Sister Li actually smiled when she saw her, and what she said also meant that she wanted to go out to meet people. She was pleasantly surprised: "Girl, have you figured it out?"

Luo Huiniang smiled and said, "Well, that's it. What can I do if I don't understand it?"

She brought everything upon herself. If she had married a few years earlier, this wouldn't have happened. But after what happened, she couldn't kill her child or Wei Xiao, and Mrs. Fan was right. ...Falling comes with hard work. No one can enjoy the benefits and pay nothing at the same time. If her chess piece can buy everyone a few years of peace, she will be happy to do it.

However, she still didn't want to drag several families into trouble, so she wanted to see Wei Xiao and negotiate with him... If it succeeded, she would go home again. If she failed and died, she didn't want to drag down several families. .

Luo Huiniang looked at Sister Li and said, "I'm leaving soon. You are my sister-in-law. You don't need to follow me to the capital. Just stay at home."

Sister Li shook her head: "I will follow you to protect you and atone for my dereliction of duty!"

Then he said: "Let me go, otherwise my family will be even more worried about you."

Although the relationship was severed, it was only because the Luo family did not want to drag down the in-laws. In fact, the Luo family still loved Huiniang very much.

Luo Huiniang said: "Don't worry, you can discuss it carefully with your family and give me an answer when you leave."

Then he said: "If you decide to follow me to Beijing, then it will be limited to three years. You don't have to guard me for your whole life. This matter was not your fault in the first place. Three years is enough to atone for your sins."

Sister Li had been trained as a death warrior. She shook her head when she heard this: "No, failing to protect the master is a death penalty for this slave!"

She is not dead now and has not been punished. She is already kind to the Gu Luo family, so she has made up her mind to protect Luo Huiniang for the rest of her life.

"You should discuss this with your family carefully before talking." Luo Huiniang said, took out a tranquilizing pill, ate it, and said, "I'll take a nap first."

Sister Li was very happy to hear this. Huiniang had not slept well for more than a month and she had lost a lot of weight. She hurriedly said: "Okay, girl, have a good rest. I will guard you."

"No, you can sleep as well. There are people watching outside. Now I am a golden boy, no one dares to harm me." Luo Huiniang laughed at herself and took Sister Li to sleep with her.

Sister Li spent this period of time guarding her day and night, which was not easy, and she quickly fell asleep.

When Mrs. Fan came back from delivering the letter, she saw the two of them sleeping soundly in the house. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It would have been nice to have done this earlier."

After saying that, he sat under the tree outside the house to enjoy the shade and watch over Luo Huiniang.

Xu Shi finally made a decision and no longer struggled. Luo Huiniang fell asleep for a long time and didn't wake up until late at night.

"Concubine Luo Bian is awake." Mrs. Fan was still there. When she saw that she was awake, she hurried over and handed her a bowl of chicken soup: "Concubine Luo Bian has not eaten all day, at least drink a bowl of chicken soup, otherwise the child in her belly will not be able to carry it. live."

"Ugh!" Luo Huiniang wanted to vomit when she smelled the sweet chicken soup, but she was really hungry: "Is there any chicken left in the pot? If there is, take the chicken out and add more vinegar to make cold shredded chicken. I can eat it."

Mrs. Fan was stunned...Luo Huiniang actually took the initiative to ask for food. Did she figure it out after being scolded? If I had known this, I should have scolded her to death!

Mrs. Fan hurriedly ordered the maids: "Hurry up and make some sour cold dishes to eat. Don't let Concubine Luo and her son get hungry!"

"Yes!" The maids hurried to the kitchen to get food.

Luo Huiniang glanced at Mrs. Fan and said, "Mother and child? I'm pregnant with a daughter!"

Mrs. Fan said: "Concubine Luo, you are childish like this. You can't do this again after you arrive in the capital."

Luo Huiniang: "Why can't it be like this? I think being more willful and aggressive can protect myself. Pretending to be kind and obedient will not only make me feel aggrieved, but also make people think I am easy to bully."

Then he said: "I am a first-grade princess, and I have severed ties with my mother's family. The only person I am implicating in my death is Wei Xiao, so you'd better write to him and tell him to make preparations. I won't listen to everything." His, compromised for him!”

Mrs. Fan wanted to slap her, but it was better to be lively than lifeless, so she didn't say anything.

Luo Huiniang brought the bowl of chicken soup to Sister Li and said, "Drink it. You have been hurt so badly by me recently, so you need to make up for it."

Sister Li was a cheerful person, so she drank the chicken soup without saying anything, which made Mrs. Fan very angry... This chicken soup was filled with precious tonics, and it was actually drunk by a slave!

But there was no other way. Mrs. Fan was afraid that Luo Huiniang would make trouble again, so she could only hold her breath and say nothing.

Not long after, the maids brought a table of food over, and Luo Huiniang and Sister Li ate happily.

Half an hour after eating and digesting, he continued to sleep soundly.

I got up early the next day and asked Sister Li to go to Luo's house and asked if I could take Sister Xiaoyue over to play.

Mrs. Chu didn't want to agree, but Gu Jinxiu said: "Mother-in-law, Huiniang is leaving soon. It will be difficult to see each other again now. Let Sister Xiaoyue go and accompany her."

Mrs. Chu loved her daughter after all, and finally acquiesced, but she told Gu Jinxiu: "Don't let her go to your natal family."

"Okay, I know." Gu Jinxiu responded, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Mother-in-law, no matter what, in the eyes of outsiders, Huiniang is a member of our family. Even if we sever ties with her, when the real execution comes, , our family cannot escape... There is no need for Huiniang to suffer such injustice."

Mrs. Chu said: "I know that if something happens, we may not be able to escape, but we can't just do nothing? Let's do this for now and wait until the chaos of the past few years has passed."

"...Okay." Gu Jinxiu could only say nothing more and took Sister Yue to find Luo Huiniang.

"Sister-in-law, Sister Xiaoyue!" Seeing Gu Jinxiu coming, Luo Huiniang was so excited that she ran over, hugged Gu Jinxiu and cried loudly, but she quickly wiped away her tears and said, "Don't cry anymore, it's useless to cry. I Have fun here for two days and leave the day after tomorrow."

"Aunt, aunt is leaving?" When Sister Xiaoyue heard that Luo Huiniang was leaving, she refused. She hugged her and cried, "Auntie, don't leave. Can you stay with Sister Yue?"

"Sister Xiaoyue, why are you crying? Your aunt is not going to suffer, she is going to the capital to enjoy the blessings!" After Mrs. Chen saw Gu Jinxiu bringing her children to see Luo Huiniang, she couldn't help but follow her to the Qin family's house and greeted her. Luo Huiniang said: "You girl, you have finally figured it out. If you continue to persist, I will want to come over and slap you twice."

He looked at her belly again and asked: "Yes? No need to lie. I'm very well-informed. Take good care of it. This is a golden bump in your belly. It's been a hair condition since you were born. It's not just ordinary hair. It's The kind of prosperity that can make a family rich for three generations!"

After hearing this, Luo Huiniang's face turned red: "Auntie, please don't say that."

Mrs. Chen smiled and said: "Are you shy? Cheng Chengcheng, aunt won't say anything anymore."

But she didn't want Luo Huiniang to get into trouble again, so she said: "You have all gone to the church to get married, and you have a marriage certificate sealed by the Yamen, which can be seen. You don't have to mind too much... What do you mind? This is the concubine, and my aunt can only dream about it." A destiny that will not come.”

Do you still dislike it?

What do you dislike?

If you don't want it, give your title to your aunt, and she will be your concubine!

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