A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2418 The so-called benefactor [Good luck in the Year of the Tiger, good health and long life

"Aunt Fuya's family came to visit?" Gu Jinli was shocked, and felt very happy in his heart. If it were really Aunt Fuya's family, then the three grandparents would have no regrets in their lives.

However, she asked: "How many people came? Who sent them here? What evidence is there to prove that it is them?"

Daqing said: "You An said that ten people came. Gu Fuya's family of six and two and a half-year-old children, as well as their head of family, Mr. and Mrs. Cao, said that they heard that the Gu family was looking for Gu Fuya's family, so they were bold Come and recognize your relatives. Gu Fuya’s family has a household registration and the dowry jewelry given by her mother’s family as proof.”

He added: "Xie Jingxian is already married. He is married to Mrs. Cao's niece Yu, and the two eleven or twelve-year-old children are from Xie Pingzi's younger brother's family. It seems that many people in the Xie family have died, and they are the only ones left. How many are there? We can only know after detailed investigation. You Xi has already gone to check."

Gu Jinli nodded after hearing this: "Inspect Aunt Fuya's family as well."

It's not that she is too careful, it's just that things are different now. She has no intention of harming others, but so many people are staring at the Qin and Gu family, and she has never seen the Gu Fuya family, and people can change. What should I do if someone wants to use Gu Fuya's family to harm Qin and Gu's family?

She doesn't want to get back a group of relatives who have changed their minds and want to harm her family.

Daqing: "Yes, I will send someone to tell You Xi immediately."

Gu Jinli added: "Call Uncle Dalin back and ask him to meet Aunt Fuya's family first."

Gu Dalin has met Gu Fuya, Xie Pingzi, and the three children of the Xie family. Whether they are real people or not can be known at a glance.

But she still had to check, because what she was looking for was not the face, but the heart.

"Yes." Daqing quickly went to do it.

Gu Dalin was reviewing the things he would take away tomorrow. When he heard that Gu Fuya's family had come to visit him, he was very excited: "Sister Fuya is here? Take me to see them quickly!"

He was so excited that he didn't even sit in the carriage, and rode directly from the camp outside the city into Mu County, and went straight to the house.

The first time he saw Gu Fuya, he was sure: "Sister Fuya, it's really you. You're still alive. It's great... You don't look like you have changed much."

Even a little chubby, but at first glance, it seems that he is living a good life.

"Dalin? Are you Dalin's cousin from my uncle's family?!" Fuya looked at Gu Dalin for a while, recognized him, and said with emotion: "Not to mention his clothes, his aura is different. If we meet him outside, I will be really surprised. I dare not admit it."

"We are all brothers and sisters, so why don't you dare to recognize them?" Gu Dalin choked and said, then looked at the three children: "They are Jingxian, Jingmin and Jianing? They have grown so big, but It still looks the same as when I was a kid, you can tell it at a glance.”

It is indeed Gu Fuya's family.

"Do you still remember their names?" Gu Fuya was shocked.

Gu Dalin said: "Three uncles and three aunts will talk about you every now and then. Over the years, we have been asking acquaintances and officials to ask for help from your family. We often listen, how can we forget your family's name."

"...It's my fault that my parents have to work for me at such an old age." Gu Fuya couldn't help crying when she thought of her parents' search for her for many years to no avail. Xie Pingzi and the others hurriedly persuaded her... She couldn't be persuaded no matter how hard she tried.

Gu Dalin said: "Brother-in-law of the Xie family, please stop trying to persuade me. Let Sister Fuya have a good cry."

"Hey, then just cry." Xie Pingzi knew that Gu Fuya had been holding it in for too long and it was really time to cry. He thought of his father-in-law and mother-in-law and couldn't help but wipe away his tears.

After Gu Fuya cried bitterly, she felt better, and asked Gu Dalin: "How are my parents now? But, they are still there..."

