A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 2762: Seize this chess piece

Wei Xiao understood: "You did it, aren't you afraid that this king will chop you alive? Then kill all the remaining clan members!"

Nan Yu said: "Of course I'm afraid, but I'm even more afraid that the Dongqing Dog Royal Family won't be able to die and avenge themselves!"

"I took refuge in you, worked as your slave, and worked for you because you promised me that when you became Emperor David, you would send troops to massacre the Dongqing royal family. But what are you doing now?" Nan Yu pointed at Luo Huiniang. , shouted: "You're fucking a love saint here! Wei Xiao, you are the one who wants to be the emperor, how can you be so affectionate as a son and daughter?"

"You still want to let go of Luo Huiniang, a good chess piece. Do you think that if you let her go, other forces will not attack her? If you hadn't already expressed your feelings for her, Wei Qi would have given her a marriage. He gave her to his confidants and used her to tie up the relationship between the Qin, Gu and He families!"

Wei Xiao said angrily: "Qin Mu and I are cousins. I am as close to Grandpa He as grandson and grandson, and I have a good relationship with the Gu family. I can trap the three families and the Qingma King by myself. There is no need for Luo Huiniang. With Qin Guhe and I With three families here, no one dares to do anything to her."

"Hahaha, you are really crazy. You can say such childish words for a woman." After laughing wildly for a while, Nan Yu pointed at the unconscious Luo Huiniang and said: "Sleep her, cook the raw rice into cooked rice, and put this Hold this chess piece firmly in your hand, otherwise I will let this chess piece die, lest it fall into the hands of others and ruin your great cause and my revenge plan!"

"Dog slave!" Wei Xiao was extremely angry. He rushed over and kicked Nan Yu away. With a bang, he stepped on his face and stared at him with murderous eyes: "Bring the antidote, otherwise I will kill you." Life is worse than death!"

Nan Yu was kicked until he spat out a mouthful of blood, but he was a desperado, so he still smiled and said: "It's not like I haven't experienced the torture of your Prince Wei, do you think I will be afraid? As for the life and death of my remaining clan members... If the great revenge cannot be avenged, there is no point in their lives. They can die together, but..."

He looked at Luo Huiniang, whose face was getting more and more purple, and asked with a smile: "Is it just that the master is willing to let Miss Luo die?"

Of course Wei Xiao is reluctant to let Luo Huiniang die... She is the last person who treats him sincerely without seeking benefits. This is something that not even Grandpa He can do... because in Grandpa He's heart, he loves Sanlang more. One family.

"Bring the antidote, or I will kill you!" Wei Xiao had already drawn his sword.

Surprisingly, Nan Yu actually gave him the antidote: "Master, please take it."

Wei Xiao frowned, doubting the authenticity of the antidote.

Nan Yu said: "Master, don't worry, the antidote is real, but it can only temporarily wake her up. If she doesn't take another antidote at this time tomorrow, she will vomit blood and die."

Then he said: "Master, this slave is helping you... You don't want to let her go. You also want to tie her to your side so that she can treat you wholeheartedly. It can also help you win over the three families of Qin, Gu and He, as well as The Qingma Wangbu behind the Gu family... hurry up and stop talking about infatuation. You, an emperor who controls the world, can't have such bullshit!"


"You are not the emperor yet, and those civil servants do not like someone as powerful as you to be the emperor. They have all taken refuge in Wei Qi. After all, a puppet emperor is much easier to fool than you, so it is not easy for you to seize the throne. We must capture Luo Huiniang and use her to trap the Qin, Gu, and He families!"

"Shut up, if you say one more word, I will kill you!" Wei Xiao took the antidote and kicked Nan Yu again. After venting his anger, he went over and gave Luo Huiniang the antidote.

This antidote is very powerful, but it takes effect in just half a quarter of an hour. Luo Huiniang's face is no longer purple, she wakes up, but she is groggy and limp, and it dazzles anyone who looks at her: "Wei, Brother Wei, is that you? I I can’t even see you clearly…Am I sick again?”

