A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2414 Making money by working hard

"Shui Hua, are you okay?" Gu Dagui rushed over, helped Chen up, and pressed her nose with a handkerchief: "Raise your head, it can stop the bleeding."

Gu Defa: "Dad is wrong. Sister Xiaoyu said that raising your head will only cause nosebleeds to flow into the trachea and make people choke. You have to lower your head. We humans can clot blood and the bleeding will stop on its own."

"What about coagulation? Don't talk nonsense here." Mrs. Chen scolded her son, but quickly lowered her head.

Gu Dagui was a little speechless when he saw it: "I saw you scolding Brother Fa, and I thought you didn't believe it."

Mrs. Chen: "I believe it now. I can finally see that Xiaoyu girl is an immortal. According to her words, she is absolutely right!"

Gu Defa glanced at his mother and said calmly: "Sister Xiaoyu said that superstition is not good."

Mrs. Chen got angry: "Get out of here, you are specifically against me, right?"

Gu Defa: "Oh, I'm leaving then. Magistrate Tang and others are probably coming, so my son will go and greet them."

Mrs. Chen grabbed him and said, "Why welcome? Our family is now a relative of the Marquis family. We have to take care of it and let out all the anger we have suffered for more than a month!"

Gu Dagui had a headache: "What are you talking about? I remind you, take it easy, Xiaoyu is not easy to mess with. If you do something here to hurt her, she will definitely send someone back to beat you and take away our dividends." , then our family will have nothing."

Well, after Mrs. Chen heard this, she thought of Gu Jinli's fierceness and trembled with fright. She glared at Gu Dagui and said, "Then why are you still standing there? Why don't you help me go out to meet Magistrate Tang!"

Gu Dagui pointed at her bleeding nose and said, "Does it hurt? Do you want to stop the bleeding and apply medicine before going out to see Magistrate Tang? To be honest, you look a little frightened by the bleeding."

Mrs. Chen gave him a roll of her eyes and scolded: "You know nothing. If I go out to pick up people like this, it will make our family look miserable, so that Magistrate Tang can compensate our family!"

"Ah? Do you still want Magistrate Tang to compensate you?" Gu Dagui advised: "You can't ask for this kind of money...Hey, wait, why are you walking so fast? I might knock you down again!"

Mrs. Chen had already pulled Gu Defa away, and walked to the door of the shop in a hurry. She didn't open the door, but waited until...

Boom, boom, boom!

The big drum beat in front of the shop door, beating rhythmically for more than a quarter of an hour. After countless people gathered around, the knock on the door finally rang.

Bang bang bang!

"We from Gu's Shop, we are from the government office, and we are here to bring good news to your family. A happy event, a great event. His Majesty's new decree is to restore the innocence of the Marquis of Qin family and restore the title of the Marquis of Qin family. All your relatives will be fine."

The head of the yamen team shouted several times, and Master Mo went up and shouted twice more, but the door still didn't open.

Magistrate Tang rolled his eyes in his heart, knocked on the door in person and shouted: "Brother Gu, Madam Gu, I have brought good news to your family. Your Majesty has restored the innocence of the Qinhou family. Your family is fine and you can continue to open the door for business." .”

The door finally opened, and Mrs. Chen was helped out by Gu Defa, crying: "It has been closed for more than a month, and the whole Jianghuai said that my shop is in trouble, and even if it opens again, there will be no business, wuwuwu~"

Magistrate Tang, Su Tongzhi, and Zheng Tongpan: "..."

Here we go again, this is blackmail!

However, Mrs. Chen's bloody nose was indeed a bit scary, which made Magistrate Tang and others think that Mrs. Chen would not hesitate to injure herself in order to seek compensation.

Magistrate Tang hurriedly said: "Don't worry, the news that your family is a relative of the Marquis of Qin will soon spread throughout Jianghuai. As long as we open the door, business will prosper and our reputation will be restored."

He immediately took out a red envelope and handed it to Gu Dagui: "This is what the Yamen is trying to do to calm your family down."

Gu Dagui hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no, no. As common people, how can we ask for the red seal of the yamen? Moreover, the yamen also acts in accordance with the emperor's will. We can't just pay for it if we do it, right? There is no such reason."

Gu Dewang came over to salute and said: "My lord, please take back the red seal, or donate it to the northwest soldiers on behalf of the Gu family. In short, our family cannot ask for this money."

Mrs. Chen was so angry that she wanted to grab it, but her hand was grabbed by Gu Defa, who whispered to her: "Mom, there are so many adults here, you are too unreasonable, and my brother and I will not be able to marry your noble daughter-in-law."

A noble daughter will not marry into a family with a mother-in-law like you.

This was Chen's Achilles' heel, and she had to hit her hand hard to restrain herself from grabbing the red seal.

Gu Dewang asked again: "Sir, has anyone gone to deliver the letter in Dafeng Village, Tianfu County? Sister Xiaoyu's parents, grandparents, grandpa, and Grandpa Qin must be very anxious and must let them know the good news quickly."

Tang Tongpan said: "The imperial edict has been sent eight hundred miles away in a hurry. It will arrive within a few days. You don't have to worry."

He nodded secretly in his mind and thought that Gu Dewang was a good young man. He looked at him again and was surprised... Unknowingly, this child has grown into a handsome young man. Because he studied with Mr. Ouyang Hu, his words and deeds He still behaves like a nobleman, and his mind is still sharp. He has done some business over the years and saved a lot of family property.

The most important thing is, it seems that Chen can be cured... A good young man, really a good young man. It would be good for such a young man to be his son-in-law.

The daughter of the prefect of Tang Dynasty is about to get haircut and is choosing a family.

However, Gu Dewang is deeply liked by Mr. Ouyang Hu. I wonder if Mr. Ouyang will personally arrange a marriage for him?

As for Gu Dewang, who hasn't taken the merit test yet, I don't know when he will take the test? Magistrate Tang didn't care about whether he could pass the exam... Mr. Ouyang Hu taught him, but he still couldn't pass the exam?

When the Tang magistrate was thinking about whether to marry his daughter to Gu Dewang, Mrs. Chen asked: "Sir, where is my family's imperial edict? Take it out and read it quickly."

I'm still waiting to show it off after receiving the order, and then offer it as a family heirloom.

Magistrate Tang said: "The imperial edict has been sent to the Gu family in Dafeng Village. What you have here is just an official document. Just come over and inform the Yamen to withdraw the troops."

What, not even an imperial edict!

Mrs. Chen was depressed. There was no compensation and no imperial edict. Could it be that her family had to suffer for more than a month in vain?

Seeing that she was about to get angry, Gu Defa hurriedly asked: "Master Magistrate, will your Majesty give the Gu family a reward?"

Mrs. Chen's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Is there any reward?"

Magistrate Tang nodded: "Yes, I said I would reward the Qin and Gu families generously, but the rewards will have to be delayed. Now I have sent the imperial edict first to save the Qin and Gu families from suffering."

"It's good to have a reward!" Mrs. Chen was happy and said to the people watching the fun: "The Qin family is fine, and the title has been restored. Do you know what a title is? It's much older than the Tang magistrate, and only a little younger than the emperor. The noble family is, well, almost like relatives of the emperor! And my Gu family has become a relative of the Marquis’ family!"

Magistrate Tang: "..." You are proud of yourself, so what are you doing by dragging me out to make an analogy?

After hearing this, the people who came to see the excitement hurriedly said congratulations: "Congratulations, Mrs. Gu, your family is really happy!"

"What do you mean?" Chen is illiterate and cannot understand such profound idioms.

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