"Of course it's true. The county magistrate personally led the adults from the capital and went to Dafeng Village to issue the decree. Not only was the Qin family's title restored, I heard that the fake grandpa Qin Sanlang also had a title and was restored. .”

"What, the old man also has a title? There are only two people with titles in this village. Hey, Dafeng Village is incredible, this blessing is so great!"

"Stop talking, hurry up and go to Dafeng Village to have a look. This is a great event that has not happened in a hundred years. If you don't feel happy, you will be sorry for your ancestors."

"Yes, yes, hurry up and have a look. It's too late and you can't even reach the entrance of the village." People in the county rushed to the direction of Qingfu Town following the edict-delivery team.

At the Xu family in the county seat, Mr. Xu was also urging his son, Uncle Xu: "Is the carriage ready? Have you packed all the gifts? Hurry and get ready. If you are late, you will not have time to receive the order together... I didn't expect that my Xu family would become We are relatives in the Hou family, please be blessed by our ancestors!"

The Xu family really made it happen.

While Mr. Xu was happy, Mr. Xu's wife Zeng rushed out and asked Mr. Xu in a panic: "My lord, are the Qin and Gu families really all right? Has the title been restored?"

Impossible, how could the Gu family have such good luck.

Hey, people's luck is so good.

Besides, the Gu family did not rely on luck, but on hard work. From escaping from famine to settling down, to when Gu Jinli and his wife went to fight in the northwest, every step of the journey was made with their own lives.

When Mr. Xu saw Mrs. Zeng, he got angry and glared at Mr. Xu: "Boss, keep an eye on your wife. Don't let her come out to embarrass you on this big day!"

For more than a month when the Qin and Gu families suffered, Zeng was so happy that she laughed at Xu Zhong every day: "Oh, what kind of good family do you think you married? Look, the whole family has suffered this time, and it's my Xu Zhong's fault. Ling didn't get married in the first place, otherwise it would be my girl Ling who is suffering now."

Mr. Xu is in charge of the family, and these things cannot be hidden from him. He has long been dissatisfied with Mrs. Zeng. At this moment, he pointed his crutch at Mrs. Zeng and said: "You are a vicious woman who longs for disaster for your relatives. If you don't change, I will I’ll divorce you if I make the decision for the boss!”

Then he said: "Don't think that I don't dare. The worst I can do is adopt Brother Ming to my little brother who died long ago, so that Brother Ming can inherit his family, lest his future be hindered by a mother like you!"

What, the old man actually had such an idea, was he really going to divorce her?

Mrs. Zeng was so frightened that she fell to the ground, and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Dad, my daughter-in-law knows she made a mistake, and she will change it in the future. Please spare her daughter-in-law this time!"

Mr. Xu: "I'll spare you this time? How many times have you said this? Zeng, there's no next time for you. If you can't change, go back to the Zeng family. As for whether the Zeng family will die of illness?" , Ha, that’s your Zeng family’s own business.”

After hearing this, Mrs. Zeng became truly frightened. With the virtue of her natal family, if she was really divorced by the Xu family and lost her son Xu Zhaoming, her natal family might really die of illness.

"Dad, my daughter-in-law knows she is wrong. Change it. I will change it. Please don't divorce me. I will die. I will die. Help!" Mrs. Zeng was so frightened that she started crying in the front yard. She even shouted words of death and help, as if the Xu family had done something to her.

Mr. Xu was so angry that he was shaking.

"Mom, stop talking!" Xu Ling ran out with the two wives, and together they came over and picked up Zeng: "My mother is sick, please take her back to the backyard."

"Yes." The ladies wanted to survive, but they were not polite to Mrs. Zeng. They covered her mouth and grabbed her, escorting her back to the backyard.

Xu Ling saluted Mr. Xu and said, "Grandpa, I'm sorry, but it's my granddaughter who didn't think much of my mother. Don't worry, my granddaughter will eat and live with my mother in the future and won't let her be rude in front of others again."

Xu Ling wanted to cry. Why did she think about it, but her mother couldn't swallow it?

But what can I do if I’m not convinced?

She was the one who looked down on the Gu family at first. When Xu Zhong married into the Gu family, they also laughed at Xu Zhong. Now that the Gu family is rich, what's the use of being crazy again?

Mr. Xu looked at Xu Ling and saw deep fingerprints on her face and scratches on her hands. She should have been beaten when she stopped Zeng.

Thinking that this granddaughter had changed after being taught enough lessons, she softened her voice a lot and said: "Ling girl, this matter is beyond your control. Go back to your courtyard and learn the rules from your mother-in-law." , your mother is naturally being watched...remember, don’t harm yourself for someone who is not worthy of it.”

After hearing this, Xu Ling shed tears: "But she is my mother, not someone else."

Mr. Xu sighed and said, "You still have brother and grandfather. As long as we are still here, you will be protected in this life."

Seeing that Xu Ling looked pitiful at this time and that she had indeed changed, she gave her a guarantee: "I will give your mother another chance, but it's just one chance. If she doesn't change, don't blame grandpa." ruthless."

"Thank you, grandpa. Mom is a smart person and she will definitely change." Xu Ling was overjoyed and solemnly saluted Mr. Xu.

Uncle Xu also breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Thank you dad for caring about our eldest family."

Mr. Xu glared at Uncle Xu: "You still have the nerve to speak, it's all useless to you. If you knew how to teach your wife, Mrs. Zeng wouldn't be like this. If Mrs. Zeng is divorced, you can go to the countryside." Live a lifetime!”

Then he said angrily: "Go back and keep an eye on Mrs. Zeng. There is no need for you to follow me to Dafeng Village, lest you lose the Xu family's face. Just the second son and the second daughter-in-law accompany me."

Uncle Xu was a little unconvinced, but he was afraid of Mr. Xu and did not dare to argue. Nuonuo followed suit and bowed and left.

Mr. Xu looked at Xu Ling again and said: "Go back, don't think too much, your parents' affairs have nothing to do with you, as long as you change it yourself... Go for a walk in your second aunt's yard when you have time, She can teach you a lot."

"...Yes." Xu Ling responded. Seeing that Mr. Xu and Mr. Lu had arrived in the front yard, he saluted them, said some words of congratulations, and took his servants back to his yard.

"Dad, the carriages, horses, and gifts are all ready, and you can go." Second Master Xu said, and then asked worriedly: "Dad, eldest brother and sister-in-law..."

"It's okay, there are people guarding them, so they can't make big waves." Mr. Xu interrupted Mr. Xu and his wife, and called them: "Hurry up and get in the car. It's a big day for relatives. I have to rush over to congratulate them."

"Hey, dad, please slow down." Mr. Xu went over to help Mr. Xu, and drove to Dafeng Village in a carriage with generous gifts.

The procession of delivering the imperial edict was non-stop, but when passing by Shangjia Village, Jiang County Lieutenant took the document and went to the village with a few government servants, went to Shang Xiucai's house, and showed the document to the Beijing soldier Xiao Qi who was guarding Shang's family. : "Zhang Xiaoqi, His Majesty's new decree has been to clear the Qinhou family's name and order the evacuation of the troops and horses besieging the relatives and friends of the Qin and Gu families. Please take a look."

The Jiang family was also surrounded. County Lieutenant Jiang had just been released, but he was worried about his sister's family and asked the county magistrate for this job.

Zhang Xiaoqi took it, looked at it, and said with a smile: "It's true, then if it works, we'll withdraw our troops right now!"

Ha, the matter with the Qin Hou family is finally settled, I’m so happy.

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