A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2475 Madam’s clever plan

Ji didn't want Qin Gui to dislike her, so she smiled shyly and said, "Yes, I'm going to take a bath right now."

After saying that, he took a bath under the care of the maid, and even put on makeup to cover up his haggardness. Then he came out and bowed to Qin Guiquan: "I was delayed on the road for two more days, which made the master worried. , please forgive me, sir."

He spoke softly and took all the mistakes on himself. He was so sensible that it made Qin Gui feel distressed. He hugged Ji and said, "It's me who made you suffer."

"Master, don't say that. It's my blessing to marry you. I'm willing to suffer no matter how much hardship you have." What Ji said made Qin Gui deeply moved.

Qin Gui hugged her tightly: "Madam, I know you have been worried that after the Qin family's title is restored, I will abandon you because you have not given birth to a son, but I, Qin Gui, swear that I will not let you lose the position of my head wife. After all, you are more than ten years younger than me, but you are still willing to marry me when I am down and out. How can I be such a gracious person?"

What's a teenager?

I am nineteen years younger than you, one year shy of twenty.

Speaking of this, Ji's heart was twisted. If it weren't for the Wang family's request, how could she, a good young girl, marry this old guy?

Fortunately, Qin Gui was handsome and she could bear it. If it were an old and ugly man, she would rather die than marry him.

"Master, if you say this, I feel relieved." Ji was so moved that she cried.

However, Qin Gui's next words made her almost want to kill someone.

"Madam, the third nephew said that Qin Liang and Qin Shu are of the Qin family and asked me to take them back to the Qin family. What do you think?" Qin Gui asked Ji.

Let them die!

Ji almost yelled, but she swayed and asked with a pale face: "Well, what about Sister Su? Will she come back?"

Qin Gui snorted coldly: "Don't mention that poisonous woman. She turned her back on the Qin family back then, and now she is blackmailing me with the Qin family tree. She will never come back again in this life. She will be an abandoned woman and be laughed at by others."

"Genealogy, Master said that Sister Su has the Qin family tree in her hands?" Ji was excited.

Qin Gui nodded: "Well, she said that her sister-in-law gave it to her before she died, but the third nephew said that the genealogy in her hand should be fake. He would write a letter saying that the genealogy was in her hand and she just wanted to return to the Qin family. "

Outsiders did not know that Wu Changfang gave the Qin family tree to Qin Sanlang. Now Qin Gui thought that the Qin family tree had not been found.

Ji immediately asked: "What did Sister Su say? Should the family tree be given to them only when the three of them, mother and son, come back, or should they be given the genealogy when the two children come back?"

Mrs. Su was Qin Gui's wife chosen by Qin's grandfather. She was a decent person, and she only asked for her two children to come back... The children were grown, and if she didn't return to the Qin family, there would be no good marriage.

Qin Gui told the story.

Ji was overjoyed and said, "Then let the two children come back."

Qin Gui was shocked and said movedly: "Madam, are you really willing to let Qin Liang and Qin Shu come back?"

"They are the master's flesh and blood, and I am looking forward to their return." Ji said magnanimously, then shed tears again, and said with a grievance in a crying tone: "I just hope that the master will not come back because of Brother Liang's return." , I despised my concubine and Sister Tong."

Qin Gui: "How could it be possible? You mother and daughter are my darlings, and no one can get past you!"

"Master, I know that you care about our mother and daughter the most." Ji and Qin Gui were so moved that they got back to business: "Master, I heard that as long as anyone has a genealogy, they can To become a clan clan, right or wrong?"

Qin Gui was stunned, thought for a moment, and understood what Ji meant: "Madam, you want me to be the head of the Qin family?!"

"Yes." Ji nodded, raised her hand and stroked Qin Gui's face, and said: "The master was implicated by his eldest brother and suffered for half his life. He should be compensated both emotionally and rationally. We dare not even think about the position of Qin Hou, but this You can always think about the position of clan leader, right? After all, the third nephew is very busy and has no time to deal with clan affairs, so he should give up the position of clan leader and let me do it."

He also gave an example of many direct eldest brothers giving up their position as patriarch because they wanted to serve as officials in other places, and let their brothers or uncles become the patriarch.

Qin Gui was moved and said: "Madam is right, the third nephew is too busy. As an uncle, I should help him share the family affairs."

Then he said: "Then I will write to Su and agree to her request. After I get the genealogy, I will talk to my third nephew. I have the real genealogy in my hand. For the sake of the safety of the genealogy, my third nephew will definitely agree to let me Be the leader of the clan.”

Keji said: "No, this will offend the third nephew... Let's ask Sister Su to find an official from the Ministry of Rites to report directly to His Majesty and make you the clan leader... The third nephew has a heavy army, and His Majesty will definitely be afraid of him and let you As the clan leader, I can also suppress my three nephews."

"Madam's brilliant idea, let's do it like this!" Qin Gui was overjoyed. This way Qin Mu could no longer blame him. If he did, he would blame the Su family and Emperor Jingyuan.

Qin Gui immediately wrote to Su and asked Su to handle the matter.

However, this is not a clever trick, but a stupid move that makes them lose face!

In the Qinhou Mansion in the inner city, Gu Jinli already knew about Ji's and the others' entry into the city, but now she was more concerned about the news about the group of rats.

"You said Ji and the others were frightened by the rats? Did groups of rats appear suddenly? Which direction did the rats run in?" Gu Jinli asked Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang handed the secret guard's letter to Gu Jinli to read: "He came out of nowhere and ran towards Longshan Mansion."

Gu Jinli took the letter and read it. The more he read, the more frightened he became. He looked up at Qin Sanlang and asked, "Did you know that when the earth dragon turns over, there will be many omens and visions?"

Qin Sanlang frowned and quickly understood: "Xiaoyu suspects that there has been an earthquake recently?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Yes, it's winter now, and the rats are all nesting in their holes. If they can force the rats out, they must feel the movement of the earth's crust... I'm afraid there will be a big earthquake recently, and we must inform everyone quickly. , be prepared for disasters.”

"Well, don't worry, Xiaoyu. I'll gather people to discuss and send news to the city outside Longshan Mansion." Qin Sanlang comforted her again: "Xiaoyu is not afraid. Even if there is a natural disaster, this house will not collapse easily. , even if it falls, I will carry it for you, mother and son!"

Gu Jinli nodded: "Well, I believe you, and I also believe that Longshan Mansion is safe, because the rats ran to Longshan Mansion, and the earthquake should have occurred outside Longshan Mansion."

Gu Jinli also told him about some animal phenomena during earthquakes and some strange celestial phenomena.

Qin Sanlang wrote them down one by one and said: "Don't worry, Xiaoyu, I will tell everyone about these visions when we discuss them later, so that when everyone discovers the visions, they can escape from the house immediately to avoid getting hurt."

He hugged her again and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Gu Jinli nestled in his arms and said, "Well, don't be afraid. Just hurry up and make arrangements. We can't delay this matter."

"Okay." Qin Sanlang responded and left quickly to call Luo Ying, Xin Jianjun, Du Neijian, General Jiang, Meng Hong, General Situ, Uncle Cao and others to the front yard study, and said this thing.

Everyone was shocked after hearing this.

Uncle Cao said: "What are you saying, Marquis Qin? There will be a big earthquake recently? How is this possible!"

Uncle Cao didn't want to believe it. It was just one day, so why did the ground suddenly move again? Isn't someone trying to deceive the public with lies?

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