A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2467 Get the genealogy

The close relationship with the two young masters has countless benefits for him.

Qin Sanlang said: "Mr. Ning has worked hard all the way. Let's go to his residence to rest first and see them again later."

Ning Ji's heart sank. The third master was becoming more and more dissatisfied with him. Not only did he not call him Uncle Ning, he was not allowed to see the two young masters.

Ning Ji was anxious and worried, but Third Master's temper was too tough. If he went against him, it would be counterproductive. He could only smile and said: "Sanlang is right. I can't hold it any longer after coming all the way. I'll leave first." .”

Then he asked: "Where should I live?"

Qin Sanlang: "Mr. Ning is from the Ning family. He can live with Mr. Ning, or go to Kangfu Street to live with Qin Gui."

Ning Ji said without hesitation: "I'll go live on Kangfu Street. Now I can't interact too much with the Ning family, lest they be embarrassed in the capital."

He didn't hide this from Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang nodded and sent the guests off.

Ning Ji was very reluctant, but he got up and left immediately.

However, Luo Ying stopped him and warned: "You'd better tell the truth, otherwise I won't let you go."

Then he said: "Tell Wei Qi and Wei Xiaoer that they'd better be more sincere in their explanations, otherwise the Luo family will also sever ties with them, and..."

Haha, Luo Ying laughed sinisterly: "I will also make some things about Dongqing public!"

He was there the night Wei Er married Princess Dongqing. He knew many details about that killing. If told, not only Wei Er but also Wei Qi's reputation would be ruined.

After hearing this, Ning Ji suddenly regretted asking Luo Ying to stay and listen, but he quickly responded: "Don't worry, Mr. Ying, I will convey your words to the uncles and nephews of the Wei family."

Luo Ying: "Humph, it's fine if you don't tell me. If they dare to bully Brother Mu again, I will directly lead the troops to fight them, and I will kill you!"

Ning Ji was very angry when he was threatened, but soon he didn't care anymore. He must be aware that if he is too crazy, he will kill himself.

"Don't worry Lord Ying, I know what to do." After Ning Ji finished speaking, he nodded to Qin Sanlang and left.

Qin Sanlang looked at Luo Ying and said, "Brother Luo, you don't have to offend anyone for me in the future. I told you that when I grow up, I can take on things."

Luo Ying was angry: "You dislike me for being too impulsive and offending others with my words?!"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "No. I just don't want Brother Luo to offend anyone, because I want to take care of Brother Luo. You have worked hard for so many years and helped me a lot. It's time to enjoy the blessings."

After saying this, Luo Ying was happy and said happily: "Sure, since you want to repay me so much, then I will help you and treat me to a drink tonight."

Qin Sanlang shook his head: "It's okay to eat together, but not drinking. Brother Luo needs to take good care of his body."

I have been seriously injured twice. If I don't take good care of my body now that I'm stable, I'm afraid my body will suffer from a lot of ailments when I'm forty years old.

Luo Ying snorted coldly: "You are so long-winded. OK, OK, I won't drink anymore. I will keep the alcohol to save my life and go see Wu Changfang. He is still in the living room."

"Yes." Qin Sanlang and Luo Ying went to see Wu Changfang.

Wu Changfang was very angry when he saw them: "Finally remembered that I'm here? Hurry to Nuange, it's freezing here!"

He turned back to Uncle Cao and said, "Do you have anything to do?"

Uncle Cao wanted to strangle Wu Changfang to death. Uncle Cao has been with you in the cold for so long, and you dare to let me leave!

"Go back quickly. I have something important to tell the Marquis of Qin." After Wu Changfang finished speaking, he left the living room and walked towards Nuan Pavilion.

Uncle Cao could only say goodbye and said: "The Marquis of Qin is busy first, I will talk about cassava another day."

Cassava has a high yield and is being planted on a large scale in the northwest.

Qin Sanlang nodded in response. After calling people to see off the guests, he followed Luo Ying back to Nuange and asked Wu Changfang, "What's the matter with you?"

Wu Changfang sat on the kang covered with animal skins and said, "Want to know? Call my brother to come and listen."

"Wugui, are you looking for death if you stage a show in front of me?" Luo Ying rushed towards Wu Changfang, intending to beat him.

Wu Changfang was furious: "Shut up, you bandit. If you call me this nickname again, I will burn the Qin family tree!"

Luo Ying and Qin Sanlang were shocked and asked quickly: "Do you have the Qin family tree here?"

Wu Changfang nodded and said arrogantly: "That's right, it's in my hands. Haha, you're afraid, why don't you hurry up and bring tea and water and start serving!"

"Serving your father, you didn't overhear Qin Gui's conversation with us and deliberately came to blackmail us, right?" Luo Ying didn't believe it and even wanted to beat him up.

Wu Changfang said: "I wanted to eavesdrop, but your people stopped me before I even got close to Nuan Pavilion."

And this also let Wu Changfang know that his eldest brother's decision was right. Even if the Qin family suffered a catastrophe, the Qin family would rise again no worse than before, or even stronger.

He admired Qin Chenglai again... After Qin Cheng was arrested, he did not think about saving himself, but did the two right things. One of them was to disband all the Qin family's secret forces and let them break away from the Qin family. , so that the power of the Qin family is perfectly preserved.

Now that these people are back, not to mention Qin Sanlang's ability, even Qin Gui, that loser, can be lifted up by these forces.

"My mother gave the family tree to Miss Zhou?" Qin Sanlang asked Wu Changfang. If the Wu family has the Qin family tree, the most likely reason is that my mother gave it to Miss Zhou for safekeeping.

Wu Changfang raised his eyebrows and said, "That's wrong, your mother doesn't have the genealogy. She gave it to your elder brother a long time ago, and this matter has nothing to do with my sister-in-law."

Wu Changfang was a man who deserved a beating. When he said this, he deliberately stopped, pointed at the teacup and said, "I'm thirsty, hurry up and pour some tea."

"What the hell, tell me now, or I'll chop you to death!" Luo Ying was furious. How could there be such a disgusting person in the world? !

More than ten years ago, Qin Ji, Luo Ying, and Wu Changfang were the most powerful people in the capital, so Wu Changfang was not afraid of Luo Ying at all, and he was not afraid of boiling water. Hurry and chop, anyone who dares to chop is a bastard, but if I get hurt, the Qin family tree will be over!"

Luo Ying choked.

"Brother Luo, don't worry." Qin Sanlang went to pour the tea and handed it to Wu Changfang with both hands: "Please use it."

Wu Changfang raised his chin and said, "It's not polite. Call me brother and come and listen."

Qin Sanlang: "Brother of the Wu family, please have some tea."

"Hey, be good." Wu Changfang took the tea and drank it, but did not give the family tree. Instead, he pointed at Luo Ying and said: "He scolded me and wanted to hit me. He must apologize, otherwise the family tree will still be burned."

"Mom, don't stop me. If I don't chop him up today, my surname will not be Luo!" Luo Ying was so angry that he pushed Qin Sanlang who stopped him and wanted to beat Wu Changfang.

Wu Changfang really needed a beating, and he raised his finger at Luo Ying and said, "Come on, the one who dares not chop is the grandson."

Qin Sanlang was given a headache by their troubles, but looking at their noisy appearance, he remembered that when he was a child, they also fought together, but they got better after the fight, and he couldn't help laughing, haha, Luo Luo Ying and Wu Changfang were both frightened.

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