"It's me, don't be afraid. You've taken the medicine and you'll be fine tomorrow." Wei Xiao picked her up, put her on the couch, and yelled at Nan Yu: "What are you still doing lying down? Get someone here quickly." , prepare things for worship!"

Nan Yu smiled, endured the pain on his body, climbed up and said, "Yes, I will make arrangements right away."

"Wait, will your medicine have any effect on the child?" Wei Xiao asked, looking at Luo Huiniang... she might be pregnant.

Nan Yu smiled and said: "Master, don't worry. If Miss Luo gives birth to your child, that child will be a treasure to us, so I am very careful when making medicine. The medicine given to her will not hurt the child."

It only has a slight impact on the mother's body, but it's better not to say this, so as not to anger Wei Xiao, who will have to rely on Wei Xiao to send troops to destroy the Dongqing royal family.

Wei Xiao: "Go and get ready!"

"Yes." Nan Yu left immediately.

After Wei Changfeng and Nanny Shu learned that the original plan was going ahead, they hurriedly prepared things and took the maid with them to give Luo Huiniang a bath and put on the wedding dress that had been prepared long ago.

Not long after, Wei Changfeng's aunt also came over with the marriage certificate.

This aunt was Mrs. Fan, the wife of the new magistrate of Hukang County. She handed the marriage certificate to Wei Xiao and said, "Second Young Master, please be famous."

Wei Xiao picked up the pen and quickly wrote down his and Luo Huiniang's names, as well as their birth dates, and then pressed his fingerprints. He also applied red sealant to Luo Huiniang's fingers and pressed them on the marriage certificate. He looked still groggy. She smiled and said: "Hui Niang, we are going to have a wedding ceremony. Are you happy?"

Mrs. Fan was stunned when she saw this... The second young master actually likes the daughter of the Luo family? I originally thought it was just a chess piece.

"Master, the wedding hall is ready, you can worship." Wei Changfeng came over to report.

Wei Xiao nodded, came to Nanny Shu, and took Luo Huiniang to the wedding hall.

Luo Huiniang was dizzy and had no idea what was going on. Her chest was still uncomfortable. She hugged Wei Xiao and said, "Brother Wei, I can't breathe and want to vomit...send me home. I want to go home." ... If I don’t go back... Mom is going to scold me again.”

"Huiniang, please bear with it a little longer and you'll be fine soon." Seeing that she was really uncomfortable, Wei Xiao didn't care about anything else and hugged her directly. After worshiping the heaven and earth and her parents' memorial tablets, he took her back to the room.

But he came out soon, threw a token to Wei Changfeng, and told him and Mrs. Fan: "Take the marriage certificate to Hukang County and have it stamped. Make it clean and don't let anyone find it, so as not to cause trouble. "

"Yes, don't worry, Master, we will definitely get it done." Wei Changfeng and Mrs. Fan promised, and quickly left the villa and rushed to the Hukang County Government Office.

Nan Yu urged: "Master, a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold. Please hurry up. The Luo family will be here later. His family now has help from the Lu family and the Feng family, and they are not vegetarians."

"Shut up, there's no need for you to remind me...go get the punishment yourself, don't let me do it myself!" After Wei Xiao said this, he returned to the main courtyard. As soon as he entered the room, Luo Huiniang rushed over and shouted : "Brother Wei, I feel uncomfortable~"

After hearing this, Wei Xiao looked at her strangely red face and realized that Nan Yu had put something else in the medicine... But now, his beloved bride was right in front of him, and he had no time to scold Nan Yu, nor did he The result of trying to do this was to pick her up, kiss her, tear her wedding dress, press her into the soft satin quilt, and say with a gentle smile: "Young girl from the Luo family, you are It's mine... give me a child, and I will treat you well."

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