A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2421 Did you do something?

Erqing had already gone to greet Gu Jinli and the others and told her in a low voice what the Yu family had caused.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli had an idea, but it wasn't too tight... There were always one or two unreliable people in every household, so he just had to keep an eye on them to prevent her from causing any big trouble.

Gu Dalin was smart and experienced in doing things. After seeing Er Qing go to greet Gu Jinli, he knew that they wanted to talk, so he stayed where he was with Gu Fuya and the others to tease Er Lang. It wasn't until Gu Jinli and the others walked over that he took them with him. People came up to meet him.

"Cool!" Erlang saw him, struggled to get out of Gu Dalin's arms, and rushed towards her again.

This kid was so strong that he hit him like a rock. Gu Jinli was staggered by the hit. After holding him up, he lowered his head and said to him: "Don't always rush into people's arms like this, you will knock them down. "

Even if it can't knock someone down, it might knock you down.

"Go!" Erlang laughed, picking up words he remembered and knew how to say.

"Hey, this Chong Chong is pretty standard. My second cub is awesome." Gu Jinli praised him, then took his little hand and led him and Big Wolf to Gu Fuya. He was stunned and said happily: "Aunt Fuya."

"You, you still remember me?" Gu Fuya was shocked.

Gu Jinli shook his head: "I don't remember you very well, but I remember the third grandma. You and the third grandma look very similar. They both have round faces, big eyes, and thin lips. When you smile, your facial features will rise up, and when you are angry, the corners of your mouth will pull down." Very bluffing.”

After Gu Fuya heard this, her tears couldn't stop falling: "Little Yu girl, thank you, thank you and your family..."

Only by living with her mother every day can she tell such details. It can be seen that cousin Dalin did not lie. Brother Dashan and his family have been taking care of her parents for ten years.

Gu Jinli smiled: "Aunt Fuya, don't cry. Today is a happy day. Come on, let's go to the flower hall to talk."

"Hey, okay." Gu Fuya nodded repeatedly and followed Gu Jinli to the flower hall, but she was so excited that she almost fell down on the way.

Mrs. Yu was even more excited than she was. The moment she entered the flower hall, she exclaimed and sat down on the ground: "This, is this the flower hall where female guests are received?"

It’s so pretty too!

There are blooming flowers at the door, windows, and inside the house, as well as fresh fruits of various colors, plates of dried fruits, and tea served in white porcelain tea cups.

This, this is the life of a noble lady that she dreams of.

Xie Jingxian was a very good-tempered person, and he felt extremely embarrassed at this moment. He quickly helped Yu and said, "Is everything okay?"

This lady is in trouble!

They are about the same age, but look at what kind of life Mr. Gu lives like? What date did you give me?

Mrs. Yu wanted to cry... She didn't want to marry Xie Jingxian at all. She was originally targeting Young Master Cao. When Mrs. Cao came to her house to propose marriage, she went crazy with joy. Only in the end did she find out that the one she wanted to marry was Xie Jingxian. A slave family where the whole family works long-term for the Cao family!

Mrs. Yu didn't want to get married, so she boldly went to Cao's house to find Master Cao. She wanted to have him as a concubine, but she accepted him as a concubine.

As a result, she couldn't even see Master Cao. As soon as she arrived at Cao's house, she was caught by several women and thrown into the woodshed. After starving there for three days, Mrs. Cao came to see her and gave her two road.

Either marry Xie Jingxian honestly, or let her disappear. Anyway, the Cao family is not afraid of her natal family. If her natal family gets into trouble, they can settle it with just ten taels of silver.

Mrs. Yu was afraid and could only agree to marry Xie Jingxian, but she was not convinced. She secretly ate Bizi soup for a year after getting married, preventing herself from becoming pregnant with Xie Jingxian's child.

"It's okay!" Mrs. Yu said angrily, blaming Xie Jingxian in her heart.

Gu Jinli glanced at Mrs. Yu, and he had some understanding of this person and the relationship between her and Xie Jingxian. He sneered in his heart... Don't do it, you will only suffer the consequences if you seek death.

Gu Fuya felt very embarrassed and said to Gu Jinli, "Xiaoyu girl, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

Gu Jinli smiled and said: "It's okay, we are all a family... Aunt Fuya and uncle, please take a seat."

After everyone sat down, Gu Jinli asked some questions about Gu Fuya's family and met the people in Gu Fuya's family.

Generally speaking, except for Yu, who is unreliable, everyone else is good, but Xie Jianing is too boring... and he seems to have something hidden in his heart, and sometimes he gets distracted.

Gu Jinli said: "Thank you, cousin, we are all one family. We don't have to be restricted when we get here. You can do whatever you want."

After hearing this, Xie Jianing just smiled and was silent for a while, then suddenly asked her: "Cousin, when will you send someone to take us to He'an Mansion to reunite with grandpa and grandma? Is it tomorrow?"

Gu Fuya's anger rose when he heard this: "Sister Ning, what nonsense are you talking about? Your cousin will leave for Longshan Mansion with her family members tomorrow. This is a major matter concerning the soldiers of the northwest, so it must be handled properly. , we can free up time to arrange manpower to escort us to He'an Mansion."

There is no reason why Xiaoyu girl should leave so many relatives behind and only work for her family.


"The Cao family is going back to Longshan Mansion. We are favored by the Cao family. Naturally, we have to help the Cao family settle down before going south. How can we leave people halfway and suddenly go south to look for family members? You have to be a human being. With kindness."

But when Xie Jianing heard this, his eyes were red with anger, and he wanted to say something harsh, but finally held back.

"Aunt Fuya, please don't scold her." Gu Jinli looked at Xie Jianing and asked, "My cousin doesn't want to go to Longshan Mansion? Or is it that she doesn't want to go to Longshan Mansion with the Cao family?"

Xie Jianing didn't speak. After a moment, he gave an explanation: "I just want to see grandma and grandpa as soon as possible. They are very old. If I don't go there quickly, I'm afraid..."

"Shut up, Sister Ning, what do you mean? Do you still want to curse your grandma and grandpa?" Gu Fuya was so angry that he interrupted Xie Jianing's words, and then said to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu girl, don't listen to her nonsense, we will follow You go to Longshan Mansion, and after you and the Cao family are completely settled in Longshan Mansion, we will arrange for someone to escort us to He'an Mansion to meet our parents."

Gu Jinli said: "Aunt Fuya, the departure to Longshan Mansion has been arranged, and I still have people under my command. If you really want to go to He'an Mansion to reunite with the third grandfather and grandma, I can help you now." You arrange manpower."

After saying that, he looked at Xie Jianing and saw that her whole body was relaxed. Her tearful eyes filled with uncontrollable joy and hope, and her heart sank... Could it be that the Cao family did something to Xie Jianing? So Xie Jianing doesn't like the Cao family and wants to escape as soon as possible?

It seems that she has to send someone to check the Cao family, and check deeper.

"Thank you, cousin." Xie Jianing thanked her immediately, showing that she really wanted to escape from the Cao family.

"Why thank you? It's not your turn to make the decision at home." Gu Fuya disagreed and said to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, don't spoil her. Our family can't go to our parents now. We have to send the Cao family to Longshan Mansion, you can only leave after settling in."

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