A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2402 Recognition and Negotiation【2】


The soldiers of the Qingma King also hated King Arman and raised their swords to kill him at his tent.

"Fight back!" Aqishan shouted, grabbing King Arman who was about to fight, and said: "King, don't go, I will escort you away. We can't stay here for long. They have Qin Mu to help them. If they don't leave, it will be too late!" "

"Qin Mu? He dared to come to the Rong Kingdom. I am going to kill him and avenge Brother Tiehe!" King Arman hated Qin Sanlang to death. If it weren't for him, Dayong would not have been defeated.

There are also Sannuo and Hemutuo. He will definitely kill Jianchu and kill these two evil bastards in his lifetime.

Aqishan shouted anxiously: "King, don't be impulsive! Qin Mu is powerful and Tuogu is shrewd. In order to escape, he will definitely lure Qin Mu here. Then the king will become a scapegoat, and Tuogu will If you are virtuous, you can return to Dayong safely and become the Khan of Heaven!"

Then he called to the soldiers and horses: "Stop Zi Chexing and kill him if possible. The other warriors will follow me to escort the king away."

"Yes!" The soldiers immediately divided into two parts, one part fought against Zi Chexing, and the other part escorted King Arman away.

Aqishan's guess was correct. Tuogude had indeed attracted Qin Sanlang's army to this camp.

In the distance, Aqishan saw countless torches and the Qin-character military flag illuminated by the firelight, which made him tremble.

Boom, boom, boom!

The rapid sound of war drums is approaching here.

Da da da!

The sound of horse hooves was like thunder, shaking the earth, letting the soldiers who felt the earthquake understand that the number of Chu troops coming towards them was beyond their ability to contend.

"The Chu army is coming, run quickly!" Some soldiers were afraid of Qin Sanlang and did not dare to fight with the Qingma King any longer. They got on their horses and rode towards the army.

Soon, countless soldiers began to snatch the horses, and as soon as they got on their horses, they fled towards the Rong Kingdom.

Aqishan was furious and asked his soldiers to blow the horns and shout: "Come back to fight the enemy and escort King Arman away!"

But only the people from the Alman King tribe came back. The soldiers from the Tiehe tribe, the Lishan King tribe, and the dead tribal kings didn't listen at all and only focused on escaping for their lives.

Aqishan was completely disappointed when he saw the scene of the soldiers being divided into two groups, a small group of soldiers turning back and a large group of soldiers fleeing.

The desperation of the Qingma King's tribe was exactly the opposite of that of Aqishan. After Zi Chexing and the others learned that Qin Sanlang was leading troops to kill him, their morale was boosted and they shouted: "Soldiers, General Qin has led troops to help. Let's continue to pursue Al." Man, attack from both sides, must kill this beast and avenge the pregnant women and children who were killed by him!"

"Kill Arman!"

On the grassland at dawn, there were shouts of killing. The Green Horse King's troops were like a rainbow, chasing soldiers with many times more soldiers and horses than them.

The army led by Qin Sanlang was like a sharp blade, rushing from the left, splitting the soldiers in two, surrounding the soldiers who were running slowly, and together with the Green Horse King's troops, surrounded and killed them!

Whoosh whoosh!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The sound of sharp arrows, the sound of fighting, and the screams of soldiers resounded throughout the world.

When the sun's golden radiance spreads over the grassland, this killing battle is completely over.

Under the sun, on the grass, there were corpses of soldiers, as well as generals wearing expensive armor and special helmets.

King Qingma looked at the corpses of countless soldiers and generals, shed tears, and sighed: "Lei Wu, most of the generals who can lead troops in war are almost dead. If Da Rong wants to regain its strength, , it will take at least fifty years, and you can rest in peace."

In the next fifty years, the people of Chu will live a good life without wars or massacres!

But Zi Chexing was not satisfied: "Dad, Arman has escaped. Hurry up and reorganize your troops and go kill that beast!"

The Green Horse King shook his head: "In the long run, it will be more beneficial to us if he escapes than to die here."

As long as Arman is alive and Tuogude kills each other, Da Rong will be in chaos for a longer time and Da Chu will be more stable.

Zi Chexing was unwilling to agree: "That beast killed so many of us and even killed my sister. We can't let him escape!"

The reason why my sister was sacrificed back then was all because of a joke made by King Alman, saying that the Qingma King's bloodline was dirty. How could we cleanse the bloodline without sacrificing a princess?

After hearing this, Tiehe's father Khan actually agreed and ordered his sister to be tied up. Tiehe's father Khan would do this because he wanted to see the loyalty of the Qingma King to Da Rong?

One was stupid, the other was ruthless, and he just killed his sister.

For the sake of the people of the two counties, Dad could only swallow his anger: "Now that we have won, Dad, do you still have to endure it? If you don't want to go, I will lead my own troops to chase you!"

The Green Horse King looked at him and said: "Even if I ask you to chase, you won't be able to catch up. You may still be surrounded by them and something unexpected will happen... Youngest one, in this battle, we will avenge everything. Don't because Impulsiveness will kill people again."

After saying that, he ignored Zi Chexing's anger and gave him a new mission: "Quickly reorganize your troops and rush back to the Qingma King tribe to protect the women and children, lest Tuogu kill the Qingma King tribe and destroy our The family members are being held hostage."

Zi Chexing was startled, then calmed down, and immediately ordered: "Blow the drum, order the soldiers of the Qingma King to gather quickly and return to protect the people of the two counties!"

"King Qingma, I will send half of my troops to follow you back." Qin Mu rode over and said to King Qingma several meters away.

Behind the two men were their respective armies.

Although they may be relatives, their relationship cannot be easily recognized and must be negotiated.

The Green Horse King nodded: "Sure."

After that, he didn't say anything more to Qin Sanlang. After Zi Chexing gathered the troops, he took the troops and horses to the Qingma King's tribe.

Tuogude really wanted to kill the Qingma King's tribe and capture the women and children of the Qingma King's family, but he regretted his life and did not go. Instead, he fled all the way to the hinterland of the Rong Kingdom.

After running wildly for three days and three nights, they dared to stop and rest only after knowing that they were safe enough.

Jin Zhang Qianhu also brought back news, saying: "Most of the generals were poisoned by King Qingma, Yan Hu also died, and about 20,000 soldiers were killed..."


When Tuogude heard half of it, he became so angry that he vomited out a mouthful of blood... Most of the generals were dead. Without the generals to lead the troops, how could he attack Jianchu? !

"Great witch doctor, come here quickly." Hu Ang shouted, supported Tuo Gude, and begged: "King, you must hold on. If something happens to you, it will be an advantage for Jian Chu and Qin Mu."

He added: "You are the tiger of Da Rong and the God of War. As long as you live, Da Rong will have hope, and we will have the day to conquer Da Chu again!"

However, is there really such a day?

Tuogude looked at the vast grassland, thinking about the death of the great wizard, thinking about them being chased away by the Chu army in the past few months, thinking about the scene of escaping last night, thinking about the generals who were killed, and how he was cut off. His arms shed tears for the first time... He was defeated, Dah Rong was really defeated. From then on, D Rong would be torn apart and once again enter a situation where tribes were killing each other.

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