Boom, boom, boom!

"The auspicious time has come, and the groom has come to pick up the bride!"

Jifeng was dressed in wedding clothes and had already arrived in front of the courtyard. After going through some etiquette, he was finally able to follow Mrs. Situ to the back room to invite Xiaomei.

After he shouted three times to ask his wife to go out and return home, Xiao Xiaomei was helped out.

Jifeng went to greet him, took the other end of the Tongxin silk, walked on the road paved with red cloth, and went to the Danuan Pavilion in the back house where he received the female guests, where he formally bid farewell to Uncle Qin and Widow Xiao, and thanked them for their upbringing. Grace.

Uncle Qin also put Father Xiao’s memorial tablet on it... Although Father Xiao only studied hard when he was alive and was raised by his wife, which dragged down the whole family, but after all, he is the biological father of several children of the Xiao family. The courtesy he received was indispensable.

Jifeng and Xiaomei kowtowed three times to the tablets of Uncle Qin, Widow Xiao, and Father Xiao, served tea, and after receiving a few words of instruction from Uncle Qin and Widow Xiao, they got up and went out.

Ji Zhenniang was shocked. She pulled Gu Jinli and whispered, "Widow Xiao only said one sentence to treat my little sister well and then she was gone. She didn't even act up. The sun came out in the west?"

Gu Jinli: "Aunt Lan is much smarter than you."

Know when to make a fuss and when to be serious.

"After the ceremony, the bride is going out!" Mrs. Situ walked next to Xiao Mei and followed the newlyweds out.

Xiao Chengju waited at the door of Nuange, carrying Xiao Mei all the way out of the gate of Qinhou Mansion, and put him down when he reached the sedan chair. He said to Jifeng as usual: "Treat little sister well, otherwise our family will not let you go."

The reason why the brothers carry the bride out is actually to let the man know that the bride's natal family is supported by someone. Your family should be careful and don't think of treating the newlywed bride poorly.

"Second uncle, don't worry, I will treat my little sister well." Jifeng promised, helped little sister Xiao onto the sedan chair, whispered a few words to her, rode on horseback and left, chattering.

The wedding team went around the city and came back half an hour later, worshiping the heaven and earth in the front hall of Qinhou Mansion.

After the ceremony is completed, they are sent to the bridal chamber, and the guests have a banquet.

Master Ji finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked Qin Gui to take him to see Qin Sanlang.

Qin Gui agreed.

Qin Sanlang was also very considerate. After meeting them, he was very surprised when he heard that Master Ji was a versatile man in both civil and military affairs. "It turns out he is a capable man. Coincidentally, the three prefectures of Longshan, Daming, and Changhe are going to be rebuilt, and they need talents." , Since Master Ji has the ability, then..."

Master Ji's eyes lit up, and he was fully expecting Qin Sanlang to let him become an official, but what was waiting for him was: "Then write a policy statement, and then compare it with the soldiers to see what percentage of their civil and military talents they have?"

"You want to compete?!" Master Ji was shocked.

Xin Jianjun said: "The task of rebuilding Sanfu City is so important that you have to be careful in hiring people. Naturally, you have to compete. Otherwise, everyone will be given errands when they come. Wouldn't it be chaos?"

He looked around again and said: "Taking advantage of the fact that there are so many young people here this time, I would like to ask a question for all the young masters to answer... Well, I will write a simple essay on the topic of war, soldiers, civilians and businessmen. There is no need to write too many words about policy, just a brief discussion. If there are outstanding articles, I will send them to the capital for His Majesty’s review.”

As soon as these words came out, the young people present were all excited, not because the article could be presented to Emperor Jingyuan, but because after the article arrived in the capital, it would become famous all over the world. benefit.

Xin Jianjun asked someone to bring pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and said, "Anyone who is interested can come and get paper and pen to compose. It is limited to half an hour."

"I'll do it!" Chi Shiyi took a shot when he saw Qin Sanlang. He wanted to show off himself, so he took the lead to get a pen and paper and started writing a policy.

Sheng Rui and other famous men, and even Lu Bai took pen and paper to write.

Master Ji thought for a while and went to get a pen and paper... Although he was not a talented person, these people were playboys, and they were not Jinke Jinshi. He thought that even if he could not get the first place, he could at least be in the top ten.

