Aunt Yu was stunned when she saw this. Did she know that the Qin family was leaving and was reluctant to leave her two children?

Aunt Yu was very happy and knew it was the right time, so when she left the Lin family, she said to Shou Niang: "Madam, I want to send a letter to Mrs. Lin. Is Mrs. Lin willing to accept it?"

She also emphasized that Gu Jinli would not come to see her, so she could rest assured.

After hearing this, the birthday girl wished she could give herself a slap... Xiaoyu has become the princess's wife. When she fled the famine, Xiaoyu looked for water sources and exchanged water for food, saving her whole family; now she has saved her husband's family, but she She is still suffering from herself and does not want to see Xiaoyu. She really does not deserve to be treated so favorably by her old friend.

Seeing that she didn't reply, Aunt Yu shed tears and said quickly, "If Madam Lin doesn't want to, you don't have to accept this letter. Madam won't force you."

"I'll accept it!" The birthday lady wiped away her tears and said, "Please tell the Duke's wife that I will accept the letter and read it carefully...Thank her and tell her not to worry about me. I am living a good life now. only……"

She still couldn't face her old friend with such a dirty body, and she was even more afraid of facing her close relatives. She was also afraid that after acknowledging her relatives, her past would stain the lintel of the Qin and Gu families... The children of both families were serving as officials in the court. They are the best among men, and she doesn't want anyone to laugh at them.

And Xiaoyu, she is the princess of the country. If people know that she has a dirty clan sister, then... the birthday girl can't imagine the consequences.

"Madam, I understand. Mrs. Lin doesn't need to explain." After Grandma Yu finished talking about the business, she took the little ones back.

In the evening, after the Lin family had finished their meal, Mrs. Lin called Shou Niang and Lin Laoba into her room and asked, "Do you want to give out the prescriptions and reap the dividends, or do you want to open a dyeing workshop and earn money through hard work?" ?”

After what happened during the day, the birthday girl felt that she should not rely on Gu Jinli for protection all her life, but should learn to be strong on her own. After thinking about it, she said: "Mother-in-law, my daughter-in-law thinks that she can try opening a dyeing workshop first. If the Lin family really If you can’t do it, talk to the Dou family and change to the first way of cooperation... You have to try to make the Lin family more powerful, and you can’t hide behind it from the beginning and just sit back and enjoy the results.”

Mrs. Lin nodded repeatedly after hearing this: "The birthday lady is absolutely right. It is the Lin family's blessing to have you as their daughter-in-law."

He looked at Lin Laoba again and asked: "Lao Ba, what do you think?"

Lin Laoba glanced at the birthday lady and said to Granny Lin: "Mom, my son wants the same thing as the birthday lady... My son wants to practice himself and gain some skills. As for the Chang family, let him understand that he can only rely on others. Support is not enough, you have to do your own thing to protect the people you care about."

Before General Wu's family was destroyed, no one in Beicang Mansion dared to touch his family. But as soon as the Chu Dynasty was over, and the rumor came out that the new emperor wanted to arrest Vice General Yin and behead them all, the Chang family began to bully his family. .

"The other thing is that the son doesn't want to spoil the children of the Lin family... If you don't work hard, you won't be successful. If you just sit and collect cash and don't do any work, in twenty or thirty years, Liujun and his children will become a prodigal young master. can not be like this."

"Okay, okay, what my mother wants is what you said... A man must strengthen himself so that he can stand up in the world and protect his family!" Mrs. Lin cried with joy. She originally thought that Lao Ba would be tangled up, but she didn't expect that after a lot of Regarding family matters, he became decisive: "Okay, the cooperation is settled."


Mrs. Lin asked the birthday lady to go back and rest first, leaving Lin Laoba behind and asked him the most important thing: "Lao Ba, the Lin family is about to become rich, but when a man is rich, he will think about Na'mi." Concubine, you don’t need to say that you can love your birthday girl forever. Only a little girl will believe this, but your mother won’t believe it...My mother was abandoned by others, and her family fortune was lost because of it, and she was humiliated because of it, so she wants to Are you willing to give the birthday girl a guarantee?"

