A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2431 Bringing someone back

"Ouch!" After Sanqing finished dancing with the knife, Erlang screamed happily, which startled Gu Jinli in the room. This brat was so good at shouting.

"Okay, now that you're happy, let's go and eat." Gu Jinli walked out and went to eat with Aunt Yu and their two cubs.

After hearing this, Erlang patted his belly and said to Gu Jinli: "Cool, Dudu, Dudu."

"It's because I'm hungry, not too much." Gu Jinli corrected him, went into the side room, took the egg custard, tested the temperature, and asked Nurse Hong to feed them after it was no longer hot in the mouth.

"Cake." Big Wolf took out the unfinished red bean cake and continued to nibble... He is really a child who has a beginning and an end.

Gu Jinli laughed when he saw it, took half of his bowl cake and ate it in one bite: "Let's eat egg custard and millet cake now. When you wake up, we will eat bowl cake to fill your stomach."

The big wolf saw that his bowl of cake was gone, and his mouth dropped in embarrassment, but he still nodded and said, "Yeah~"

"You're so good. Come on, open your mouth and eat the egg custard." Gu Jinli waited for them to finish eating, and estimated that Qin Sanlang had taken a bath before he got up and went to the sleeping room to find clean clothes for Qin Sanlang, and then picked up the medicine box. , go to the bathroom.

I have to say that the houses of the Qin family are really well built. Each courtyard has six rooms and the house is very spacious. Before they came, Qin Sanlang sent someone to build a new fire pit. She slept very comfortably last night. .


As soon as Gu Jinli entered the bathroom, he felt the strong wind approaching and immediately threw the medicine box away. Qin Sanlang had originally wanted to hug her, but now he could only catch the medicine box first.

"I still wanted to play a sneak attack, but I missed it." Gu Jinli said, his smile faltered, he took the medicine box, closed the door, and pulled him to the soft side of the bathroom: "Sit down, let me take a look at the injury on your shoulder... ...It was a large penetrating wound, caused by a crossbow arrow, and the arrow still had a barb, and you still managed to pull the arrow out alive? That’s great!”

The wound was very hideous and the scar was raised. If one had cut open the wound and carefully taken out the arrow, the scar would not be like this.

Seeing that she was about to get angry, Qin Sanlang hurriedly coaxed her: "Don't be angry. I was chasing Tuo Gude at that time and couldn't treat the wound properly, but it's healed now. Don't worry, Xiaoyu."

After his hard work, the family was finally reunited. Gu Jinli couldn't bear to scold him, so he put away his temper and said: "Okay, I won't be angry anymore, but you have to protect yourself next time, or I will take your kid and remarry." .”

Qin Sanlang smiled: "Xiaoyu can't."

When she was a child, she didn't want to get married at all, she just wanted to make money to buy land and become a landlord's mother-in-law. Later, she was slowly deceived by him and went home, so she could get married and have children.

Gu Jinli was angry: "How do you know I can't do it? If you don't believe it, watch it slowly after you turn into a soul, and I will definitely find another one."

Qin Sanlang: "That's impossible."

"Why?" Gu Jinli pressed the scar of the penetrating injury on his shoulder. After making sure that the flesh inside had grown well and that there were no pus lesions hidden, he felt relieved and went to check his other injuries.

Qin Sanlang answered her: "Because my soul will drag the person you want to marry to see King Yama."

"Childish." Gu Jinli took out alcohol and disinfected and applied medicine to other wounds on his body.

"I'm serious, Xiaoyu is my wife." After Qin Sanlang said this, he stopped at the right time... Xiaoyu always thought that he was kind and sunny, and Chicheng was harmless, so he doted on him like a little brother. But he knows very well that he is a domineering person, and no one else can take away what he likes even if he dies!

"This gold sore medicine will sting a little, please bear with it." Gu Jinli took out a new gold sore medicine and sprinkled it on him... He had a lot of small wounds on his body, which could be treated with medicine. Some wounds were longer, She took out boiled white cotton cloth and bandaged him.

"Why is there a wound on his head and it's bleeding? Is it because I scratched the scab when I washed my hair just now? Does it hurt?" Gu Jinli took out a white cotton cloth, sprinkled medicated powder on it, pressed it on the wound on his head, and then He took a cotton towel and twisted his half-dried hair.

Qin Sanlang smiled, feeling the tenderness of her wiping his hair: "It doesn't hurt. In this battle, the most serious injury I suffered was a penetrating injury to my shoulder. I'm lucky, so Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry."

Gu Jinli nodded and said with satisfaction: "Well, I've protected myself well this time. I'm not angry anymore."

During the six months since he went to fight, she had been worried that he would be seriously injured. She was woken up by nightmares several times during the night. Fortunately, he was okay.

Qin Sanlang smiled and turned to look at her with a stern look in his eyes: "The little fish wants to give me a reward."

As he said that, he held her hand, pulled her into his arms, pinched her chin, and kissed her deeply... This kiss got out of hand. He took off her clothes and pulled her into her arms. Press on the soft collapse.

Gu Jinli was stunned and saw that the medicated cotton cloth on his head was about to fall off. He quickly raised his hand to press it: "Well, wait..."

First, take some medicine.

"I can't wait any longer." He moved his kiss to her heart, tasting her body greedily and domineeringly... It has been almost a year since the Lantern Festival on the first lunar month. He missed her so much that he missed her so much since just now. From the moment he saw her, his body has been holding back: "Xiaoyu, I miss you so much, give me... don't be afraid, no one dares to disturb us."

Anyway, when Gu Jinli woke up, it was already dark.

She looked at the candlelight in the room and the dark sky outside, blinked her eyes, and when she came back to her senses, she was startled, thinking of the big wolf and the two wolves, and hurriedly tried to get up, but was blocked by the arm across her abdomen. Pressed back.

Behind her, someone was kissing her: "Don't worry, little fish, the big wolf and the two wolves have already had dinner and are asleep now."

Have you had dinner and gone to bed again?

"What time is it now?" she asked.

"It's just past Xu Shi." Qin Sanlang stretched out his long arm, took a bowl of water from the table beside the kang, and helped her up: "Drink some water."

Gu Jinli was very thirsty, so he drank all the water from the bowl. When he noticed that his body was a little cold, he frowned and looked down, and hurriedly hid under the quilt with a bang.

"Ha." Qin Sanlang put down the bowl, hugged her, smiled, kissed her blushing cheek, and said, "We already have children, why are we still so shy?"

Gu Jinli glared at him: "I'm happy!"

It's my cheeks that want to turn red. What can I do?



"I'm hungry."

She was really hungry, she didn't even eat lunch.

"Xiaoyu, wait, I'm going to get the food." Qin Sanlang felt distressed when he heard the rumbling of her stomach. He put on his clothes and went to the outhouse to get the food that was baked on the kang.

By the time he entered the house carrying the food, Gu Jinli was already dressed.

The movement was so fast, Qin Sanlang smiled, moved the table to the Kang, set the food, and handed her a bowl of egg and meat soup: "Eat this tonight, it will be good for you."

Gu Jinli was very hungry. After eating the egg and meat soup, he also ate three steamed buns, a bowl of chicken soup, and some side dishes.

Qin Sanlang was frightened. Seeing that she wanted to eat the bowl cake, he quickly stopped her: "Don't eat it. I'm hungry for two meals. If you eat too much at once, your stomach will be uncomfortable. Eat again tomorrow."

"Okay." Gu Jinli could only put down the cake and asked why he appeared in Yongfeng County.

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