Tang Tongpan was too lazy to talk to him and agreed.

Three quarters of an hour later, the Yamen and Gu Chengli came back with four new doctors.

The four doctors and Doctor Liu surrounded Gu Chengzhi and worked for most of an hour. During this period, Gu Chengzhi got violent because of the surrounding situation and almost injured one of the doctors. However, he was restrained in time by the officer next to him.

The diagnosis results of the four doctors were the same as Dr. Xiao's: "Sir, this child is suffering from a disease of stupidity and madness. He will get violent and hurt people for no reason."

If it is just stupidity, then the most it will do is to waste some time and eat some dirt. But madness is very dangerous and can hurt people. For example, like today, it bites people in the street.

Doctor Liu added: "This child has not been injured. It should not be that he became stupid after being injured, but he followed his ancestors."

Suizu's words became serious as soon as they came out. Mr. Gu shouted: "That's nonsense. No one in my old Gu family has ever suffered from crazy disease. If you dare to talk nonsense and slander my old Gu family again, I will kill you." Home Medical Clinic!”

Doctor Xiao said hurriedly: "This Suizu is not necessarily from Sui's old Gu family, it is most likely from Sui's maternal grandfather's family. This child's condition should have been present since he was a child, and the older he is, the more obvious it is. Who is usually there? Take care of him? But his mother? Where is his mother? If you call her and ask, you will know the reason. "

Tang Tongpan immediately ordered the leader of the team: "Hurry and take people to Lao Gu's house and bring Gu Chengzhi's mother."

"Yes!" Ma Bantou led a group of government officials to the house on Moxiang Street.

In the house, Ms. Zheng was extremely afraid. She always felt that she would be beaten to death by the old Gu family and she did not dare to stay any longer. After Mr. Gu was taken away by the government officials, she began to clean up her family.

He rummaged through the entire house and found a few silver notes, some gold and silver jewelry, three pieces of valuable brocade, and a few jade pendants. After taking the household registration, he ran away immediately.

But her every move was watched by Daqing and the others, and she was stopped by the soldiers guarding the city gate before she could run out of the city.

Not long after, he was taken away by Ma Bantou and the others.

Ma Bantou and the others escorted Mrs. Zheng back to the government office and told her about absconding with Xinruan.

This said, there was no need to interrogate her anymore. Tang Tongpuan said directly: "Torture her until she confesses honestly!"

Mrs. Zheng originally wanted to deny it, but when she heard about the torture, she immediately cried and confessed: "Sir, your Excellency, the people's wives know that they are wrong, and the people's wives say anything!"

She told her that her second brother was mentally ill and was thrown into the mountains by his family.

"I discovered that Brother Zhi had a problem when he was four years old. This child... he ate raw food. He ate two raw eggs for the first time. I thought he was greedy and couldn't wait for the eggs to be cooked. But Later I found out that he had eaten raw meat twice and some strange things, so I became scared and suspected that he was just like my second brother."

Mrs. Zheng cried: "Sir, the woman really didn't hide it on purpose. She just thought he would get better when he got older, so she never said anything."

When Mr. Gu heard this, he was so angry that he took off his shoes and hit Mrs. Zheng: "Bitch, you bitch, why didn't you say someone in your family was a fool? You killed my old Gu family, I'll hit you Damn you, you vicious woman!”

When Youlu said he wanted to marry Zheng, he refused. But at that time, Zheng's innocence had been given to Youlu. If he didn't marry her, the Zheng family would knock on his door every day.

His family was so troubled that they had no choice but to marry him. Unexpectedly, the Zheng family had such a secret, which caused great harm to the old Gu family.

Mrs. Zheng was beaten badly and became angry. She pushed Mr. Gu down and said, "You damn old man, you still scold me? What kind of good guy is your Gu Youlu? I can be considered worthy of him and gave birth to your old Gu family." Son, I didn’t know there was something wrong with Cheng Zhi when I was born.”

Mr. Gu sat down on the ground. His tailbone hurt so much that he had no strength to scold Mrs. Zheng anymore.

Tang Tongpan slapped the crowd and said: "The matter is very clear. Gu Chengzhi followed the Zheng family. He suffered from madness since he was a child. He got sick and injured people in the street. The old Gu family was sentenced to compensate the injured person fifty taels of silver. , and then restrain Gu Chengzhi. If Gu Chengzhi hurts anyone again, he will be executed according to law."

In the previous dynasty, there was a lunatic village specially designed to imprison lunatics. But in the end, when a scandal occurred in the lunatic village, it was banned and the criminal law was changed. If a lunatic hurts two people twice, he will be beheaded to avoid future troubles.

Mr. Gu had nothing to say and sat in the courtroom crying, while Gu Chengzhi sat in the courtroom laughing. This crying and laughing person scared the people who came to see the excitement to the point where they felt cold all over.

It's too scary. Let's go quickly. What if Gu Chengzhi goes crazy again and hurts them?

Everyone dispersed, and the storytellers began to talk about Gu Chengzhi going crazy and something about the Zheng family.

Master Yue took Doctor Liu back to Houya and told Master Li about Gu Chengzhi.

"It turned out to be the Zheng family's side~" Mr. Li hated the Zheng family so much that he cursed: "This bitch has killed Youlu. It's really not a pity to die!"

Master Yue looked at Mr. Li and saw that not only did he have no intention of staying away from the old Gu family, he also had the intention to kill Mrs. Zheng because of Gu Chengzhi's matter.

It was wrong for Mrs. Zheng to hide the fact that Gu Chengzhi was stupid and crazy, but she was also a victim. No mother wanted to give birth to a stupid son.

Master Yue finally took out his written resignation letter and handed it to Mr. Li: "Sir, I want to study hard for a few years and take the scientific examination in the future. If I pass the exam, I can be your arm in the officialdom in the future."

This sounds nice, but in fact, he just doesn't like Mr. Li and wants to leave.

Mr. Li was so angry that he almost vomited blood and asked Master Yue: "Am I not good enough to you?"

Master Yue said: "Your Majesty is kind to you, so I will remember it in your heart, but you no longer trust me, so I continue to follow you, which is not good for us. It is better to get together and part ways. If we meet again in the officialdom in the future, We can still be friends.”

These words are intended to threaten Mr. Li, telling him not to think about assassinating him. He also has a good reputation and good knowledge. He is very likely to be admitted to the Jinshi and serve as an official in the future. If Mr. Li does not want to have another enemy in the future, then Let him go and don't try any tricks.

Master Li heard this and became even more angry: "What if I don't agree?"

Master Yue smiled: "Sir, although I am not an official, I have been working in the officialdom for ten years with you, and I know a lot of people."

Mr. Li's heart trembled. This was telling him that he had a backer and was not afraid of him.

Master Li was extremely angry, but he had no choice but to accept his resignation and let Master Yue go.

Master Yue knelt down and kowtowed to Mr. Li: "Thank you so much, Mr. Li, and take my leave."

After saying that, he got up, left the government office, and returned to Tongzhifu.

After arriving at the yard where he lived, he said to his wife: "Have everything been packed? We are leaving."

Mrs. Yue said: "Have everything been packed? Do you really want to leave now?"

Her husband once told her that Mr. Li could no longer follow him and asked her to pack her things and leave as soon as he told her to leave.

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