Gu Jinan smiled, without even looking at these scholars, and just said: "We are like flies and rats, and they don't distinguish between right and wrong. Even if they pass the scientific examination, they will be harmful to the country and the people."

After hearing this, the scholars were very angry and pointed at Gu Jinan and said: "What did you say? How dare you scold us! We are telling the truth. If you don't support your own grandfather, you are unfilial."

Gu Jinan reminded them: "Gu Shengxiang is not my grandfather. My family has been divorced from his family for a long time. This is a matter decided by the Fucheng Yamen. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go and smash the Fucheng Yamen."

Several scholars choked and became even more angry: "Gu Jinan, what do you mean? How dare you let us destroy the Fucheng Yamen!"

"Don't you dare?" Gu Jin'an sneered: "That's right. You are all rats. You only dare to learn from gossips to slander other people's reputations. How dare you go to Fucheng Yamen to use criminal laws to speak justice like a man."

Gu Jinan's words were quite venomous. He was mocking them for being eunuchs and not doing men's things.

Gu Jinli and the others were sitting in the mule cart. When they heard this, they called to Daqing: "What are those names? What embarrassing things have they done? Find them all and let the storyteller make them famous."

If she wanted to take the opportunity to ruin her eldest brother's reputation, then she would let them taste the taste of ruining their reputation.

"Yes." Daqing went to do it immediately.

When Mr. Gu heard that Gu Dashan was coming, he felt extremely proud. Humph, so what if you break off the relationship? It's not like he was forced out.

"Shan, my dear, dad was wrong~" Mr. Gu kept crying, looking pitifully like a terminally ill man who knew his mistakes and wanted to correct them, and who would die without Gu Dashan as his son.

Mrs. Zhang immediately cried and said, "Uncle, dad knows his mistake. In fact, dad loves you. It's all the fault of that bitch Li Shiliu. It was him who instigated the relationship between your father and son and made you misunderstand dad."

Gu Chengli also cried quickly: "Uncle, grandpa is dying, dad is disabled, and my legs and feet are lame. If you don't care about us, we will starve to death on the streets."

Zhang Sanjin couldn't stand it anymore and shouted: "Don't listen to their nonsense. They have more than eighty taels of silver with them. This money is enough for them to settle down outside the city and live a good life. They just see that Gu Dashan's family is rich and want to If you don’t work, live a good life with Gu Dashan’s family.”

Mrs. Zhang was very angry, but she didn't dare to get angry. She just cried and said: "Dad, he is paralyzed. The medical expenses for this day are more than ten taels of silver. What use can the eighty taels of silver be used for?"

He also asked Gu Dashan: "Uncle, uncle..."

Gu Dashan ignored Mrs. Zhang, walked directly past her, came to Mr. Gu, and said, "I came to see you today not to recognize you, but to make a break with you."

When Mr. Gu heard this, he became anxious and yelled, "Shan, dear, dad is wrong... don't do this."

Gu Dashan seemed to have heard nothing and said to himself: "Originally I heard that you were paralyzed, and I felt a little sad, but today you made such a fuss because you wanted to kill my brother An... You clearly know that Brother An is about to take the government examination, but he is making such a fuss and wants to ruin his future with the word "unfilial", but I won't agree."

"He is my son. He has suffered a lot since he was a child. He was almost killed by you. He finally made a living. I won't allow you to harm him again."

Mr. Gu was shocked when he heard this. The idiot Gu Dashan became smarter. He quickly explained: "Son, there is a misunderstanding..."

Gu Dashan still pretended not to hear, and continued: "We are no longer a family. I have no father-son relationship with you... I was kicked out of the house by Mrs. Gu when I was seven years old to make money, and we haven't seen each other for a year. I have seen you a few times, and every time I come back and want to talk to you, you just ask for wages... Do you know that those wages were paid by me in the wind and snow while you were warming up by the fire? ?”

“There were several times when I was almost crushed to death by cargo.”

"I don't ask you to feel sorry for me, I just ask you to be kind to Da Ya. But what did you do? You actually wanted to sell her into the building. She is your biological daughter. In your eyes, she is not as good as Yuan Jinzhi's step-mother." Can’t even women compare with it?”

