As for Wei Xiao?

He was not in the capital, and the big guys didn't care about him. They started to praise Wei Qi and Wei Lin and his son, and even began to slander Wei Xiao, saying that he was cruel and ruthless, bullying His Majesty and his son with military power, and trying to usurp the throne.

Wei Qi acted quickly, and soon ordered Deputy Commander Fan to arrest the person who said this, and sentenced them to have their tongues mutilated... But such a serious crime of wronging the prince could even lead to the confiscation of the family and the annihilation of the clan, a punishment of mutilation of their tongues. , which made Wei Xiao's close military commanders very dissatisfied.

Yes, Wei Xiao also had loyal ministers and generals. They handed over a sign and asked to enter the palace to meet the saint and seek justice for Wei Xiao.

Wei Qi was waiting for them. Seeing them hand over the sign, he quickly summoned them into the palace.

Aunt Shan was very good at taking matters into her own hands. She grabbed Wei Qi and told her in a choked voice: "Your Majesty is our God. Your safety is the most important. If it doesn't work, forget it. Brother Lin and I don't care about this. As long as your Majesty is safe." "

Wei Qi was very pleased after hearing this. He hugged Aunt Shan's waist and said with a smile: "My beloved, don't worry. I am the emperor. I can destroy their entire clan with just one word. They don't dare to do it forcefully. You and Brother Lin Just wait for my good news with peace of mind."

After saying that, he kissed Aunt Shan before going to see the generals of the Wei army who were staying in the capital.

When Wei Xiao's trusted generals saw Wei Qi, they said straight to the point: "Your Majesty, Prince Wei is the only prince of the David Dynasty. He has worked hard and made great achievements. Those people spread gossip about him. They should be beheaded in public to protect the dignity of the royal family. Why?" Can we just sentence him to having his tongue cut off?!"

Wei Qi said: "Don't you still think Brother Xiao's reputation is not bad enough? If he kills people again just because he said a few words about him, his reputation will only get worse, and you will be the culprits who harmed him. !”

Ah this?

The generals were shocked: "Your Majesty, how can you blame us? Prince Wei's reputation will be bad because of Prince Dongqing's affairs, but Prince Wei will get rid of his father-in-law's family on his wedding night just to occupy the territory for the Wei family. . If there were not those six cities as camps, how could the Wei family pull so many dead soldiers and horses and attack the capital in one fell swoop?!"

Some military generals even sneered and said, "Oh, Prince Wei has done evil things, so we can't let him suffer other grievances, right?"

After hearing this, Wei Qi looked at the person who spoke, already writing him on the list of people who must be killed: "General E, the punishment of cutting out the tongue is enough. There is no need to pursue this matter any further."

"No more investigation? How can this be done?" Wei Xiao's confidants and generals did not agree and said bluntly: "This matter is not simple. Those who spread rumors clearly did it deliberately and should investigate it thoroughly!"

"Shut up, you are going too far!" Mr. Wang led a group of civil servants into the Qingzheng Palace and looked at the generals in the palace: "Although you are the heroes of the David Dynasty, you dare to say these things to His Majesty. It would not be an exaggeration to execute you all.”

Mr. Zuo came out to talk to Xi Ni and said with a smile: "Everyone, please calm down first and don't get into internal strife just because of the common people's gossip. Your Majesty has summoned us here because he wants to talk about the important matter of establishing a heir apparent."

"Establish a crown prince, what kind of crown prince? Didn't we already discuss it when we sent troops to attack Emperor Wen of Chu? David's second emperor is Prince Wei." The generals on Wei Xiao's side were angry and glared at Lord Zuo and the others. Said: "You have chosen to discuss the matter of establishing a heir when Prince Wei is not around. You clearly have bad intentions!"

"Eliang, do you want to rebel?" Mr. Wang finally couldn't bear it anymore and pointed at General E and said: "Don't think that you dare to despise His Majesty because you have the support of Prince Wei. This is a capital crime for you. Even if His Majesty kills you now, Prince Wei doesn’t dare to come to seek justice for you!”

General E was very angry: "It's obvious that you broke your word first, why don't you allow me to seek justice for Prince Wei?"

"General E, calm down." Wei Changling grabbed General E, saluted Mr. Wang, and said: "Sir Wang, I was born in the Duke of Wei, and I have been taught since I was born that I must be loyal to the Wei family, so I will not do anything to Mr. Wang. Your Majesty is disrespectful and disloyal...but the matter of establishing the heir apparent was indeed agreed upon before sending troops to attack the emperor, and all the closest officers and generals of the Wei family army knew about it."

