout the battlefield.

After hearing this, the officers and soldiers of Dachu greatly boosted their morale and came to pursue the soldiers.

The soldiers who knew Rong language shouted: "Tian Khan Tihe was killed and Tuo Gude was seriously injured. This is a disaster sent by the witch god, and the great Rong will surely perish!"

He also shouted: "Tuo Gude is despicable and shameless. When he was being hunted, he deliberately fled to the direction of Tian Khan, causing Tian Khan to be killed by Qin Mu... Tuo Gude deliberately harmed Tian Khan and became powerful. The wizard has blasphemed against the witch god. He has sinned so much that he has caused disaster to the Great Rong. This thief is the disaster star of the Great Rong. If we don't kill him, the Great Rong will never have peace!"

Two sentences, shouted over and over again, hit the hearts of the soldiers. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers had no intention of fighting anymore. They either broke down and cried, or wanted to seek revenge from Tuogude. Some people wanted to fight for the iron. He collects the corpse!

However, Tiehe was the Khan of Heaven, and his body was of great use to Dachu, so how could he let the thieves take it away.

Zi Chexing galloped over and said to Shutang who was about to rush back to snatch Tiehe's body: "General Shutang, leave the body of Tian Khan to our Qingma Royal Department for escort. Hurry up and chase Tuo Gude...here The thieves have done a lot of harm to our army. If Tian Khan dies and he is still alive, all our tribes will definitely become his slaves!"

It's no secret that Tuogu wants to be the Khan of heaven, but he is more inhumane than Tiehe and doesn't know how to balance it.

"... Tian Khan is really dead?" Shutang asked unwilling to believe it.

Zi Chexing nodded: "He died. He was pierced in the back of the head by a sharp arrow and trampled by soldiers and horses."

At this time, Shutang's face was pale, his head was hit by an arrow and was trampled by a war horse. It was difficult for him not to die!

He was in great grief. When he saw Peng Tu and Hu Ang desperately protecting Tuo Gude from escaping, he felt murderous intention and said: "The body of Tian Khan will be handed over to your Green Horse King's tribe, drive!"

After saying that, he galloped towards Hu Ang and the others, vowing to kill Tuo Gude and avenge Tian Khan!

Zi Chexing looked at Shutang going away and smiled... and the reason why he didn't kill Tuo Gude himself was because Tuo Gude had never trusted the Qingma King.

The second thing is that the Qingma King's tribe still has a big thing to do, and it is difficult to expose it now. They can only use these strategies to cause civil strife in Da Rong.

"Let's go grab Tian Khan's body!" Zi Chexing led the people from the Qingma King tribe and ran towards Tiehe's body.

But he went to do nothing to help. Jin Tuo was already running back carrying Tie He's body. As soon as he went over, he made an impact and knocked Jin Tuo down in the chaos, and rolled into the group of soldiers behind him.

Bang bang bang!

One of Jietian Khan's trusted generals was trampled to a pulp by the fleeing soldiers.

"Spread out, spread out quickly, you have hit General Jin Tuo!" Zi Chexing shouted, riding his horse and rushing over, jumping off the horse and pounced on Jin Tuo, but instead of saving him, he took the opportunity to stab him in the neck several times. .

Puff puff~

The long thorn hidden in the sleeve pierced Jin Tuo's neck, killing Jin Tuo completely.

Before Jin Tuo came, he stared at Zi Chexing with wide eyes... The Qingma King's tribe was indeed a traitor!

But it was too late, he died quickly.

Zi Chexing threw down his body, got on his horse, and shouted: "The Chu army is coming, warriors, run!"

It was the people from the Qingma King tribe who ran back and dropped Jin Tuo and Tiehe's bodies together.

"Strike the crossbow, fire the crossbow, kill Tuo Gude!" Luo Ying shouted.

The people of the Eagle Food Gang pushed the captured ballistae and aimed at Pengtu.

Whoosh whoosh!

The powerful crossbow arrows rushed over, killing many witch soldiers and piercing Peng Tu.

But when he was hit by an arrow, he tried his best to throw Tuogude forward, preventing him from being injured by the crossbow arrow: "Take, King, let's go!"

"Peng Tu!" Hu Ang's eyes were red, and he endured the grief, picked up the seriously injured Tuo Gude, took him into the chariot, drove the chariot and ran to the army camp.

Behind them, the Chu army was chasing after them. The soldiers looked at the Chu army that was rushing towards them, and for the first time they were afraid of the Chu army... It turned out that they were not lambs, but a group of murderous gods!

"Fire arrows and kill the Chu army!" At first, there were some generals who led the troops to fight back, but the soldiers' morale was lost and they only fought back two or three times. Then they stopped listening to the order and just tried to escape on horseback. Finally, they even It’s to the point of throwing away your armor!

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