A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2469 Everyone is having a happy event

Gu Jinli smiled: "Of course."

Xiao Ji is a person who is very afraid of change. She will panic when she changes. Gu Jinli quickly gave her a promise and said: "If Cong Wenshan really dares to let you down in the future, his future will be over and he will have to be punished." .”

The military laws and regulations are clearly written.

"The future he has risked his life for is not easy. If that day comes, I don't want to hold him accountable." Xiao Ji still feels sorry for Cong Wenshan. He has thought about it. If Cong Wenshan really takes concubines in the future, or has a wife. , she won't pursue it, as long as she can return to her little boss.

As for the children, with the little boss here, her children will definitely not suffer.

Gu Jinli asked her again: "Have you met Cong Wenshan? How did he treat you? How are you compared to before? Is it better or worse?"

When asked this, Xiao Ji blushed and said with a smile: "It's better than before. I gave the property to the slave for safekeeping and told the slave to take care of the flowers."

In the past, I just brought her good food to eat, but now I have given her my "home".

But every time he saw her, he would still bring her delicious food, either given by adults or given to him by others.

"My slave told him not to take things given by others, so as not to refuse when others ask him for help. But he said that he would take whatever he could and would report it to the adults."

Xiao Ji took out a booklet and gave it to Gu Jinli: "My slave asked him to write down whose belongings he collected. I didn't see anything too valuable. If there is anything valuable, my slave will ask him to return it."

Gu Jinli took the brochure and read it. They were all ordinary things. The most expensive ones were just some meat, and there was no wine.

She returned the booklet to Xiao Ji and said with a smile: "The work is much more detailed than before, but you will be husband and wife in the future, so you don't need to remember these things, just ask clearly... Trust is very important between husband and wife."

Xiaoji was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and nodded quickly: "I am too careful."

Gu Jinli smiled and said, "No need to call yourself a slave. You are no longer a slave but a good citizen."

When he was in Long'an Prefecture, he regained his good status and settled down in Gujia Village, Gaoshui County. He was from the same village as Gu Jinli.

Xiaoji smiled and said: "But calling yourself a slave will make you feel more at ease. You will feel that you are still a member of the little master's family."

When she said the last half of the sentence, she almost cried again. If she didn't really like Cong Wenshan, she would never leave Xiaodong's family in her life. After her parents died, the most stable life she had lived was given by Xiaodong's family.

"Ouch, oh, cool!" Erlang was carried in by Grandma Tao. After seeing Xiaoji, he pointed at her and shouted, "Ahhhh?"

Who is this?

"This is Xiao Ji, who has taken care of you." Gu Jinli stood up and walked over, saying: "Come down quickly, you are so active, Grandma Tao can't carry you."

"No, no, no!" The brat Erlang was unwilling to come down, shook his little head in refusal, and hugged Grandma Tao's neck tightly with his little hands.

Gu Jinli hurriedly patted his hand and said, "Let go quickly, you've strangled Grandma Tao."

Aunt Tao smiled and said, "It's okay. The second young master is young and has strong hands, so he can't restrain the old slave. I just leave him alone and let the old slave carry the second young master on his back."

Aunt Tao hadn't seen the two children for a long time, and she was thinking a lot. After hearing this, Gu Jinli didn't let the second wolf come down anymore, and turned to look at the big wolf: "Big wolf, you are back from playing, are you happy?"

"Xinxin." Dalang smiled happily, let go of Nanny Yu's hand, and ran towards Gu Jinli: "A hug."

"Okay, Mom, I'll give you a hug." Gu Jinli sat with Da Lang in his arms and continued talking to Xiao Ji and Aunt Tao.

Xiao Ji looked at the big wolf and the second wolf, and his fear of childbirth was much lessened: "The eldest son and the second son are really cute."

It made her want to have a baby.

"Ah love!" Er Lang nodded his head towards Xiao Ji and started chattering with Xiao Ji. Xiao Ji was confused and looked at Gu Jinli: "Little boss, what are you talking about?"

Gu Jinli smiled: "Don't ask me, I don't understand either."