Then he knelt down towards Wei Qi and said, "Your Majesty, this matter is too big. Please wait until Prince Wei returns to the capital before discussing it with him. Otherwise, you will worry about something big happening."

Wei Changling had resigned from his nationality and became a third-rank general thanks to his military exploits and Wei Xiao's promotion.

Mr. Hezhen also said: "Your Majesty, General Wei is right. You have to think twice about appointing a heir. You must not damage the unity of our Wei family's military officers and generals and allow others to take advantage of it."

Wei Qi said: "Mr. Hezhen, don't worry. Brother Xiao agreed to make Brother Lin the crown prince."

He looked at Wei Changling and General E, took out a letter, and said deliberately: "This is the letter Brother Xiao sent a few days ago. Take a look at it for yourselves."

He asked the chief eunuch to take the letter to them and show it to them.

Wei Changling and General E were shocked after seeing this...Prince Wei actually agreed to let Wei Lin be the prince!

The reason why Prince Wei compromised was because he wanted to make Luo Huiniang the princess. This, this is too ridiculous.

General E was familiar with Wei Xiao, and he had a carefree temper. He scolded him directly: "It's such a child's play, how could it be like this? Prince Wei is crazy!"

They had worked hard to get to this point. They were still waiting for Prince Wei to become emperor, but Prince Wei gave up on his own. At this moment, General E was very disappointed.

After Wei Xiao's generals read the letter, they were also very disappointed and felt very embarrassed... They originally thought that Wei Qi was using rumors to harm Wei Xiao and promote Wei Lin, so they risked their lives and went to the palace to seek justice for Wei Xiao. How? But it was Wei Xiaoxian who gave up on his own!

What exactly does Wei Xiao want to do?

How could you give up your inheritance rights just to be a woman?

Wei Xiao has not given up his right to inherit the throne. For him, it does not matter whether he is the prince or not. As long as he has military power, when the country is stable, if Wei Qi does not give him the position, he will send troops to seize the throne. There is no need to follow Wei. Qi and his son Moji... His only fault was that he was partial to Luo Huiniang and did not communicate with his confidants first, thus disappointing them.

Instead, Mr. Hezhen praised Wei Xiao: "Prince Wei's temper is too tough, which is not good for the David Dynasty. If it goes on for a long time, it may cause big trouble. Now that he can bend for one person, it is a good thing." Son."

At least Wei Xiao is a person with feelings, not a weapon that only kills.

Wei Qi was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he felt a little unhappy...Compared to the emotional Wei Xiao, the arrogant Wei Xiao was more beneficial to him.

However, the most important thing now is to confirm Brother Lin's position as the crown prince and protect his inheritance rights. As for the matter of killing Wei Xiao and causing Wei Xiao's people to betray their relatives, we can do it later.

"I will never forget Brother Xiao's contribution, but Brother Xiao's reputation is too bad now, and establishing a crown prince is good for the inheritance of the dynasty and the stability of the country... Let's make Brother Lin the prince first. If Brother Lin fails in the future, or Now that Brother Xiao's reputation has improved, I will change the official title to the throne." Wei Qi stepped down from the throne and came to the Wei family's military officials. He took the hands of General E and Wei Changling and said, "Anyway, don't worry. I will never treat Brother Xiao poorly!"

He said sincerely: "David's empire is not yet stable. We must unite. We cannot fall apart just because of the position of prince, allowing others to take advantage."

Wei Changling and General E were a little ashamed, and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, forgive me, but what happened today is that the general was wrong!"

Now that the matter has come to this, they can no longer openly oppose, otherwise they just want to rebel... Just bear with it for now, and after leaving the palace, write to Prince Wei to ask for details. Anyway, if Prince Wei wants to be the emperor, these brothers in life and death will definitely help him. !

Wei Changling said again: "Your Majesty, it is a big deal to establish a heir, so we should wait until tomorrow when we go to court to discuss it with the ministers. After getting the consent of the ministers, we can choose a day to go to the ancestral temple to worship our ancestors and inform the ancestors of the Wei family. It would be better to issue a formal canonization decree."

Wei Qi sneered in his heart. This was an attempt to delay my son's position as the crown prince, but on his face he said gently: "You are right, I will consider it."

But when he went to court the next day, Wei Qi did not discuss with the ministers at all, and directly announced the decree, canonizing Wei Lin as the prince, and canonizing Aunt Shan as the precious concubine... Aunt Shan's name is Shan Baoxian.

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