However, he really overestimated himself.

Half an hour later, Xin Jianjun had the article collected and invited Uncle Cao, Mr. Qianshan and others to comment on the article. The top three were Lu Bai, Mr. Ning, and Yan Wenlang, also known as Xiao. The father of the inkstone.

The top three are Master Ji, Zhang Zhong and Niu Dajin.

Zhang Zhong and Niu Dajin fell behind Master Ji because their handwriting was so bad that Xin Jianjun almost went blind. In a fit of anger, he ranked the last and second from the bottom. In fact, the countermeasures in their articles were: Extremely useful in wartime.

As soon as the ranking came out, Master Ji was shocked: "It's impossible, even if I..."

"Since Master Ji doesn't believe the judgment of this officer and others, let everyone circulate the articles between you and the Qianshan County man to see what the difference is." Jianjun Xin took Qin Sanlang's words and did not save face for Master Ji. , and people immediately circulated their articles.

After reading Lu Bai's article, everyone was amazed by his literary talent. Looking at Master Ji's, although the literary talent is not that bad, the strategies he made are all farts and are not practical at all in the northwest!

General Situ said: "Master Ji, if you don't talk about anything else, you just said in your article that merchants should be allowed to close their shops to give out silver during the war to finance the people and soldiers who work hard to protect the city. This is a big mistake!"

"The people in the city also have to live during the war, and the shops should be opened wide to allow the people to buy necessary supplies... A man from Qianshan County wrote that during the war, merchants should be allowed to open their shops under the supervision of soldiers to ensure the daily needs of the people. , This can greatly reassure the people."

"It is very risky for you to ask merchants to use money to support the people and soldiers and encourage them to fight the enemy with their lives. It is very easy to breed villains. It is okay to reward gold and silver and let big guys help defend the city, but it cannot be done by merchants. , it has to be done by commanders like the Marquis of Qin. If the merchants are interested, they can donate gold and silver to the camp, and the court will automatically record their merits."

It was so chaotic during the war, and you still let the merchants randomly distribute money to people. Why, do you want the big guys to kill all the merchants and rob them all and become bandits? !

Supervisor Xin looked at Master Ji, shook his head and said, "Master Ji is too young and doesn't know enough about the northwest. If you want to become an official, you have to study hard for a few more years."

Qin Sanlang followed: "What we want here in the northwest are people with real abilities, not useless people who know nothing about it."

In one sentence, Master Ji's official position here was completely killed, and he also took the opportunity to tell everyone... Although this man is a relative of Qin Gui, I, Qin Mu, will not use him!

If anyone uses him or trusts him, if anything happens he will be responsible for it. Don't come to me, Qin Mu!

"Marquis Qin, cousin Qin, I didn't think enough before. Can you let me write another article?" Master Ji begged.

But Qin Sanlang ignored him at all and just drank with the guests.

Master Ji turned pale when he was left out... It was over, his career was over!

Wu Changfang came over and said, "Master Ji, don't be discouraged. You and Qin Hou are relatives after all. In two days, when you follow your uncle and aunt to the Qin Hou Mansion for a family dinner, you can write a new article for him to read. As long as you write If you're not bad at it, he will definitely give you an official position due to family ties."

Then he suddenly laughed and said: "Qin Hou is still the same as when he was a child, and he is too drunk."

Upon seeing this, Master Ji looked up and saw that Qin Sanlang was holding a wine bowl in one hand and beating his head with the other, looking like he was about to get drunk... Huh, Qin Mu, since you are unkind, then don't blame me for being unjust. !

More than two quarters of an hour later, Qin Sanlang was helped away by Zhang Zhong.

Luo Ying picked up the wine bowl and said: "The Marquis of Qin has been suffering from the cold for the past two days and feels dizzy when he drinks. Let him go to the back room to rest first. After he has rested, he can have a round of drinks with the others!"

God help me, Master Ji was so happy that he asked the guardian around him to keep an eye on it. After confirming which wing Qin Sanlang had entered, he quickly sent the servant beside him to find Grandma Ji.

The boy is Grandma Ji's youngest son. When he reaches the second gate, it is easy for him to let the gatekeeper in to deliver a message to Grandma Ji.

The matter had been discussed long ago, so Grandma Ji came out with two maids, but one of these two maids was Miss Ji.

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