A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2458 Not qualified to question

When it was dark, Gu Jinli's convoy also entered the city. Because of the big festival, rows of white lanterns were hung on both sides of the city's avenues. When the two wolves saw the lanterns, they screamed excitedly and even tried to pull the big wolf's heel. Xiao Luoyou: "Guo Guo, meat Guo Guo, yo yo!"

Look, it's bright.

This boy was so strong that he made little Luo You and Big Wolf stagger. Cousin Yu quickly hugged them to prevent them from falling down in the carriage. She looked at the second wolf and said with a smile: "The second wolf is really energetic. "

Erlang heard the sound, turned back to look at Cousin Yu, and asked her to look at the lantern: "Uh-huh, yo-yo!"

My cousin couldn't shout, she could only shout a similar word "um".

Gu Jinli pointed at the lanterns and said solemnly to the two wolves: "Those are soul-inducing lanterns used to light the way for the heroic spirits. When you see them, you must bow to them and don't laugh."


Erlang understood and waved his little hand towards the white lanterns: "Wave!"

The corner of Gu Jinli's mouth twitched, he clasped his hands together, nodded towards the white lantern, and said, "Look, it's a goodbye like mother did, not a wave to say goodbye."

After being taught twice, Erlang learned the lesson and bowed to the white lantern, but with a smile on his face and no sadness at all.

Gu Jinli was in trouble and said to Cousin Yu: "If he does the same thing during the big ceremony tomorrow, he will be blamed."

Cousin Yu said: "I don't know how to worry. This is something that can't be helped. Everyone can understand it."

However, Gu Jinli has already come up with a 'poisonous trick'. If the two wolves laugh too much during the big sacrifice tomorrow, she will give him some pungent poison and make him cry.

Erlang was still laughing and haha, completely unaware that the cruel mother was going to attack him.

Although Longshan Prefecture is located on the border, the city is very large, almost twice the size of He'an Prefecture, and it is impregnable. The city wall is tall and thick, unmatched by other prefectures. It is divided into two parts, the inner and outer cities, and has more buildings than other cities. A meandering city wall.

Such a city was built to cope with the war... If the outer city was attacked, the people could still escape to the inner city, and there was a large area of ​​cultivated land left in both inner and outer cities. Even if food could not be transported in during the siege, they would still be able to escape. If we can harvest the food from the cultivated land in the city and sustain it for a while, we won't soon run out of food and be defeated.

When passing by the farmland, Gu Jinli sighed: "This design is really ingenious. Other cities in Dachu should imitate it. Leaving a piece of farmland is to leave a way for the people in the city to survive."

Cousin Yu said: "My grandfather and uncle both mentioned this when they were alive, but many other non-border cities were reluctant. They said that the land in the city was valuable and should be used to build houses and shops. With more shops, the city could be prosperous. .”

This grandfather refers to Luo Ying's grandfather.

Longshan Mansion was built after the Wubao. However, after the establishment of Da Chu, in order to prevent the wealthy families from raising private soldiers unscrupulously, Wubao could no longer be built. Many large Wubao were destroyed by troops.

Longshan Mansion was so big that the convoy took an hour to reach Qin Mansion in the inner city.

Opposite the Qin Mansion was the Luo Family. Gu Jinli smiled and said to Cousin Yu, "The Qin House and the Luo House in Feihuang County are also facing each other."

Cousin Yu felt embarrassed when she heard this: "My husband and my second cousin are too willful and insist on building the houses together. They say they live close to each other. Even if they are drunk, they can go home quickly, so as not to stay up all night and get caught." The adults in the family will beat you.”

The two of them were so naughty that they were beaten the most by the elders in the family, and sometimes they were beaten by both elders together.

Gu Jinli asked again: "Don't the houses where the two families rest along the way are all in the same place?"

Cousin Yu shook her head: "That's not true. Some houses already have owners, and others are unwilling to sell them. The family does not allow them to use other means to plan. There are actually relatively few houses that two families can put together."

Longshan Prefecture and Feihuang County are coincidentally located.

Gu Jinli was very envious when he heard this: "Brother Luo and his second brother have such a good relationship. It's not a waste of time to have such close friends in this world."