This is also the reason why Mrs. Lin never dislikes the birthday girl... She knows well the suffering of women and the despair of having no way to seek help. She doesn't want to force her daughter-in-law to death, so she treats her sincerely.

Lin Laoba hurriedly said: "My son is willing to give. As long as he can keep the birthday girl in the Lin family, my son is willing to do anything."

Mrs. Lin smiled: "Okay."

He personally wrote a letter of surrender, stating that if Lin Laoba changes his mind in the future and fails the birthday girl, all the property of the Lin family will belong to the birthday girl.

If the birthday girl is soft-hearted and unwilling to take it, she can only give it to the children of the Lin family, and she can only share half of it. The remaining half can be thrown away by the birthday girl and cannot be given to the Lin family. This is considered a punishment for Lin Laoba.

"Write your name and press your thumbprint." Mrs. Lin handed the birth certificate to Lin Laoba, and said: "Tomorrow, mother will go to the government office with you and ask the government office to stamp the birth certificate into the book, so you have to think about it. , otherwise it will be too late to regret it.”

"My son has no regrets." Lin Laoba happily signed and pressed his fingerprints.

The next day, mother and son first went to the Yamen to stamp the birth certificate, and then went to Dou's business to discuss cooperation.

And this happened quickly.

"Lin Laoba and Mrs. Lin are crazy. They actually gave their family property to their daughter-in-law. This daughter-in-law has a foreign surname!"

"Who knows, maybe Lin Lao's eighth daughter-in-law is good at sorcery and has bewitched the mother and son."

Although Magistrate Jin didn't know what relationship Shou Niang had with the Qin and Gu families, he knew very well that the Duke of Qin would help the Lin family because of Shou Niang. After learning these gossipy words, he had some people scratch their heads and say that they After spreading rumors indiscriminately, ruining the reputation of a good family, breaking the criminal law, beating her up in public, and paying money, the matter was completely settled, and no one dared to speak ill of the birthday girl anymore.

After the birthday girl found out, she went to Mrs. Lin and begged her: "Mother-in-law, I can't take this property. Let's go to the Yamen and destroy the inheritance certificate."

Mrs. Lin looked at her and said earnestly: "Shou Niang, this is not money, but Lao Ba's feelings for you. He is giving it to you with his heart, so you have to keep it."


After hearing this, the birthday girl couldn't hold it back anymore and cried bitterly.

Mrs. Lin let her cry: "Cry, don't hold it in."

Gu Jinli soon learned about this and was extremely happy: "The Lin family is indeed a rare good family. With the kindness of the Lin family mother and son, the birthday girl will have nothing to worry about for the rest of her life."

Qin Sanlang smiled and said: "Xiaoyu can rest assured this time... just continue writing letters. I will prepare for the departure. Xiaoyu doesn't need to worry about it. Just take the children and have a happy outing."

"Outing?" Gu Jinli smiled: "This is what you said, then when we set off again, we will walk slowly and have fun along the way!"

Qin Sanlang loved her smile the most. When he saw her smiling happily, he couldn't help but kiss her and said, "Okay, let's play all the way to the capital. There's no rush... But there is something urgent now~"

Gu Jinli was stunned: "Huh?"

Qin Sanlang smiled, and before she could react, he took the pen out of her hand, took her back to the back room, closed the door with a bang, and started doing business.

Gu Jinli only sent the letter to the birthday girl the day before his departure. The letter was very long, telling important things about Gu Dalin's family over the years, and then it was a promise.

Gu Jinli promised that he would not force her to recognize her relatives or face her relatives. If she did not want to, Gu Jinli could also guarantee that all her old friends, including Gu Dalin, would not appear in front of her, and she could live in Beicang Mansion with peace of mind. .

At the end of the letter, he also said: Don't be afraid of hurting us. The Qin and Gu families are extremely powerful and will not be harmed by a few unpleasant words.

The birthday girl burst into tears after reading the letter. She originally didn't dare to see Gu Jinli again, so she went to the city gate the next day to see Gu Jinli and the others off.

The second wolf was very happy when he saw her. He waved to her in the carriage and shouted: "Oooh, Aunt Lin, the second wolf is here, look at the second wolf, look at the second wolf!"

Then he said to Gu Jinli: "Mom, Erlang is going to talk to aunt!"

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