A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2374 Don’t follow this trick

In addition to worrying about his two Zaizai and Qin Sanlang and making things for them, Gu Jinli would also take care of things like sending supplies to the front and farming.

If the supplies are delivered late or too little, she will send someone to urge Xin to supervise the army.

Fortunately, because of the great victory ahead, everyone saw hope. Prefectures in the northwest, Central Plains, Zhongzhou and other places raised supplies and sent them here. If it was not enough, Gu Jinli asked Mr. Qianshan to find a way.

The Lu family is very wealthy and secretly hoards a lot of supplies. Mr. Qianshan can use them, and he has used them for Xu You before.

But Mr. Qianshan wanted to use supplies to force Gu Jinli and let her recognize the Lu family. Gu Jinli's reply was simple: "There is a big victory ahead. If Mr. Qianshan helps, you will naturally get benefits in the future. It doesn't matter if you don't help. The news of the big victory Word has spread that wealthy families, noble families, and high-ranking officials from all over the country will take the initiative to send supplies here for the sake of credit and flattery."

Mr. Qianshan felt that he had merit for killing Xu You, so he was a little angry after receiving this reply. During the battle to drive the rebels away from Daming Mansion, the delivery of supplies to various places was delayed. When supplies were in short supply, he stretched himself three times. God, I didn’t ask Zhuangzi of the Lu family to send supplies.

Thinking that Gu Jinli cares about Qin Sanlang, in order for Qin Sanlang to get the supplies, he will definitely compromise and accept the Lu family.

But Gu Jinli didn't accept this at all. She, the Qin family, the Eagle Food Gang, and Yuan Guogong's old tribe all had Zhuangzi in the northwest. They stocked up a lot of food, including cassava flour and sweet potato flour. They took several batches and gave them to the front line. Sent to the battlefield.

Only then did Mr. Qianshan know that Gu Jinli had hoarded a lot of food in private. He was shocked and a little convinced... She was indeed the master's granddaughter, but she was better than Cui Xiniang, that Xibei!

Then he went to see Gu Jinli and planned to give him supplies, but Gu Jinli didn't see him at all.

As for giving materials, You Xi only said one sentence in reply: "If you want credit, give it to us. If you don't give it to us, we won't be short."


"The madam said that she is not Cui Xiniang, and you are not Xu You, so Mr. Qianshan had better not cause trouble for her, otherwise if she talks about some things, some people may be uprooted!"

This certain family refers to the Lu family... Although the Lu family is powerful, it is still in darkness. Gu Jinli took advantage of this to threaten Mr. Qianshan.

After hearing this, Mr. Qianshan was shocked and frightened... He didn't expect Gu Jinli to be so ruthless and even threatened to destroy the Lu family as a warning to him, but: "Madam is also related to certain families."

She is the granddaughter of the Lu family. Can she destroy her maternal family? !

Hey, you guessed it right.

You Xi smiled and said: "Madam, if Mr. Qianshan says this, let me reply to you... We sir have made a great contribution to control the entire northwest military power. After the war is completely won, we will negotiate with His Majesty." , so even if the Lu family’s affairs are exposed, Madam’s family will be fine. Madam’s family is protected by adults, but some families do not have big backers to protect them.”

She glanced at Mr. Qianshan again and said, "Maybe if Madam takes the initiative to report to the court, she can make a big contribution."

This this!

Mr. Qianshan almost died of anger, but she knew that Gu Jinli was right. Now the Gu family did not rely on the Lu family. They had risen on their own and were protected by the Qinhou family. If Emperor Jingyuan wanted Chu to survive, it would not be possible because of the Lu family. The family offended Qin Sanlang and his wife.

He began to regret it, remained silent for a while, and said, "Please tell Mrs. Qin that someone has overstepped her bounds. I will do my best in the future and help win this war."

Gu Jinli is not an ordinary woman. She is smart, strong, capable, and reliable. He cannot treat her the same way he treated Cui Xiniang. He must be obedient and cooperate, otherwise he will get out!

