"Yes." Daqing responded and handed the latest letter to Gu Jinli.

Gu Jinli took it and looked at it and smiled: "That brat Erlang is still so naughty."

There were two letters written by Aunt Yu. One of them had several small palm prints on it. Erlang saw Aunt Yu writing the letter and thought it was fun, so he secretly went over to make trouble.

Aunt Yu knew that she wanted to have a child. When she saw that Er Lang had soiled the letter, she did not destroy it. Instead, she sent the letter to her. She also thoughtfully asked Big Wolf to take two small palm prints on it.

Gu Jinli read it for a long time, then put away the letter with the two children's small palm prints and put it in the box containing Qin Sanlang's small painting: "Stay with your father's small painting."

He added: "I wonder if the big wolf was frightened on the way here this time? Last time we escaped, I failed to look after him in time, and he cried for a long time in grievance."

Da Lang is a relatively sensitive child. I wonder how he will feel aggrieved and sad after not seeing her for several months.

Daqing said: "The eldest young master is a strong-willed boy. Madam, there is no need to worry."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli felt better: "Big Wolf is indeed strong and sensible."

The last time he deserted, although he was scared, he held back his tears and was so sensible that it made people feel distressed.

After a while, he looked at Daqing again and said with a smile: "Daqing, you can comfort people now, you are much gentler."

Daqing was stunned. Why did she think Madam's smile was a bit gossipy?

Gu Jinli pretended to give instructions casually again: "Now that the weather is hot, the water here is tight. When delivering the letter, I asked Xia Zhang to ask him when he comes to Mu County to look for anyone who knows how to dig a well along the way and leave a message. Once we find out their names and addresses, and if they are indeed fine, we will ask them to come and work when we dig wells in the future.”

Daqing responded with a serious face: "Yes."

Gu Jinli was depressed... Did she remind him too vaguely that Daqing didn't hear it? Do you want to remind me again?

But Daqing has already talked about another serious matter: "Madam, the men from Qianshan County are also in the team and will come to Mu County with them. There are also several new scholars who are sent by the emperor to be the county magistrate. There is one He is also the eldest young master’s good friend, Mr. Yao from Yujiang County.”

It’s just that Yao has money.

Lu Bai and the new scholars would come to the northwest to serve as officials. Gu Jinli had guessed it early on: "The northwest is full of waste and is ready to be prospered. When they come, they will be able to work."

The more people who work, the happier she is.

As for whether Emperor Jingyuan would send people to monitor them when Brother Qin's true identity reaches the capital, she is not afraid... Brother Qin said when he left Mu County that Emperor Jingyuan could send officials to the army to keep an eye on them. He is in charge of the army, but he will not send people to the capital. Their family of four must be together, and he will not accept random people into the house just because of the imperial edict.

Home will always be just for their family of four.

He wrote another gift list and handed it to Daqing: "Pack up a generous gift according to the gift list and send it to Master Yao and his wife to congratulate them on their wedding."

Yao Youqian and Deng Yuzhu were married, and now they came to the northwest to take office together.

Finally, he added: "Ask You An and the others to take good care of the big wolf and the two wolves, and stop people from seeing them casually, including acquaintances like the man from Qianshan County."

It's not that she is heartless, but people's hearts are fickle. Although they are acquaintances, they have all become officials and are currently the emperor's people. She doesn't want her child to be harmed, so she has to be careful.

Daqing understood Gu Jinli's worries and responded: "Yes."

After saying that, I quickly went to do it.

Time passed day by day, and Qin Sanlang's letters from home were still sent every two days, telling him about the battlefield ahead. But now, almost all the paintings sent were about Longshan.

There are those in Longshan Prefecture, the Qinhou Mansion in Longshan Prefecture, the Qinjiazhuangzi near Longshan Qianhusuo, and the Longshan Mountains that are as majestic as a coiled dragon.

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "We have reached the Longshan Mountains. It seems that we will be able to see the second brother's ranch in the near future."

Before the Wei Guogong line was wiped out, the Northwest Army was still very powerful. Therefore, the pasture that Qin Ji gave to Qin Sanlang was on the opposite side of the Longshan Mountains. There were vast grasslands that could be used to raise horses.

The Qin family also has a large house in Longshan Mansion, which Qin's father built according to the style of the Marquis Mansion in the capital. He originally wanted to wait for the eldest brother Qin to get married, so that he and his wife could stay in the capital and take Mother Qin over to live together. Live in the northwest and never be separated again.

But contrary to expectations, Father Qin failed to bring Mother Qin to the northwest.

"Report, the Rong bandits have been driven behind the Longshan Mountains. General Qin is ordering people to eliminate the Rong bandits and Rongshan Gang bandits in Longshan Mansion!"

The good news ahead came every few days, and the people in Long'an Mansion were very excited when they heard it.

By the end of May, the red borer came again, but this time there were very few red borers, and once the medicine was sprayed, they would all die.

Gu Jinli: "These should still be insect eggs hidden in the soil. After killing them this time, there should be no more red borer pests next year."

After Sannuo confirmed, the red borer eggs were indeed released by thieves with birds in order to destroy Dachu's food, so that they could defeat Dachu in one fell swoop when Dachu was short of food.

After Sannuo learned that Gu Jinli had made an insecticide that could kill the red moth, he asked Gao Lei for a prescription and went to read it. He didn't say anything about admiration, but he was more diligent in making the medicine.

He also started trying to make new medicines that no one else had done before. Not to mention, a knife wound medicine he made really helped the wounded and sick soldiers.

Gao Lei was overjoyed and said to Gu Jinli, "With the help of the medicine, Xiaowu can finally survive."

Yes, Sannuo has finally figured it out... He can survive because many people have sacrificed their lives for it. He cannot selfishly commit suicide. Although he is a eunuch, he is destined to not be able to get married and have children in this life, but he can make medicine. Save people.

After Sannuo found the value of his life, he began to meet people, and asked Gao Lei to find two medicine boys to help him, saying that it was too busy for him alone.

Mrs. Gao Lei was so happy that she cried. In the evening, she placed an incense table and paid homage to Master Lei Wu. She told him, "Xiao Wu is fine. He is very brave and will live well. Don't worry."

The second day of June was a good day. Gu Jinli got up before dawn. After the city gate opened, he took people out of the city and galloped along the avenue. After running for two hours, he finally saw a huge motorcade.


I heard a wolf howling in the distance, it was Da Sa and the others.

Immediately afterwards, there was another cry with a milky sound: "Ouch!"

The last one is quite long.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli almost died laughing: "Has Er Lang only learned how to howl like a wolf in the past few months?"

The squealing is really energetic. It seems that this cub is doing well, but I wonder how the big wolf is doing?

"Hurry up!" Gu Jinli urged.

"Yes." Daqing whipped his horse and drove the carriage to the front of the convoy.

Someone had already reported to You An and the others that Gu Jinli had come to pick up the two children, so for the sake of safety, the convoy in front stopped.

The second wolf was not happy anymore. He pulled back the car curtain, looked outside, pointed at the road ahead and shouted: "Yo yo yo!"

He wanted to say go, go, go, but he was young and couldn't speak yet, so the sound came out.

The big wolf was sensible and worried about his younger brother. He reached out and grabbed his clothes to prevent him from approaching the car door: "Yeah, yeah, yeah."

My brother must not be naughty or dangerous.

Nanny Lin smiled and said, "Don't worry, eldest young master. Nanny Hong is holding the second young master, and there is a Bahu blocking the car in front. He is safe and will be fine."

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