A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2719 High School【4】

In addition to these three methods, Gu Dewang also wrote detailed records of the three years and six seasons he personally planted high-quality grains, and also proposed a method of rewarding farmers, which is to encourage veteran farmers to find new crops... These crops are not just grains, It can also be medicinal materials, mulberry and feather wadding that can be used for clothing, things that can be used as fertilizer, or things that can be made into salt.

Anyway, as long as you can find something useful and present it to the court, you will be rewarded.

Caravans are also encouraged to hunt for objects.

The caravans traveling north and south will go to Dayong, Dongqing and other places. There must be many undiscovered good things in these places. If you find them and bring them back, you will be rewarded as long as they are really useful.

After decades of going back and forth like this, David will surely find many useful things that will benefit future generations.

Wei Qi thinks this method is excellent. Some of David's current crops were brought back from abroad by caravans, and cassava was finally made into a new food after Gu discovered and eliminated the toxins.

There are also colored stones that have been buried underground. After being discovered by Gu, they were dug out and processed to make porcelain that looked like a god when heated.

However, Wei Qi already had a candidate for the top prize, so he did not reveal the method of rewarding farmers.

After Master Wang and Master Zuo listened, they looked at the opinions of several people and said with a smile: "It is indeed well written. Food is a subject that is tested in almost every subject. To this day, these new laws are still coming out, which shows that we are big The soldiers of the Guard are all talented and learned people."

Mr. Feng was also one of the examiners, and he also read these policy papers. When he saw Gu Dewang's paper, he frowned... It was very well written, but he was too lazy. He obviously wrote a lot more content than other candidates, but the number of words was staggering. It was about 30% less than others... Really, it seemed like writing two more words would kill him!

And that word... Compared with Bai Penggong's exquisiteness, his is like a dog paw!

Mr. Feng's breathing was not smooth and he wanted to hit someone.

However, Gu Dewang felt that his calligraphy was wild cursive, unique and eye-catching!

After Wei Qi read the strategies of more than a dozen candidates, he ordered: "Master Ouyang, put these papers separately and rate them as A-grades. After the other two tests are completed, take them out and look at them all."

Wei Qi was in urgent need of confidants, so he personally became Enke's examiner, lest Enke's scholars would recognize other ministers as their examiners.

"Yes." Ouyang Zhang put these strategies into a box, sealed it with a seal, and was personally guarded by the Royal Forest Army.

There are three exams in spring, each lasting three days. After nine days, the gate of Gongyuan will be opened again and the candidates can come out.

However, after each exam, candidates can have one night and one morning off.

However, many candidates did not get a good rest due to worry. The food in the Gongyuan was not delicious. They only gave out three bread cakes and a pot of water a day. The weather was still cold, and many young masters from rich families had trouble sleeping and couldn't eat. A lot of them fell ill.

Gu Dewang escaped famine. After his family became rich, life was not very good because of Chen's stinginess. Every winter, he was dragged to the Dafeng Mountains for winter training by these dead men, so he ate cold noodles and slept in the air. There is nothing wrong with the examination room, and I can amuse myself by writing drawings and notebooks leisurely.

It tells the story of Widow Liu who was left a widow and was abused by her evil mother-in-law. She went into shock and was thrown into a mass grave. She survived in the end and sold herself to be a wet nurse. She performed meritoriously in taking care of the young master. She was recognized by the young master as a foster mother and then married a man of merit as her second wife. , a bloody gossip story about finally returning home in glory.

When Wei Xiao led his troops to inspect the examination room, they discovered it. His face turned black with anger, and he drew a knife and pointed it at him: "Take the exam carefully, and then I will clean up the mess and kick you out of the examination room."

The scientific examination is a big deal. Do you want to die by writing such immoral drawings here? !

Tsk, why are you so serious?

Do you know that the more nervous you are, the more you should find some fun for yourself to rejuvenate your brain?

However, Gu Dewang was afraid of death and did not dare to offend him. He obediently burned the Bagua painting book and lay on the small wooden board in the examination booth, covering his head with a quilt to rest... Sister Xiaoyu said that as long as the shoulders are not cold, you will not Get sick.

This brat!

Wei Xiao was so angry that he had already made up his mind. After Gu Dewang finished the exam, he would take him to the Wei family army camp outside the city for training for a period of time so that he could learn the rules and not be in a bad shape all day long.

Boom, boom, boom!

After lunch, the big drum in the tribute courtyard sounded, and the test questions for the second session began.

In the second session, you need to write a poem and a poem, as well as a policy statement: Integrating the People.

Gu Dewang laughed after reading the question. It was so simple.

Okay, then he can finish the day with peace of mind, wait until tomorrow to write, and continue sleeping the day after tomorrow... It takes two days to rest and one day to work, which almost made Wei Xiao angry to death again.

Therefore, early the next morning, Wei Xiao led his troops and stood opposite his examination booth, staring at him. After seeing him get up to answer the questions, he left with satisfaction.

The question of integrating the people is really very simple, and 90% of the candidates answered it very well, just because there is really nothing to write about in this question... When you are in David, you are all about defending the people and the people. Everyone celebrates the same festivals and worships the same ancestors, so just write it like this.

Therefore, after the second policy review was collected, Wei Qi read it over and felt that the writing was okay, but there was nothing amazing. However, he still selected a dozen papers about the Northeast and New Six Cities and commented on them. He received a first-class award and asked Ouyang Zhang to seal the box and preserve it.

At noon on the seventh day, the drums sounded again, and the test questions for the third session were handed out. There was no need to write poems and songs, just a policy statement. The title was: Opening up Frontiers and Opening Up Sources.

Just want land and money.

As soon as this question came up, the candidates knew that the current Emperor Kailong seemed to be a benevolent king, but he was very ambitious and wanted to be a martial emperor who would open up new territories!

Five years ago, when Qin Sanlang and Gu Jinli left home to fight in the northwest, Gu Dewang and the others knew the importance of protecting their territory and began to learn martial arts and the art of war.

As for open source... Gu Dewang has two hobbies in his life, one is making money and the other is eating. He has many strange ways to make money in his mind. Therefore, he wrote this policy discussion with ease and the most seriousness. After he finished writing, he changed it again and again, which made Wei Xiao feel anxious, thinking that he was stumped and couldn't write it anymore?

On February 16th, as soon as the unitary hour arrived in the evening, the loud drums sounded, and Wei Xiao led the troops and shouted: "All candidates should stop writing and hand in their papers. Anyone who dares to write and answer questions again will be regarded as contempt for Enke and will be deprived of all honors!"

After hearing this, the candidates were so frightened that they dropped their pens and did not dare to write anymore.

Half an hour later, all the examination papers were taken away, and the candidates were taken away from the examination room in batches.

"The gantry is open, the gantry is open, and the candidates are coming out!"

"Hey, someone has fainted. Doctor, where is the doctor? Go and save him!"

After hearing this, the crowd waiting outside, fearing that it was their own children who fainted, rushed towards the gate of Gongyuan, trying to save people quickly.

Cheng Geer, Gu Jinan, Gu Dexing, and Dou Ke were also worried that Yan Ying and Gu Dewang would faint, so they came with two doctors, holding pills and food boxes. They also moved stools and stood on top to watch. Looking for someone.

But there were too many candidates, and they couldn't find Yan Ying and Gu Dewang.

It was because they were standing high that Gu Dewang found them first, raised his head and asked, "Did you bring me any meat? I'm so hungry."

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