A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2424 Xie Jianing’s Use

And they spoke in a low voice because someone had warned them back in the Northeast that the Qin family was very capable and Gu Jinli was not easy to deceive. Once the Gu Fuya family went to recognize their relatives, Qin and Gu would definitely send people to keep an eye on them secretly. , asking them to be careful what they say, lest they be overheard and cause disaster.

"I know~" Mrs. Cao responded, feeling very unhappy.

"Brother Xie and his family are back? Then we have to pick them up quickly!" Mr. Cao said loudly, dragging Mrs. Cao out of the camp.

His family's camp was not here originally, but five miles away. The only way to camp at the camp closest to the inn was through the Qin family.

When they said goodbye, a steward named Xiong Da came to see them off and asked them to move here.

And this place is really good, with ready-made tents, his family can go to the inn to fetch water and food, and they can also go to the city to buy things, and there are soldiers patrolling to protect their safety.

All in all everything is good, the only bad thing is...

"Sister Gu, why aren't your Jia Ning and Jia Xi back?" Mr. Cao was startled and secretly pushed Mrs. Cao to ask her this question.

Gu Fuya smiled and said, "They stayed with Mrs. Gao."

He also told Mrs. Gao who she was.

Mr. Cao was shocked, stepped forward and held Xie Pingzi's hand, and said: "But Mrs. Gao from the Lei family caravan? Brother Xie, your family has been through all the hardships, and even got to know Mrs. Gao."

Xie Pingzi smiled sheepishly and said, "Master Cao is joking. My family has always been taken care of by the Cao family, and we haven't suffered any hardships."

After hearing this, Mrs. Cao felt a little better and said to herself: It's good that you know that your family has been favored by the Cao family, but don't be ungrateful!

Mr. Cao said: "I've been saying it for many years. Don't call me Mr. If you think highly of me, just call me Brother Cao."

Seeing that Xie Pingzi was about to refuse again, he was the first to say: "Don't say anything unworthy. Your family is now a relative of the Qinhou family. With this status, calling me big brother is my family's profit."

After hearing this, Xie Pingzi was very moved and said with red eyes, "Yes, Brother Cao."

Mr. Cao: "Hey, thank you, brother!"

The two of them were moved when Master Cao suddenly appeared and asked dissatisfiedly: "Xie Pingzi, why didn't your daughter come back? Humph, maybe she got married to a noble relative, so she looked down on our Cao family and didn't even come back. !”

"Shut up, you traitor. Are you acting stupid again? I'll beat you to death!" Master Cao picked up the dry firewood next to him and hit Young Master Cao on his body.

Bang bang bang!

Because Gu Dalin was present, Master Cao was cruel and beat Young Master Cao until he cried for father and mother. He quickly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Father, my son knows he was wrong. Please spare your son. My son will never dare to do it again." ”

He cried and begged Xie Pingzi again: "Uncle Xie, uncle Xie, please help me. I know I was wrong and I will definitely change it!"

Please save me quickly. If you don't save me, I will die.

Xie Pingzi and Gu Fuya came to their senses, rushed forward, knelt down and said, "Master, no, Brother Cao, please spare the young master. He is the only legitimate son in the Cao family."

When Mrs. Cao heard this, she also rushed over: "Master, stop now, no more fighting!"

Do you want to kill my son and leave all your wealth to those two bastards? !

Mr. Cao has three sons and one daughter, only one son and one daughter were born to Mrs. Cao. Before returning to the northwest, his daughter was promised to the Yin family and entered a prominent family.

And Miss Cao's entry into the Yin family was a deal... If you let a dog do things, you have to give it a little sweetness.

Mr. Cao was also tired of beating him, so he threw down the firewood and said angrily: "Treason, from now on the Xie family will be your uncle's family. If you dare to be disrespectful to the Xie family again, I will kill you!"

Young Master Cao was frightened by the beating and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, my son knows, and he will definitely treat Uncle Xie as his biological uncle from now on!"

Then he kowtowed to Xie Pingzi and Gu Fuya: "My little nephew, pay my respects to Uncle Xie and Auntie Xie."

