Aunt Qian and Cousin Qian didn't know Mr. Lian, they only had contact with a servant of the Lian family. Seeing that Mr. Lian was gone, they continued to cry: "Brother He, aunt knows that what happened in the past was the fault of the aunt's family, but My aunt's family has suffered a disaster. Now everyone in the family is dead, and my aunt's health is not good. I can only rely on you as my nephew. If you don't recognize my aunt, my aunt will have no choice but to die!"

Cousin Qian immediately rushed to Aunt Qian, hugged her and started crying: "Oh, oh, oh, mother, you must hold on, you can't die. If you die, what will happen to your daughter..."


The two of them were acting happily when a big knife was thrown at their feet. Qian Qinghe pointed at the knife and said: "The knife is right here. If you want to die, just wipe your neck with it. I will report it to the government and let the Yamen collect the body for you!"

When his family was having fun, crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves, they didn't know where to escape, and they wanted to use this trick to force him to submit. What kind of sweet dreams were they having?

At this, the mother and daughter were shocked. They did not expect Qian Qinghe to be so ruthless. They were stunned for a moment. Looking at the knife, it was neither picking it up nor picking it up.

Cousin Qian reacted quickly. She immediately covered her face with her hands and kept crying: "Ooooooo, cousin, cousin..."

Unfortunately, Qian Qinghe cried more than she did. He also started crying and talked about how his father died of illness because Aunt Qian didn't borrow money.

He added: "After my father died, the Xiao family paid someone to go to Fucheng to deliver a letter to this woman, asking her to come back and give my father a ride. However, the porter who delivered the letter was kicked out by the Cao family, saying that the two families were no longer related. Go to another house to report the funeral, don't come here to harm her family... He also said don't try to give me to the Cao family. The Cao family won't raise me. If you dare to send me to their door, they will castrate me and sell me to the capital to be a eunuch. Woo hoo..."

The people present were shocked when they saw Qian Qingqing, a grown man crying miserably. They all sympathized with him, pointed at Aunt Qian and said: "Vicious woman, how can you be so vicious? He is your brother after all." Even if you are an outsider, you cannot castrate someone and send them to be eunuchs!"

Aunt Qian looked at the excited big guy, her face turned pale, and she hurriedly said: "I didn't, those words were just to scare him!"

Although Brother He was handsome and heard that Ren Yazi said that if he was sent to the capital to be a eunuch, he could get a lot of money, she was tempted and didn't really do it.

"Scare him, what are you trying to scare him for? If you don't want to raise him, just say so. I can raise my son-in-law myself, and I won't ask you to raise him!" Widow Xiao got the news and had already come out. She pointed at Aunt Qian and said: "Ms. Cao Qian, you were the one who abandoned your natal family first because you were afraid of being implicated by your declining natal family. Now that your natal nephew has become prosperous, you come here to recognize your marriage. You have already written a letter of dissolution of marriage, and you still accept this shit!"

Widow Xiao took out a piece of yellowed and somewhat torn paper, shook it open and showed it to everyone: "Look, this is the divorce letter given by Cao Qian back then, and it also has her fingerprints on it."

Then he turned back and shouted at Aunt Qian: "Don't even think about denying it. There are fingerprint threads on it. If you compare it with your finger, you will know whether it is genuine or not!"

When Father Xiao got Qing He back, she was unwilling to raise him. But since there was no one in the Qian family, she couldn't throw away Qing He, so she could only keep it.

However, she had always kept this divorce letter because she was afraid that her family would get rich that day and Aunt Qian would come to her house to cheer her up. Unexpectedly, she would actually use it today!

Widow Xiao was somewhat proud of her foresight. She smoothed her hair, looked at Aunt Qian and said, "If you break up the engagement, get away from me. If you want to take advantage of me, I will let my eldest sister celebrate the divorce with Qian..." It’s my family that’s prosperous now, not money to celebrate!”

With a plop, Qian Qinghe was so frightened that he knelt down: "Mother-in-law, don't let my eldest sister divorce me. If you don't want me, I will starve to death on the streets without a supporter."

Aunt Qian was so angry that she shouted: "Brother He, there is gold under the man's knees. How can you kneel down a woman? Get up!"

Qian Qinghe said: "This is my mother-in-law, the one who raised me since I was a child. What's wrong with me kneeling to her? Do I have to kneel to you, a bad woman who didn't go to the funeral for my brother?"

