When Dou Ke secretly scolded Ming Cong, Ming Cong twirled the wine glass in his hand. After a while, he dipped his finger into the wine in the glass and wrote on the table: Does Qin Mu have the heart to become emperor?

Dou Ke and Qin Mu have known each other since they were children. After Dou Ke recognized Qin Mu a few years ago, he helped Qin Mu a lot. This shows that the relationship between the two is good. Maybe Dou Ke knows some of Qin Mu's secret thoughts.

Dou Ke guessed that he would ask this question and replied: "No... the young Marquis is a very simple, even a bit naive person. He doesn't like things that are too cumbersome and just wants to live a simple life."

He added: "When he was a child, he would practice martial arts hard. He went to the northwest to join the army at a young age, not because he wanted to fight for his future, but because he wanted to share the heavy responsibilities for his father and brother, so that his father and brother could have time to go back to accompany Mrs. Qin Hou... Mr. Qin Xiaohou I have seen Mrs. Qin Hou cry secretly because she was worried about missing Qin Hou and the two young masters."

Dou Ke said: "Especially, it can be seen that what Mr. Qin Xiaohou values ​​​​the most since he was a child is family ties, and he doesn't like power... He will fight tooth and nail, all for the sake of his family."

So you'd better not have any ideas about the Gu family or the Gu family. This is Qin Xiaohou's bottom line. If you touch them, Qin Xiaohou will kill you.

After Ming Cong listened, he thought about something and twirled his wine glass again.

In order to make him stop staring at Qin Sanlang, Dou Ke sold Wei Er: "Compared to Xiao Houye, Xiao Wei Er wanted that position more... He swallowed up two more cities in Dongqing, and now We already have five cities in our hands.”

He took out a map and showed it to Ming Cong: "With these two new cities as barriers, even if Dongqing sends troops to attack him, he can still defend the three cities he originally captured."

Dou Ke added: "By doing this, Wei Er must have wanted to free up his hands to attack the Northeast, occupy the entire Northeast, and then divert to Yongtai Mansion, and then point his sword at the capital."

And why Wei Er wants to point his sword at the capital, it is naturally because he wants to be the emperor.

Dou Ke looked at Ming Cong and said, "Sir, this is the biggest disaster!"

These words hit Ming Cong's pain point, making him look dark and put down his wine glass... Wei Er was fierce, merciless, and capable of fighting, so he was indeed a big disaster.

After a while, he said: "There is someone from the wealthy family who has contacted the Northeast, and we can talk."

Dou Ke: "Who did you contact? Xiao Wei'er, or his second uncle? Now he has soldiers and horses, but Xiao Wei'er is the one who can fight."

After Ming Cong heard this, his face turned dark.

Dou Ke wanted to laugh when he saw it. He said that if you don't have soldiers, don't dream of being an emperor. Now you see, no matter it's the northwest or the northeast, you can't do anything to anyone.

Do you think you can achieve great things by exercising power in the capital and making all officials fearful?

Shit, others will not play tricks on you, but will directly send troops to beat you and chop you into pieces!

Dou Ke added: "But Lao Wei Er must also have that thought, and will not watch his nephew rise to power. Your Excellency is good at strategizing. You can use Lao Wei Er to deal with Wei Er. When they both lose, you will take action to deal with them. Collect their soldiers and horses...With the soldiers and horses, coupled with the master's ability and financial resources, everything is possible."

Ming Cong thought so, but he looked at Dou Ke, narrowed his eyes and said, "I didn't see it, but you are quite strategic."

Dou Ke smiled like a philistine, looking like a greedy and profiteer businessman: "Your Excellency, you are exaggerating. When I help you, I am also helping myself... After all, I have been a small businessman for a long time, and I also want to be a slave. I hope Sir, give me some grace."

The sound of a servant made Ming Cong feel comfortable. He stared at him for a while, raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Okay, I'll give you this grace."

