Let's get engaged.

He said firmly, but the anxiety in his tone was also obvious. He was afraid of her rejection.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli was just stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay."


Qin Sanlang was stunned, thinking he heard wrongly: "What did you say? Did you agree? So easy?"

He couldn't believe it. He thought Xiaoyu would reject him, but he didn't expect to agree so readily.

Gu Jinli blinked and said, "So you like things that are difficult, that's it. What happened just now doesn't count. Let's do it again. I won't marry."

"No!" Qin Sanlang jumped out of the window, put his arms around her waist, hugged her tightly, buried his head in her neck, and said in a trembling voice: "No, you are already married. If you agree, you will be mine from now on."

Gu Jinli was startled, not expecting that he would suddenly hug her. This seemed to be the first time they hugged each other with love between men and women... She did not push him away, but let him hold her.

He had been worried all day today, and she saw it all in her eyes. She finally got what she wanted, so she let him be wild for once.

Qin Sanlang was so happy that he held her for a long time without letting go. His nose was filled with the elegant and light fragrance of her body. This familiar smell made him extremely peaceful and at ease.

Gu Jinli saw that he had been holding him for more than a quarter of an hour without moving, then moved in his arms and asked, "Are you asleep?"

Qin Sanlang smiled: "No."

I think I'll be too excited to sleep tonight.

Then he looked down at her and said, "I thought you would refuse, and I was worried for a long time."

From the moment he found out that he liked her, he was worried that she would not marry him. After all, he wanted revenge, and his family's revenge might kill her whole family.

Gu Jinli smiled, raised his hand and poked his chin with his index finger and said, "You forgot to shave."

He specially wore her favorite robe and tidied himself up, but forgot to shave, which showed that he was really worried that she would reject him.

However, he was worried in vain.

"I have known about your family's affairs for a long time. You have never hidden it from me. I know it well. I have seen everything you have done in the past four years. I think I will never meet you again in this life." Two people are so good to me, so why should there be any hesitation?"

Just say yes and that's it.

And it's not like they met on the first day, they had known each other for four years, and they had experienced life and death together. She understood his intentions. If he stretched his arms again, she would want to give herself two slaps.


She grabbed his collar, bared her teeth, and said viciously: "I'll be the first to say something ugly. If you dare to have a second woman, don't blame me for destroying you!"

Then he told him in detail: "In addition to the concubine and the maid, this second woman also has people who like you and want to get involved with you. I don't care whether you are being plotted by White Lotus or not. It proves that you are stupid and not worthy of forgiveness. In short, you have to think carefully. If you marry me, you cannot have another woman. If you dare to have a second woman, I will definitely make you regret it. I have a lot of poison!"

In the past few years, they have prepared a lot of poisons, which can poison you to death ten thousand times.

Qin Sanlang was very happy when he saw her threatening him with a fierce look on her face.

After Gu Jinli finished speaking for a while, when he saw that he was silent, he frowned, poked his chest and said angrily: "Why are you laughing so hard? I'm telling you something very serious, are you listening?"

Well, Brother Qin’s chest muscles feel good, so he takes advantage.

Qin Sanlang was still smiling, lowered his head and came closer to her, and said, "I heard it, there will be no other woman except you in this life."

Gu Jinli: "What if you were tricked?"

Qin Sanlang: "Even if someone plots against me, I can hold on for a while. As long as I have this little time, I can kill the woman who plotted against me."

He is a martial arts practitioner, capable and ruthless, and will not show mercy to enemies who plot against him.

Gu Jinli smiled when he heard this: "Remember what you said, if you can't do it... just prepare to be a eunuch."

After saying that, he glanced down, with a strong hint of threat.

Qin Sanlang's face turned red again.

Seeing his blush, Gu Jinli teased him again, poking his cheek and jokingly saying: "Why do you still blush? I'm not a female gangster, why are you blushing?"

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang's face turned even redder. He took her restless hand and wrapped it in his palm: "Xiaoyu, don't make trouble."

Gu Jinli: "Who is making trouble? Isn't it just a poke in the face? Who makes you blush?"

She couldn't blame her for wanting to poke him when he blushed.

Qin Sanlang looked down at her and said what he had hidden in his heart for a long time: "I blush because I like you."


Gu Jinli was stunned. Although they had been secretly communicating with each other for a long time, he had never explicitly said that he liked her.

Seeing her stunned, Qin Sanlang repeated his previous words: "Xiaoyu, I like you, I am very happy with you, and I think about you day and night... What about you, do you like me? Did you agree to marry me because I am good to you, or do you? Because you like me?"

He asked, staring at her with slightly deep eyes, waiting for her answer.

Gu Jinli looked at him and was stunned for a long time before asking: "Do you care about this?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Yes, I care a lot, tell me."

Gu Jinli looked at his extremely serious face and smiled: "Stupid, of course it's because I like you."

She liked him. She didn't know when she started, but she couldn't help but like to be close to him and treat him as her own.

If he couldn't come back from his bath, she would be worried and concerned; if a woman pestered him, she would get angry!

Qin Sanlang was shocked again, his heart was swollen, and there was strong joy swelling in his heart, which made him have to suppress it with all his strength before he could cry out in displeasure.

"Really?" he asked, wanting to confirm again.

Gu Jinli was angry: "Of course it's true, but you still doubt it? If it weren't for liking me, do you think you could climb through my window and let me come out to see you in the middle of the night? As early as the first time you came to see me, you would have been Poison to death."

Am I short of poison?

Or do you think I'm kind?

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang couldn't restrain his inner joy. He hugged her and laughed out loud: "Xiaoyu, thank you, I'm very happy!"

This was the happiest he had been in several years since the accident at home.

Gu Jinli quickly reminded him: "Keep your voice down, don't wake up my sister and Xiao Ji."

She lives in the same courtyard as Gu Jinxiu, Xiao Ji, and Sister Li. Sister Li followed Feng Jin and the others to keep an eye on the old Gu family. She is not at home now. Otherwise, Sister Li would have noticed Qin Sanlang's arrival long ago.

Qin Sanlang finally stopped laughing, but there was still a smile on his face. He was so happy that after waiting for so long, he finally got what he wanted.

It feels so good to feel that the girl you like also likes you! As the elder brother said, it makes people want to go crazy with joy.

Seeing his happy expression, Gu Jinli couldn't help but smile too. Then he pointed to the box he placed on the coffee table by the window and said, "Can you give me a gift?"

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