You Xi: "As long as you understand, sir."

After that, he left, went to see Daqing, told her what happened, and asked her to go back and report it to Gu Jinli.

After this experience, Mr. Qianshan learned a lesson and did not dare to stretch his arms anymore. He soon asked the Lu family to use the name of the Cui family to deliver supplies. They continued to deliver them, which made Xin Jianjun smile. When he saw Mr. Qianshan, he said: "Sir, you are really a kind and generous person. He has helped me a lot."

Haha, Mr. Qianshan smiled bitterly in his heart, but he couldn't tell outsiders about the internal reasons. He could only hold back and continue to work and be busy with farming.

You also need to eat when fighting, so after the bandits were driven out of Duchonggou, various places in Long'an Prefecture were busy planting land to avoid missing the harvest and having to worry about food again in the autumn.

During this time of farming, one more thing was planted...the tea tree.

One of the ingredients in the anti-parasitic medicine made by Dr. Wu is white dragon ants, which live in tea trees. Therefore, tea trees must be planted widely to raise white dragon ants, so that white dragon ants can be used in the future.

Everyone was busy, and time passed day by day. By late April, the army had driven the bandits out of Longshan Mansion and was chasing them towards the Longshan Mountains.

At the same time, Gu Jinli also received a letter from Qin Sanlang, saying: Xiaoyu, now that he is safe, he can bring the big wolf and the two wolves to Mu County.

He also told her: Don't leave Mu County, just wait in the house in Mu County, don't worry about making medicine, and have a good rest... We won, and my little fish can live the life of a noble lady without having to worry about it anymore.

I also painted a picture of her sitting in a pavilion, lying on the fence, lazily looking at lotus flowers. In the pavilion, there were Qin Sanlang and his son. He was teaching his two cubs how to walk, but his eyes were not clear. Looking at her.

Gu Jinli laughed when he saw it and said, "You have to ask them to walk as soon as they can walk. You are too strict as a father."

After a while, she put away the painting and hurriedly arranged for people to pick up the two children.

Because this time they were victorious, and the Rong people had not attacked Mu County, so the children did not have to flee too far. They had been living in Long'an Mansion, where Qi Yi, the hidden stake of the Eagle Food Gang, and Qin Sanlang were all there. With the protection of many people, the two children lived well.

After the troops sent out left Mu County, Gu Jinli continued to wait.

At the same time, Qin Sanlang led the troops to drive the bandits out of Longshan Mansion, and the good news of recovering three cities also spread.

Many fleeing families and soldiers' relatives are rushing back. The road is very busy now. Because of this, Gu Jinli is still worried: "There are too many people on the road. If there is someone who is doing something evil or wants to harm the Qin and Gu family, What should we do if we kidnap the big wolf and the second wolf?!"

The thought that something might happen to her two children made her extremely anxious.

"Madam, this area has been cleaned up. There are no tricksters or villains. There are still many people protecting the two young masters. They will be fine." Sanqing said, then looked at Gu Jinli and said, "Madam, After you became a mother, you became less courageous."

In the past, Madam would never worry so much. She would just charge with a knife.

Gu Jinli: "It's not that I'm getting timid, it's just that I'm getting more worried... You don't understand even if I tell you, you'll know when you become a mother."

After hearing this, Sanqing looked horrified. Even the big red fruit Gu Jinli gave her didn't taste good. She waved her hands and said, "This slave is just like Sister Daqing. She doesn't get married or have children!"

Gu Jinli glanced at her and didn't say anything. He just said, "Don't think too much. If you have a good man you like, it's still worth marrying."

She knew why Daqing and the others were afraid of getting married and having children. The reason was from their childhood... Ping An and Xi Leqing were born in a water bandit village. Their father was a water bandit and their mother was a poor woman who was caught by the water bandits and caused trouble in the village. They met their biological mother. He suffered a tragic experience and was extremely afraid of getting married and having children.

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