"Qin Mu, you are so impudent!" Mr. Zhen was furious. He did not expect Qin Sanlang to dare to say such cruel words.

Qin Sanlang sneered: "You don't believe it. I tell you the truth and you get angry again. You are obviously looking for trouble on purpose!"

After saying that, he slapped the saber directly on the table with a bang and looked at Master Zhen.

His eyes were as sharp as a blade, not to mention Mr. Zhen, some people present were also frightened.

Mr. Fang hurriedly came out to smooth things over: "Qin Xiaohou, please calm down. Zhen Er is just a playboy. He can't speak. Don't argue with him."

Then he turned around and scolded Mr. Zhen: "And you, you can't vent your anger on Mr. Qin Xiaohou just because you are unhappy. Mr. Qin Xiaohou is a great hero in the war, is he someone you can get angry at? Why don't you apologize quickly! "

Mr. Zhen had long been frightened to the point of weakening his legs by the long knife on the table. This knife followed Qin Mu to drive away the thieves and killed countless people. He did not want to become the next dead soul, so he immediately grabbed the step and apologized. : "Qin Xiaohou, please calm down. I was the one who said something rude. Please forgive me."

Seeing that he was honest, Qin Sanlang said: "Master Zhen, please sit down."

He patted the saber on the table again and said: "Don't worry, I am a reasonable person and will not use the knife on my own people casually. But if someone wants to be unreasonable, cross the bottom line, and do things that harm others and themselves, then It’s a different matter!”

He said this to everyone present, especially those who were thinking about changing his wife.

Some people present knew very well what the bottom line of Qin Sanlang's words was. They were very scared for a moment, and cold sweat broke out on their backs... Qin Mu was too protective of the Gu family. It seemed that the matter of exchanging his wife should not be done too hastily. , I have to write home again and discuss it with my family, so as not to abandon my daughter and not get a good deal.

However, Qin Sanlang's words were too strong. They were a little uncomfortable and really scared, so no one dared to speak for a while.

Lu Bai could only come out to smooth things over again: "After several years, Brother Qin is still so attached to love and justice, I admire him very much."

He also told everyone about Qin Sanlang's stay in He'an Mansion, letting them know that Qin Sanlang would not do anything to them as long as they did not seek death.

Qin Sanlang nodded in agreement: "The man from Qianshan County is right. Qin also knows what you mean by coming to Longshan Mansion. He also understands that you are eager to see me because you want to ask for permission. Today I will put all the permission for you." here."

"First, the Qin family will not be disloyal to Da Chu first. This is what my father and ancestor said when they were still alive, and I will comply with it."

But if Emperor Jingyuan or his successor finds trouble, this promise will be void.

"Second, the Qin family only guards the border and does not participate in other battles."

So those who want to persuade him to fight for the position, or want his help to fight for the position, can rest. The Qin family will not accept it.

"Third, since you have arrived in the northwest, you must abide by the rules of the northwest. Anyone who breaks the rules will be killed regardless of his origin."

"Fourth, the ancestral motto of the Qin family is not to take concubines or accept beautiful women. I, Qin Mu, will abide by it. Don't even interfere with my ancestral precepts of the Qin family. You can't afford it!"

He just wants to live a good life with Xiaoyu, so no matter what your purpose is, don't cause trouble. I'm not a prostitute, and I won't sleep with whoever you want me to sleep with!

"Fifth, the Northwest Army has a rule in the old days. Those who abandon their wives will never be reused!"

This rule was established by Qin's father after he took charge of the Qin family and gained prestige in the Northwest Army. As for why his grandfather's generation did not establish it, it was because that generation was all scum, including Emperor Jingwu.

As soon as these words came out, half of the people present almost jumped... Even if you don't want beauties yourself, you still want to block our way of using beauties to win over other generals. Qin Mu, don't go too far!

But Qin Sanlang ignored them at all and continued: "Qin said everything that should be said at once. Please remember it and don't forget it."