Aunt Qian was so shocked that she was speechless.

Cousin Qian: "Cousin..."


Sister Xiao rushed over, grabbed Cousin Qian's lapel, and slapped her: "Brother, brother, I tell you, Qian Qinghe has a wife. If you dare to seduce him, I promise to let my father beat you to death!"

"Daughter-in-law, I was wronged." Qian Qinghe felt aggrieved, but said, "My wife beat me well, so this person deserves to be beaten. She wants to take advantage of me."

"You still want to take advantage of my husband, I'll beat you to death!" Sister Xiao slapped her cousin Qian several times, until she almost fainted.

Widow Xiao hurried over and grabbed Sister Xiao: "Stop fighting. Our family is now a family of heroes. Those who want reputation must do things politely and not be violent."

After hearing this, the people around were all silent... You have finished fighting. Isn't it too late for you to talk about doing things politely now? Did you do this on purpose?

Dang, Dang, Dang!

"Everyone has to give in to the yamen's errands!" The county magistrate came in person with the yamen servants. He looked at the Cao family's mother and daughter and asked, "Are these two slandering the clerk Qian?"

Widow Xiao nodded: "Exactly."

He also handed the letter of divorce and the suicide note written by Qian's father before his death to the county magistrate: "After Qian's son-in-law's father saw the letter of divorce, he was heartbroken and wrote this suicide note, saying that the Qian and Cao families would never be together again. If we stop contacting you, it means we are no longer engaged there."

He added: "Since both parties have broken off their relationship at the same time, there can be no engagement letter. This engagement letter must be fake. They maliciously slandered me and wanted to deceive my daughter into marrying her. Their behavior is bad and their thoughts are evil. Please sir." punish severely!"


There was a burst of exclamations from around... Xiao, Widow Xiao could actually say such a thing. When did she become so reasonable? I can also speak idioms.

Widow Xiao gave them a roll of her eyes: "What do you call me? Surprise? What's the surprise? My family is not poor, I have been literate since I was a child, and my first marriage was to a boy from a farming and studying family."

What happens is that after the death of parents and parents-in-law, a man can only study hard, and she has no brothers to help her, so she can only work hard on her own, and a woman has to be aggressive if she wants to make a difference!


"My second wife is marrying a member of the Wolf Marquis Army's family. This time, she has made great achievements in defeating the bandits. She is expected to be awarded the title of general. I will be the general's wife!"

Here we go again, stop talking, we are tired of hearing it.

The magistrate of Mu County was afraid that Widow Xiao would get carried away, so he hurriedly said: "There is a lot of evidence. Come, take Cao Qian's mother and daughter back to the Yamen for further questioning."

"Yes!" The government officials escorted Aunt Qian and cousin Qian to the government office.

There was no need to scrutinize it. After just a few strokes, the pain was so painful that they could do anything... But they were not stupid enough to tell the Lian family in public. That was someone they could not afford to offend. If they did, they would die!

They only said that when they saw Qian Qinghe getting rich, they wanted to come and recognize their relatives. It was delicious, delicious and spicy.

Qian Qinghe was shocked: "Ah, you are the only ones who still want to live a good life? I haven't lived such a good life yet!"

He now only eats three multigrain flour pancakes a day, and can only eat a few bites of food when he goes home at night.


Bang bang!

"Quiet!" When the county magistrate saw them coming again, he hurriedly struck the alarm and announced the sentence: "Cao Qian's mother and daughter slandered the money clerk and tried to cheat the marriage. According to the law, they were beaten with thirty big sticks and fined three taels of silver. Now that Mu County is short of labor, three years of labor can be used to offset the rod and fine."

Three, three years!

Cao Qian's mother and daughter were shocked and hurriedly kowtowed to Widow Xiao: "In-laws, we know we were wrong and we don't dare to do it anymore. Please save us. Don't let us do hard work. We will die!"

Widow Xiao said angrily: "Shut up, you are talking nonsense again. I just ask you to make some clothes for the soldiers, can I kill you?"

These tasks are usually done by prisoners.

After scolding, he took out another five taels of silver and handed it to the county magistrate, saying: "Sir, please keep these five taels of silver with the Yamen for safekeeping. After three years, I will provide them with a home to live in, lest some evil people deliberately say that my family is unwilling to die." save."

After hearing this, everyone present was shocked... This hand is so beautiful!

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