He also talked about the suffering suffered by Gu Jinan's four brothers and sisters: "Brother An, Sister Xiu, Xiaoyu, and Brother Cheng are all your grandchildren, but you let Mrs. Gu beat and scold them. Brother An was almost killed." You beat me to death. You beat Brother Cheng to death when he was a child... I have never understood what is the deep hatred between us that makes you hate us so much that you want to kill our whole family?"

Gu Dashan spoke calmly, but many people present started crying.

They yelled at Mr. Gu: "Are you still a human being? You treat your own son like this, even your grandchildren want to kill him!"

Someone else pointed at the scholars and cursed: "You are also a bunch of beasts. What the hell are you helping? Is Mr. Gu worth helping?"

The scholars were scolded and blushed, so they argued: "We are upholding filial piety."

"Bah, that's bullshit filial piety. You just saw that Gu Jin'an is the county's chief criminal, and you were afraid that he would compete with you for a spot in the government examination, so you deliberately used filial piety as a platform to destroy him!"

The reason why Gu Dashan came to see Mr. Gu today was mostly because of Gu Jinan. When he heard this, he turned to look at the scholars and asked them: "My descendants, do you know what filial piety is? Apart from my father, who gave birth to me, And mother, my mother was killed by Mr. Gu and Mrs. Gu. If I am filial to Mr. Gu, how can I let my mother rest in peace?"

These scholars were left speechless by the questions, and two smart ones had already slipped away.

After hearing Gu Dashan's words, the people present exclaimed: "Yes, Mr. Gu helped Mrs. Gu kill Gu Dashan's mother. Wouldn't it be sorry if Gu Dashan took Mr. Gu back to support him again? His mother?"

Gu Dashan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw everyone starting to protect his family. He could do anything, but he couldn't harm his children.

"Da Shan~" Mr. Gu still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Gu Dashan.

"Seventy years are rare in life. I can only live to be seventy at most. The past thirty-six years have been given to the old Gu family. I don't owe you anything anymore... Take care of yourself. I won't come to see you again."

After saying that, he stood up and walked back with Gu Jinan and Brother Cheng.

Seeing that Gu Dashan didn't recognize them or give them money, Zhang immediately hit Mr. Gu and said, "Dad, it's money."

When Mr. Gu saw that Gu Dashan not only did not recognize him as his father, but also embarrassed him in public, he became angry and shouted: "Stop, stop!"

Gu Dashan heard it, but kept walking.

Mr. Gu became even more angry: "You are my son... your life is mine... If you don't recognize it, give it back!"

He actually wanted Gu Dashan to return his life to him.

Everyone present was shocked, finally seeing the cruelty of Mr. Gu.

After hearing this, Gu Dashan finally stopped and looked back at Mr. Gu.

When Mr. Gu saw him turning around, he said ferociously: "If you don't admit it, you'll have to pay for your life!"

Gu Dashan looked at Mr. Gu's face that looked like an evil ghost from the underworld, and his last hope for him was gone.

Then, he did something that shocked everyone.

He smiled, suddenly snatched the saber from Luo Wu's waist, and stabbed his own hand.

"Dad!" Gu Jinan wanted to stop him but it was too late. Gu Dashan's left thumb had been cut off and fell to the ground.

Gu Dashan seemed to feel no pain, letting the blood flow, with a pale face, he picked up the severed finger on the ground, supported by Gu Jinan, and walked towards Mr. Gu step by step.

Mr. Gu was so scared that he thought Gu Dashan was crazy and wanted to come and kill him.

But when Gu Dashan came to him, he knelt down and put his severed finger in front of him: "You gave birth to me, and now I will return the blood, bones, and flesh to you, and we will have nothing to do with each other in the future." , I only serve my mother and let her incense last for hundreds of years."

Mr. Gu was shocked. He didn't expect Gu Dashan to do such an amazing job.

The people present were also shocked and stunned. They did not expect that Gu Dashan would cut off his fingers to return to his father.

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