"Yes." Cousin Yu nodded in agreement, remembering what happened before the three families were in trouble, a bright smile appeared on her face.

Gu Jinli felt a little distressed.

Cousin Yu felt her gaze, looked at her, and said with a smile: "I'm fine, I just miss the people and things in the past... But my second cousin is an open-minded person and hates people crying, so let's not feel sad."

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, everything is getting better, I'm not sad anymore."

"Ah, Dudu!" Erlang had enough of seeing the white lanterns, so he pulled Gu Jinli and patted his belly.

"Are you hungry? We're already home. Let's go home for dinner." Gu Jinli hugged him and got out of the carriage, while cousin Yu hugged the big wolf. Little Luo You was older and could get off the carriage by himself on a stool.

"Xie Cheng, you bastard, why did you come to pick us up now?!" Ji Zhenniang didn't even care about Brother Rui, rushed to Xie Cheng, and started to accuse him.

Xie Cheng quickly apologized: "It's my fault, but I have to be responsible for patrolling in the city. I have to hand over to my colleagues before I can come to see you. I didn't mean not to pick up your mother and son outside the city."

Then he took a few branches of early plums from the horse and handed them to Ji Zhenniang: "I saw them by the big lake in the city. The buds are well cut and they will bloom in a few days. I picked them specially for you. Don't be angry."

Ji Zhenniang liked this kind of tone and was not angry anymore. But thinking that she hadn't seen Xie Cheng for a long time, she started crying again. Xie Cheng couldn't coax her anymore.

Kuang finally couldn't help it anymore and said, "Stop crying, you scared Brother Rui. It's dark and cold, so take the child into the house quickly."

When you are in your room, you can cry slowly.

Gu Jinli greeted the big guy: "Everyone, come into the house. The house is big, and each family has a big yard. If you need anything, just ask Uncle Mao. Uncle Mao is Master Yan, and you all know him."

Then he walked up to Mrs. Han, whose family had been reunited, and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Zhang, you have worked hard during this time."

Han's journey was really not easy. He took the family members of the second line of defense all the way to Longshan Mansion. He arrived a few days ahead of them, but he couldn't rest and continued to be busy arranging the arrangements for the family members and the big ceremony.

However, Han also reunited with Zhang Yan a few days in advance.

Now seeing a pair of children again, Han's whole person became brighter, with a smile on his face: "It's not hard, the road from Long'an Prefecture to Longshan Prefecture is much easier than when I came to the northwest. There is no shortage of supplies, and there are soldiers stationed on the road, so it is very safe.”

Seeing that she was happy, Gu Jinli also became happy. After talking to Mr. Han for a while, he looked down at Sister Yu and Brother Yi: "Go back with your parents and go to bed early. We have to get up very early for the big festival tomorrow."

"Yes, I understand, Aunt Qin!" The two children responded happily, which showed that they were very happy after being reunited with their parents.

Cousin Yu felt sorry for Gu Jinli and the others because they had worked so hard all the way and didn't stay long: "Xiaoyu, you should go into the house early and rest. After the big ceremony, we can talk properly."

"Okay." Gu Jinli was indeed tired. After saying goodbye to Luo Ying and his wife, he led a large group of people into the house happily.

Cousin Yu had already packed up the Qin Mansion, and Gu Jinli and the others were in need of everything. They ate, washed and went to bed.

Boom, boom, boom!

Boom, boom, boom!

At midnight, a burst of drums rang through Longshan Mansion. After everyone heard the drums, they hurriedly got up, burned incense and bathed. After a lot of busy work, they dragged their families and walked out of the city carrying cold food.

Outside Longshan Fufu City, there is an altar built out of a hill. On the altar are countless stone tablets with names engraved on them, as well as an unnamed tablet dedicated to commemorating all the soldiers who died in the battle.

The people who led the sacrifice this time were Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli, followed by Luo Ying and cousin Yu, and then the generals and wives who made great contributions in this battle.

And every general who went to the altar brought his wife.

The expressions of those noble gentlemen changed greatly. Regardless of the fact that the big sacrifice had already begun, they went to see Xin Jianjun and said angrily: "Master Jianjun, sacrifice is a big deal. How can the Marquis of Qin let a woman go to the altar?!"

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