Damn, is this okay? Stop hitting me!

"Master, get up quickly, we can't afford it." Gu Fuya and his wife were startled and rushed to help Master Cao, but they touched a sore spot on his hand, causing Master Cao to scream in pain.

Mrs. Cao felt very distressed. Mr. Cao was afraid that Mrs. Cao would do something bad in a hurry, so he hurriedly said: "Hurry up and help this traitor get some medicine. Remember, watch his mouth. If he dares to scold the Xie family behind his back, I can't spare him!" "

This is actually a reminder to Mrs. Cao not to speak ill of the Xie family behind their backs. They are a kind couple. If they were heard speaking ill of the Xie family behind their backs, the show would not go on.

"I know, I will speak well of him." Mrs. Cao responded, and then said to Gu Dalin: "Mr. Gu, I made you laugh, I'm sorry."

Gu Dalin: "It's okay. Madam Cao, please do it. If you need a doctor, we have one here. You can call the doctor at any time."

"No, no, no, the Cao family has a doctor, so there's no need to bother Master Gu." Mrs. Cao led her servants and hurriedly took Master Cao away.

However, Gu Dalin didn't want Gu Fuya's family to stay any longer, so he proposed to Mr. Cao in person that he wanted to take Gu Fuya's family back to live in the city. If the Cao family needed help, he would arrange for people to come over and help. Gu Fuya's family is young.

But Gu Fuya's family disagreed and said, "Brother Cao's family has been very good to us. We have to repay the favor. Just let us help the Cao family one more time."

Gu Fuya insisted again and again, but Gu Dalin had no choice but to give up. However, he decided to visit Gu Fuya's family every day in the future to prevent them from being bullied by the young master of the Cao family.

In the middle of the night, Mrs. Cao pushed Mr. Cao and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Mr. Cao's palm. She whispered: "Go to bed. If you have anything to say, we can talk to you after dawn~"

Forgot what that person said?

Night is the time when the dead soldiers stare at people most closely. If they want to say something, they can find an open place during the day and bite their ears to say it. People further away will not be able to hear it.

Otherwise, write, but don't burn it after writing. It's not winter, so you don't need to burn charcoal for heating. Setting fire to something at this time will arouse suspicion.

You have to dissolve the paper with water and drink it together so that no trace is exposed.

The next day, when they were in the mule cart, the Cao couple used this method of writing.

Mrs. Cao asked: That girl didn't come back last night. Could it be that she told the story?

After reading it, Mr. Cao wrote: Impossible. She is timid and is afraid of causing trouble to her family, so she will definitely not dare to tell anyone about it. Besides, I didn't do anything to her, her innocence remains.

Mrs. Cao was still worried: But she was a thin-skinned girl, so what if she couldn't get over the hurdle? I heard that Mrs. Qin and Mrs. Gao Lei are both shrewd people. If she is still as abnormal as she is today, they will always find something when they face her every day, and we will be doomed if the time comes!

"That's enough. Stop worrying about that traitor. Hurry up and meet Mrs. Qin and the others. If you get late and fall out of the team, we won't have soldiers to protect us." Mr. Cao took the paper, tore it into pieces and threw it into the tea bowl. , after soaking it until soft, handed it to Mrs. Cao: "You are thirsty, come and drink some water."

Mrs. Cao was so angry that this old bastard would let her do it every time something bad happened, and he would only enjoy it!

Mr. Cao: "Drink quickly."

Mrs. Cao could only take the tea bowl and drink the water with the shredded paper in it.

Mr. Cao, on the other hand, regretted it. If he had known that he had not just peeked at the girl taking a bath, he should have killed her on the spot, which would have made it easier to handle her.

But the man disagreed and said that all they needed to do was get a handle on Xie Jianing to control her, but Xie Jianing's innocence must be kept to seduce Mr. Qin Xiaohou.

It doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not, as long as Xie Jianing is forced to do it, it will put a knot in Gu Jinli's heart and make Gu Jinli and Qin Xiaohou Ye separated.

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