Gu Dalin smiled and said: "You are still alive, you are all alive, and your life is very good. I live with Brother Dashan's family for almost ten years. Brother Dashan and his wife respect them as their biological parents, and Brother An and the others also Treating the two elders as biological grandparents makes the whole family get along very well."

After hearing this, Gu Fuya cried even harder and couldn't stop praising Gu Dashan and Cui: "I've known since I was a child that Brother Dashan is kind. Thank you. I really thank them and their family... If it hadn't been for them My parents cannot survive as a family."

A pair of lonely old people, both fleeing from famine and living in a foreign land, wanted to sell themselves into slaves but no one wanted them. With Brother Dashan and his family, not only could the parents live with three generations under one roof, but they also had servants to take care of them.

Then he said to the three children: "Kneel down quickly and kowtow to your uncle Dashan at the door, and then kowtow to your uncle Dalin. Thank them for taking care of your grandpa and grandma for our family."

The three children of the Xie family, including daughter-in-law Yu and Xie Pingzi's two younger brothers, knelt down quickly and kowtowed to the door three times, and then kowtowed to Gu Dalin. Gu Dalin could not stop them and could only bear with them. of ceremony.

"Everyone, get up. This is a meeting gift for you. Keep it, but you can't let it go!" Gu Dalin was a smart man. He thought that Gu Fuya's family would not be as well-off as others, so he prepared some money on the way back. Each person gave them one ticket, a total of six hundred taels.

Gu Fuya's family was shocked: "So many? No, no, no, I can't have it. Brother Dalin, take it back quickly!"

Gu Dalin smiled and said: "Sister Fuya, let the children keep it. What the third uncle and the third aunt are most worried about is that you will suffer, and I can afford this little money."

After saying this, the Cao family and his wife were shocked, and the Cao Yu family was so regretful that she wanted to slap herself twice... What a pity, what a pity. At first, she despised Xie Pingzi's family as half-slaves and was unwilling to let her niece marry her. He gave it to his niece, and now not only has he become a relative of Mr. Qin Xiaohou’s family, but he is also so rich!

Ms. Cao Yu wanted to die, but Mr. Cao secretly touched her hand, and she came back to her senses without losing her composure.

But Gu Dalin had been secretly paying attention to them. When he saw this, he pointed at them and asked: "Sister Fuya, who are these two?"

When talking about them, Gu Fuya beamed: "This is Mr. Cao and Mrs. Cao, our boss and the great benefactors of our family. If it weren't for Mr. Cao and Mrs. Cao, our whole family would be dead, including Jia Ning." To be in distress.”

Gu Fuya was talking about what happened to her family... Their family fled to the northeast, but they were unlucky. It was already winter when they entered the northeast. They didn't expect it to be so cold in the northeast, and the quilts they brought were not useful at all. Many people froze to death.

"There are so many people in my parents-in-law's family. Most of them froze to death. Then we met bandits and had some troubles. We are the only ones left in the Xie family." Gu Fuya said and cried again. , the two brothers Xie Jingjia and Xie Jiaxi also cried when they thought of their parents who died early.

Gu Fuya loved them very much and said hurriedly: "Today is a happy day, don't cry anymore. As long as you live well in the future, your parents will die without regrets."

"Yes." Xie Jing's brother and sister responded, and gave Gu Fuya their respective one hundred taels of silver notes: "Auntie, take it."

They didn't dare to hold so many banknotes themselves. What if they lost them?

...Happy New Year, I wish you all peace and health, and good fortune! I'm sorry that my blessings came late. There are too many things to do during the New Year. Thank you all for your support and love over the past year. I am not good at writing and I am terrible at updating, so I am really grateful to you all for reading. The next plot is about the death of Emperor Jingyuan, the establishment of a new dynasty, and Wei Er discovering that the real culprit who killed the Duke of Wei is someone else. Regarding Gu Fuya’s family, they are good people, but they were plotted by Ning Ji. Ning Ji is the biggest villain in this book, so he will die in the end. Thank you again 0.0

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