A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2484 I don’t even want to be a concubine

Ning Ji was shocked: "Sanlang..."

"No need to say more, my words have been put here. If there is a next time, I will not bear it anymore." Qin Sanlang interrupted Ning Ji, looked at him and said: "Uncle Ning, this is not the first time you have targeted Xiaoyu. , so there is no such thing as a first offense, so I will naturally not give you another chance."

Qin Sanlang wanted to get things out of the way today, so he didn't hide it and revealed everything Ning Ji had said to Gu Jinli at the Jiangjia Soybean Oil Factory.

"Uncle Ning, I don't know why you are dissatisfied with Xiaoyu? But I, Qin Mu, tell you that I chose this wife. I will only recognize her in this life. If anyone dares to come and ruin my family, I will spend my whole life We also have to make the other party pay the price, no matter if the other party is a relative or a benefactor."

Qin Sanlang looked at Ning Ji and said: "After all, Uncle Ning is my benefactor, so I will be merciful this time, otherwise there will be no plot at all, and there will only be corpses!"

When he said this, a sharp aura burst out from all over his body, which made Ning Ji break into a cold sweat. Ning Ji also knew that Qin Sanlang had this ability and dared to do this.

Ning Ji calmed down for a moment and assured: "Don't worry, Sanlang, Uncle Ning has written it down, there won't be a next time, it's just..."

He wanted to ask Qin Sanlang, if the earth moved and Chu was in chaos, and the generals asked you to send troops to attack the capital to seize the throne, would you give up for Gu Jinli?

But Qin Sanlang had just said that he would only recognize Gu Jinli in this life, so he could only suppress his words and did not ask... In this life, he rushed to help the third master when he was in trouble, and he got the status of a benefactor, and he is still there today He stayed with the third master before the earthquake. He believed that even if the third master listened to Gu Jinli again, when the earthquake caused chaos, he would be able to convince the third master to send troops to the capital in time so that the third master would not miss a great opportunity again.

"Just what? Speak clearly, don't be secretive." Qin Sanlang reminded him again: "Mr. Ning, I hope you really listened to what I said and didn't think that I was joking with you!"

Seeing that he was angry, Ning Ji hurriedly said: "Sanlang, don't worry, Uncle Ning has listened to what you said. Uncle Ning just wanted to say that I have no ill intentions towards Gu Er, and I have always treated her as my niece... It's just that Uncle Ning admires you." Dad, I also admire Mr. Feng and want you to marry a noble girl. I saw that you didn’t treat her the same way, so you said those words to her."

"It won't happen anymore, just be good...Uncle Ning is actually very happy that you are living such a good life."

Touched, really touched, just like an elder caring for the younger.

It's a pity that Qin Sanlang has no feeling at all. He has begun to be wary of Ning Ji and excludes him from his confidants. He will be merciful this time in order to repay Ning Ji for not exposing him.


If Ning Ji is really a reborn person, then not reporting on them back then was not a favor, but a deliberate act just to make him owe a favor!

"Mr. Ji's affairs should be handled by yourself." Qin Sanlang stood up and walked out of the main room, calling Luo Ying and the others to leave.

Ji had already come over. Seeing that Qin Sanlang was about to leave, she rushed over to stop him and cried, "Third nephew, you can't leave!"

Qin Sanlang sneered: "Why can't I leave?"

Ji choked up when asked, yes, why should she stop Qin Mu?

It was they who plotted against people first. After being plotted against others, can they still hold others accountable?

Luo Ying laughed when he saw it, and drew his sword and pointed it at the Ji family: "Using back-house methods to deal with the people in charge of the army, I can only say that you are asking for death!"

Do you think people like them would play back-house tricks with you?

No, they don't bother to play with these things. Once they do it, it will only be a killing move. As for whether they can bear it or not, it is none of their business. You are the one who asked for it anyway.

With a bang, Luo Ying finished speaking and knocked Ji to the ground with the handle of the knife. Then he looked at Qin Gui and said, "Live your life honestly. If you dare to stand in the way again, I, Luo Ying, will never show mercy to you and your wife again. Listen clearly." Yet!"

Brother Mu won't touch you, but I, Luo Ying, have no scruples.

However, Qin Sanlang said: "Qin Gui, next time, your family will have only two endings, one is to die, the other is to leave the clan, and there will be no chance of splitting the clan."

After saying that, he stopped staying and left.

After walking a few steps, he heard a bang. It was Qin Gui who fainted from fright, but Qin Sanlang kept walking, but Luo Ying looked back and sneered.

After Qin Sanlang left, Zhang Zhong still led his soldiers to guard the courtyard.

Ning Ji came out of the main room, asked someone to pinch Qin Gui awake, and then went to Miss Ji's room together.

Miss Ji had already woken up. After learning that she had made a fool of herself, she was sobbing. When she saw Mrs. Ji coming in, she cried: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, please help me~"

Qin Mu couldn't get enough of her, but since Mr. Ning was seen with her, she should take the opportunity to go to Uncle Ning's house. That was the future Uncle Ning, and it was also a good marriage.

Besides, she also prefers Mr. Ning.

However, Ning Ji sneered and asked Mr. Ning: "Eldest nephew, are you willing to marry Miss Ji?"

"Uncle, are you crazy? How could I, the eldest grandson of Uncle Ning's mansion, marry such a woman with such a bad reputation?!" Mr. Ning was implicated by Miss Ji and became a laughing stock. He already hated her deeply: "Don't If you say you want to marry her, even if you want to be a concubine, it won’t be her turn!”

He is the future uncle, and he has the daughter of a small official waiting to be his concubine. When will it be the turn of such a small northeastern family?

"Ning, Mr. Ning..." Miss Ji was shocked. She didn't expect that Mr. Ning would dislike her so much.

"Shut up, shameless woman, don't call me Young Master, I'm dirty!" Mr. Ning wished that Miss Ji would die immediately and stop showing up in front of his eyes.

"You, you actually think I'm dirty?" Miss Ji couldn't believe it. She was so angry that she pointed at the green brick fire pit and said, "I was originally an innocent girl, but now you see me naked." Now, you Ning family must give me an explanation, otherwise I will crash and die here!"

Ha, Ning Ji smiled and said: "Hit me immediately. After you die, this matter will be easier to deal with."

"Mr. Ning, what did you say? How could you say such a thing!" Ji was shocked. She didn't expect Ning Ji to be so cold-blooded.

However, Ning Ji was not a kind person to begin with. He pulled out the dagger, threw it on the ground, and said, "I'll give you two ways. First, Miss Ji knew she had done something wrong. In order to protect the family's reputation, she died to apologize. .Second, I will find a marriage match for Miss Ji that matches the Ji family, so that Miss Ji can get married decently."

Even Miss Ji is not allowed to be a concubine for Mr. Ning.

Mr. Ji and Ms. Ji were completely shocked, and finally understood that their Ji family was nothing in the eyes of others.

"Master, please help the Ji family, please." Ji could only go to Qin Gui.

Seeing this, Qin Gui couldn't bear it. He looked at Ning Ji and said, "Mr. Ning, so many people have seen this today. How can anyone marry Sister Yan? Let your nephew take Sister Yan as a concubine. Bar."

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