"Thank you, sir!" Dou Ke was so excited that he knelt down to thank him.

I have to say that when it comes to acting, Dou Ke is one of the best. Ming Cong was very happy, raised his hand and said, "Go back and prepare. Within five days, I guarantee you will be able to see Emperor Jing Yuan."

"Yes, thank you, sir." Dou Ke stood up and went home happily... Hehe, he said that Cong was not good at it. When I looked at it tonight, it turned out that it was indeed very bad. He was just good at pretending.

"Look at how handsome you are, and your son is good-looking too. I wish you a son-in-law!"

These words are a bit poisonous. They are cursing Ming Cong Jue.

And because Emperor Jingyuan had cleared the Qin family and restored the Qin family's title, everyone in the capital couldn't sleep tonight.

Mr. Zongzheng was the one who couldn't sleep the most. He ordered the steward: "Call Sister Ya to the study."

The steward was stunned. Do you want to see Miss Ya so late?

It seems that the affairs of the Qinhou family have a great impact on the old man.

"...Yes." The manager responded and went to Zong Zhengya's yard to deliver the message.

Zong Zhengya knew why her grandfather wanted to see her, and she had been waiting. She said, "Mom, go and reply. I will be there soon."

"Yes." Grandma responded and went out to talk to the steward.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Zong Zhengya came out with his maid, and followed the steward to Mr. Zong Zheng's study.

Knock knock knock~

"Old Master, Miss Ya is here." The steward informed.

Mr. Zongzheng said: "Please come in, everyone else, please exit the courtyard."

"Yes." The steward quickly took the others away.

Zong Zhengya pushed the door open and went in, saluting Mr. Zong Zheng: "Sister Ya has met my grandfather."

Mr. Zongzheng looked tired. He raised his hand, pointed to the chair and said, "Sit down."

"Thank you, Grandpa." Zong Zhengya sat down upright. After a while, he respectfully asked Mr. Zong Zheng: "Grandpa asked his granddaughter to come here, but because of the Qin family's affairs?"

Mr. Zongzheng nodded: "Exactly."

He regretted it, really regretted it. He should have let Sister Ya pester Qin Mu in the first place, instead of retreating when he hit a wall and turning around to pick up Wei Er.

Now Qin Mu has hundreds of thousands of troops, has defeated the bandits, recovered three cities, and controls the entire northwest, while Wei Er is still standing still in Dongqing, and has not been able to conquer even the northeast.

Not only that, Wei Er also has a second uncle, who is also ambitious and is trying to win people's hearts in the Northeast. It is not clear which of the two uncles and nephews will own the Northeast in the future.

Comparing the two, Wei Er is really worse than Qin Mu by more than one and a half stars.

But now Sister Ya has been corresponding with Wei Er for two years. If she gives up again and switches to Qin Mu, even if she really becomes a queen in the future, people will talk about it.

And Wei Er is not someone to be trifled with. If Sister Ya dares to play tricks on him, he is afraid that he will directly send people to assassinate the Zong Zheng family... Wei Er can do such a bloody thing, but he massacred her on the night of the wedding. His father-in-law’s man!

Mr. Zongzheng thought of the evil things Wei Er had done and was afraid. If Wei Er was dissatisfied with the Zongzheng family, would he also massacre the Zongzheng family?

Wrong, you really made the wrong choice. You should have chosen Qin Mu, a young man who values ​​friendship!

Mr. Zongzheng regrets it endlessly, but he can't say this. If he does, it will be used in the future!

Zong Zhengya saw her grandfather's regret in her eyes. In fact, she also regretted it. She had chosen all the options. What else could she do? She could only go down one path.

"Grandfather, the Little Marquis of Qin said that the Qin family would not be disloyal to Da Chu first. It shows that he has no intention of taking that position. He is just a minister... and he has a good relationship with Wei Er, and he will definitely send troops to help Wei Er in the future. , in the end, Young Master Wei will be able to ascend to the big position."

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