A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 924 The history of a group of men turning into scumbags

Gu Jinli looked at Gu Chengli who was beaten and covered in blood. He was still angry. He took out two packets of pills and handed them to Daqing: "Take the ones wrapped in red paper for Gu Chengli to eat, and the ones wrapped in yellow paper for Gu Youfu to eat."

These two poisons are different, and the symptoms they cause are also different, but one thing is the same, that is, they will not die immediately after eating them, but will damage their bodies and torture them until they die.

"Yes." Daqing was obedient and took the poison to Gu Youfu, Gu Chengli and his son.

You An next to him glanced at Qin Sanlang... I was worried, what if the master was poisoned to death one day? Why does Xiaodong have so many poisons? In addition to making money every day, does she make poison and save it?

Qin Sanlang noticed You An's gaze and glanced sharply in his direction. You An hurriedly lowered his head and shouted in his heart: My subordinate is wrong, don't train me! You'll die if you practice any more!

The master often throws them into the mountains or the Huaihe River for training. The intensity of the training is not even strong for people like them who came out of the water bandit's village. There are many ways of training and punishment. Every time they are trained, they are Life is worse than death.

You An was afraid of being punished, so he immediately took people to decorate the scene and decorated the room to look like a bandit committing a crime.

Not long after, Daqing came back and said to Gu Jinli: "Master, the poison has been given to them."

Gu Jinli nodded and continued to wait, but Qin Sanlang said: "Leave the rest to You An and the others. Let's go back first. It's getting late, you should go to bed."

"Okay." Gu Jinli didn't stay long and followed Qin Sanlang back. Before leaving, he told Daqing and the others: "Be careful and don't let anyone find out. After you are done, go back to the house on Wutong Street to rest. There is no need to come home to report again."

Daqing was given to her by Qin Sanlang and had not yet crossed the road, so she did not live in her family's house, but in the house bought by Qin Sanlang.

Qin Sanlang bought several houses in Fucheng. In addition to Wutong Street, there were houses in the west, east, south and north of the city to facilitate the work of his subordinates.

Although Daqing likes to have a cold face, he is deeply impressed by Gu Jinli's kindness and responded: "Yes, my little boss, go home in peace. We will leave as soon as we finish it."

After seeing them finish speaking, Qin Sanlang took Gu Jinli's hand and left, taking her to take a shortcut through an alley to avoid the patrols in the city and return to the house.

The two of them climbed over the wall and entered the home without knocking.

The courtyard where Gu Jinli lived was locked, so she could only jump out of the window and go back to her room. Qin Sanlang followed her back to the house, which made Gu Jinli frown: "Why are you following me here? Go back to bed quickly."

He hadn't slept much in the past few days. He had been helping deal with the old Gu family and the Li family. He also went to the Fucheng garrison camp and met with General Guo and Vice General Lan.

"I'm not happy to see you, and I feel uneasy." Seeing that her hands were a little cold, Qin Sanlang poured a cup of hot water for her to drink, and then asked, "Are you hungry? I'll find you something to eat."

Gu Jinli shook his head: "No, I'm not hungry. I'll go to bed later. It's not good to eat anymore."

Seeing that he was worried about himself, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, I just don't understand why Old Man Gu can do this to my father? My father treated him with all his heart and soul, allowing him to be enslaved, and he has not been able to get a word from him until now. Nice words. He is obviously his own son, how could he treat his own son like this?"

In her last life, she had seen many disgusting parents, but they were far inferior to Old Man Gu. Old Man Gu was really worse than a beast to Gu Dashan.

When Qin Sanlang was in the capital, he met some fathers who were similar to Mr. Gu. Hearing this, he said: "It seems unreasonable, but in fact it is simple to say. He just wants to save face and is unwilling to bow to his son. And in Dachu, What belongs to my son belongs to me, and if I can’t control my son and make him obey his words, then I have no ability.”

"What?" Gu Jinli was confused when he heard this: "Is there still such a saying in the capital?"

Qin Sanlang nodded: "Well, I heard from my father that when Da Chu was first established, those emerging nobles who relied on their merits to stand up were like this to their children. Those who were obedient would have a good life, and those who were disobedient would I don’t feel sorry for him even if he is killed, especially the children born to his original wife, he is even more vicious when he attacks them.”

"Killing the child born to the original wife?" Gu Jinli was shocked: "Is this his biological father? These are a bunch of beasts, they want to kill even their own sons!"

Qin Sanlang nodded and told her about the new nobles who had emerged during the founding of Chu. It's very simple to say, it's just that when you get rich, you look down on the poor wives in your hometown, and you are swayed by the ladies of the previous dynasty, so you start to change your wives one by one.

"The new daughters-in-law are all teenage ladies from wealthy families. Their parents' families are capable, they are young and beautiful, and they are well-educated. They also choose beautiful maids for their husbands to keep. They all come from rough backgrounds and don't know much about Chinese characters. Seeing someone like this How can I not like my daughter-in-law? Of course she obeys the new daughter-in-law, but she doesn’t even look at the ones she brought back from her hometown, and she despises them."

"Some people heard the gossip and thought that their wives had lost their innocence in the countryside. For the sake of face, they began to acquiesce in the new daughter-in-law's attack on their first wives. In the end, many people's first wives died. They also thought that the original wives had lost their innocence and did not want to see the original wives stay. The children who came down were tortured and polished until they were no longer human beings."

In fact, there is another reason, that is, they also know that it is wrong to abandon the wife who is a scumbag, and want to kill the children of the original wife to erase all their faults.

And they won't feel sorry for these children. After all, they have been fighting for many years and have no feelings for these children. And the new daughter-in-law is young and beautiful, and has a girl who is married to them. They can have as many sons as they want.

"I heard from my father that in the first twenty years after the founding of Dachu, many of the children of the first wife lived in misery. Twenty years later, one of the first wife's sons became successful, and finally something happened to the Shang Dynasty's public family. There is a new criminal law in Da Chu that states that if you marry a step-brother, you need to establish a new household registration, separate from the household registration of the first wife's children."

It was also thanks to this criminal law that Gu Jinli's family was able to obtain their household registration papers when they broke off their relationship.

After listening to this, Gu Jinli was so angry that she was shaking... What did she hear? It was like listening to a history of a group of men turning into scumbags!

Damn, I want to dig up the graves of all those scumbags and whip them to death (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻

She couldn't help scolding her: "How can these stallions do this? They assassinated their wives after listening to a few rumors from others, and even teased their own sons. Don't you know if they are your own children?"

She was so angry, so angry with her, men turned bad when they were rich!

Seeing that she was angry, Qin Sanlang regretted telling her these things. He hugged her and said, "Don't be angry. That happened at the beginning of the dynasty. There is no such thing now."

Gu Jinli sneered: "The step-son is the master of the family and has received a title, so naturally there will be no such thing."

Then he pushed him and said, "Don't touch me. I'm angry and don't want to see a man."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang felt that he was wronged and coaxed her: "I am not them, and I have never thought about marrying other women. I only want you, and I will always believe in you. I will not listen to other people's slanders, as long as it is your child." , I will risk my life to hurt them."

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