If you forget, big trouble will happen.

After finishing speaking, he slapped his palm on the saber, startling everyone present, and then moved. By the time everyone reacted, he had already put the saber back on his waist and walked to the middle of the study.

"Wait a minute, where is Mr. Qin Xiaohou going?"

Qin Sanlang: "Go home."

Then he said: "It's getting late, you should go back and rest early."

Ah, is this the end? We've been waiting for you all day, and you're leaving less than half an hour after arriving? !

Qin Sanlang: "..."

I didn't make you wait.

Qin Sanlang looked at Lu Bai and said, "The men from Qianshan County can continue to defend the people in the northwest. As long as it is verified to be true, the northwest army will help you arrest them."

The northwest has been plagued by Xu You in recent years, and there have been many cases. It’s time to clean up.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin Xiaohou!" Lu Bai was very happy and felt reassured. It seemed that Qin Sanlang really had no intention of rebelling. He asked Xin Jianjun again: "Is Mr. Jianjun okay?"

Some time ago, after Xin Jianjun received a letter from Longshan Mansion, he hurried to Longshan Mansion with a group of people. He didn't know what the matter was in such a hurry.

After hearing this, the others quickly asked: "Yes, Mr. Qin Xiaohou, how is Inspector Xin doing?"

I won't be killed by you, right?

Killing the supervisors sent by His Majesty is an irrefutable proof of rebellion!

Qin Sanlang said: "The army is in Longshan Mansion, so Xin Jianjun naturally has to rush to Longshan Mansion to supervise the whole army."

He added: "I met Supervisor Xin when I came here. He wrote a personal letter and gave me a person to prove that he was safe and sound."

He gave the letter to Lu Bai and called in the boy next to Supervisor Xin.

Lu Bai showed the letter to Mou Fang.

Mou Fang was Zhong Huan's confidant. He was very capable and knowledgeable. He recognized the seal of the Supervisory Army on it. After looking at it carefully, he said, "It is indeed an autographed letter from Supervisor Xin... In addition to the seal, it also contains the personal information of Xin's family." Seal, and number.”

Every letter from the Supervisory Army will be numbered, from one to nine, and after nine, then two to nine, and so on. There are special booklets in the military camp, the yamen along the way, and the capital to record the numbers to ensure that they are not Miss a letter, ensure that no one can forge it, and ensure that if the supervisor is kidnapped, the Yamen and the capital can discover and rescue it in time.

Xin Supervisor Jun's servant said: "Master Supervisor Jun is very kind. He will rush to Longshan Mansion to fulfill the responsibility of supervising the army and do something that is a great good thing for the imperial court. Please, please rest assured."

This great thing is about going to see the Green Horse King, but this matter still needs to be discussed, and we can't reveal too much yet, lest some people come to ruin this great thing.

"What's the big deal?" The noble master and the stewards of each house asked anxiously.

But the young man said: "This is a secret. I have already given it to Your Majesty. Now I am waiting for your Majesty's news. Please don't embarrass me."

Emperor Jingyuan was still very good at scaring people. After hearing this, everyone didn't dare to ask any more questions.

But when they put this aside, Qin Sanlang had already left, and the young masters and stewards of each family were very disappointed: "My family has prepared a post, but I haven't given it to Mr. Qin Xiaohou yet!"

Don't give it. Qin Sanlang won't go if he gives it. He doesn't have time to act with these people. He wants to go home to be with Xiaoyu and his children.

"Everyone, it's getting late. Please follow me. The soldiers will escort you back to your residence." General Situ spoke, but Qin Sanlang had already disappeared. These people could only leave in anger.

They were still seeing off guests in the front yard, but the Cao couple in the back yard could no longer bear the torture and did everything.

"Stop cutting it, we really know so much... Ah!" Mr. Cao was crying as his skin and flesh were cut off several times.

But he only said that the Yin family asked him to do this. As for why? He has no idea.

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