The two cubs have started to talk a lot recently, but Erlang has a short temper and can't understand anything except two or three words in a sentence, but he still talks happily.

Seeing that Xiaoji didn't reply to him, he got angry. He hummed and turned away, ignoring Xiaoji.

Xiaoji hurriedly coaxed him, and it took him a while to get better.

Erlang started chattering again. In order not to make him angry, Xiaoji could only guess what he said. Although he was a little tired, Xiaoji was very happy and looked forward to the future children of himself and Cong Wenshan.

Gu Jinli told Xiao Ji that Mrs. Situ would act as a matchmaker for them: "The engagement will be official on the 16th day. We are still looking at the wedding date. When the date is determined, I will choose it for you."

Xiao Ji blushed and nodded shyly: "Listen to Xiao Dong."

After thinking for a while, he added: "My servant has discussed with Cong Wenshan. It is best to get married this month and not to delay going to the garrison."

This place cannot be compared with the south, and since the war has just ended, it is better to keep everything simple.

Gu Jinli sighed with emotion: "Xiao Ji has really grown a lot."

Then he looked at Aunt Tao and said, "Mama's contribution is indispensable."

Xiao Ji nodded in agreement: "Well, it's because Grandma Tao taught her well and she didn't dislike the slave."

She stood up and saluted Grandma Tao solemnly.

Aunt Tao accepted it and said: "From now on, you will be the wife of a military commander, and there is no need to salute the old slave anymore."

Then he said: "You have done very well in the past few months. Don't be afraid. Just think about it when you encounter something. If you have something you can't figure out, just send us a message and we will help you."

"...Yeah!" Xiaoji cried again, feeling very grateful.

Gu Jinli said: "Okay, don't cry. Let's eat. There is stewed chicken with pine mushrooms. The pine mushrooms are sent from home."

Xiaoji was so happy that she happily had a meal and did not go back outside the city. Instead, she and Aunt Tao stayed in a women's courtyard in the backyard of the Qin Mansion, treating this place as her parents' home and waiting for the day of official engagement. .

Cong Wenshan came to the Qin Mansion to meet Xiao Ji on official business. After meeting, they were very happy, which reminded Gu Jinli of the days before and after her engagement with Qin Sanlang.

In the evening, Qin Sanlang came back and gave the Qin family tree to Gu Jinli: "Xiaoyu, take it, you are the wife of the Qin family, you have to keep these things."

He also told her how the family tree came back, the Qin Gui, Su, and Ji families, and specifically told her: "When my grandfather was still alive, he divided the two families, and his own mother even poisoned my grandmother." It's okay, so Xiaoyu doesn't have to respect his family too much. If his family dares to spread the news that you are not treating your elders politely, I will bring up the matter of Qin Gui's biological mother poisoning his grandmother again and completely separate from them. If his family does If anything happens to harm us, I will directly drive them out of the clan."

My grandfather still felt sorry for Qin Gui's son. At first, he only divided the family, not the clan, and kept suppressing Qin Gui. In addition to feeling ashamed of his grandmother, he also wanted to protect Qin Gui.

Compared to his father, Qin Gui is really too ordinary. If he hadn't been suppressed and allowed to dance around, he would have been killed by his father twenty years ago.

Gu Jinli felt reassured: "That's good, then I have nothing to worry about."

Qin Sanlang smiled, hugged her and said, "With me here, Xiaoyu doesn't have to worry about anyone."

"Ah, hug!" Erlang came to join in the fun again, got between the two of them, lay in Qin Sanlang's arms, smiling happily.

Qin Sanlang brought the big wolf over and played with them for a while, then talked about Ning Ji and the Cao family: "I don't believe it, it's too coincidental, unless Wei Er personally told me that he did it."

Then he said: "I have sent someone to check Ning Ji... Xiaoyu, your intuition may be right, something is indeed wrong with Uncle Ning."

Qin Sanlang used the title Uncle Ning again. After all, Ning Ji did help the Qin and Wei families when they were in Dafeng Village.

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