The guys quickly covered his mouth and said, "Master Gu, don't shout. There are no robbers in the inn. We are the inn's guys. Don't be afraid."

Damn it, how can our inn do business if you shout like that?

There are robbers in the inn, who will dare to stay here in the future?

Gu Chengli's mouth was covered, and he became even more frightened. He screamed and struggled continuously. It took a few guys to use all their strength to hold him down.

While they were holding Gu Chengli down, a crazy woman with disheveled hair rushed in from the door and shouted to them: "Help, help, Gu Jinli has poisoned me, she is going to kill me!"

The guys at the Fujia Inn were confused again. They stared at the visitor for a while before recognizing him: "...Are you Gu Youfu's wife?"

Mrs. Zhang, with her messy hair on her head and her inner coat open, cried to them: "It's me. Go and ask the doctor to save me. Gu Jinli has poisoned me. There are worms in my stomach." He’s going to die!”

Mrs. Zhang kept repeating that she had been poisoned and had worms in her stomach, and asked them to consult a famous doctor.

The guys at the Fujia Inn comforted her and told her not to make any noise, but none of the five of them could speak louder than Zhang, and they were almost deafened by her yelling.

There was no other way but to hold Ms. Zhang down, but it was already too late. Some guests heard Ms. Zhang’s voice and ran over and asked, "What happened? You shouted for help so early in the morning. It was so scary." "

The innkeeper heard the sound and rushed over. After hearing the words, he hurriedly explained: "Guests, don't worry, our inn is absolutely safe. There are people keeping watch at night. It's the old Gu family who are crazy and talking nonsense. We will call a doctor for them right away. Guest Go back first, we will bring you breakfast later."

Added another sentence: "No money."

After hearing this, the guest said angrily: "Old Gu family? You dare to accept this family even though they have a bad reputation? Isn't this causing trouble for the inn?"

The shopkeeper also regretted it, but Lao Gu's family was very generous. They asked him to stay in the best courtyard when he came. The accommodation fee for this night was thirty taels. He was reluctant to give up the money, so he accepted it. Unexpectedly, something happened after staying for one night. Son.

Seeing the good attitude of the shopkeeper, the guest left. Before leaving, he reminded: "Please solve it quickly. All the guests in the inn are up. If word spreads, your inn will be ruined."

"Hey, thank you for reminding the guest, we will solve it now." The shopkeeper sent the guest out of the courtyard. After watching the guest leave, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, closed the door of Jinfuyuan, rushed into the house and shouted: " What are you doing to eat? Hurry up and stop her mouth. This broken gong has such a loud voice that I can hear her from the front."

"Yes." The guys hurriedly blocked Zhang's mouth and repeated what Zhang and Gu Chengli had said.

The shopkeeper frowned: "Robber? Gu Jinli? Who is Gu Jinli? It's all nonsense, I didn't understand a word."

Then he told the waiter: "Go and ask for the doctor. Go through the back door and don't let anyone know."

Mrs. Zhang said that she was poisoned and that she was in their inn, so she had to see a doctor.

"Hey." The waiter responded and hurried to ask the doctor.

When the doctor was invited, the door of Jinfuyuan was already crowded with people. The guests in the inn still knew about the old Gu family and came to watch the fun.

The shopkeeper wanted to die.

There was really no choice but to inform Mr. Fu, the boss.

Master Fu and Young Master Fu came over without even having breakfast. They kept apologizing to the guests and said they would investigate the matter thoroughly.

Then he asked the shopkeeper to open the door and let the guests come in to see, pretending that he had nothing to hide.

Dozens of customers crowded in and watched the doctor take Zhang's pulse.

After a while, the doctor said: "She is fine, not poisoned."

Mr. Fu asked: "She really wasn't poisoned? But she kept shouting that she was poisoned. Is she crazy?"

If you go crazy, it's none of their inn's business.

Or maybe he wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble and extort money from their inn.

The doctor said: "I didn't find out that she was poisoned. If you don't believe it, you can ask Doctor Liu and Doctor Xiao to take a look."

The Fu family was rich, so it was worthwhile to spend some money to hire famous doctors to keep the reputation of the inn. They immediately sent someone to spend a lot of money to hire Doctors Liu and Doctor Xiao to treat Zhang.

The two doctors didn't see anything. Doctor Liu also said: "I guess he is really hysterical."

She was suffering from hysteria, and if these words fell into the ears of the guests, it was clear that Mrs. Zhang was crazy.

After hearing this, Mr. Fu breathed a sigh of relief: "It's good that he wasn't poisoned."

But Mrs. Zhang refused to do it, and kept shouting: "I have been poisoned, really poisoned. Last night Gu Jinli brought someone to poison me and wanted to kill me. You should report her to the authorities immediately!"

Huh, you bitch, let me see if I don’t kill you this time!

Regardless of whether she was poisoned or not, as long as she could get Gu Jinli to go to the Yamen, if a girl entered the Yamen or went to court, her reputation would be ruined, and it would be up to her to see who would dare to marry her in the future.

Mrs. Zhang had the idea to kill Gu Jinli, but Master Fu said: "This is just your one-sided statement. What evidence do you have to prove that Gu Jinli harmed you? Besides, who is that Gu Jinli? I have never heard of it."

Zhang said: "Gu Jinli is Gu Dashan's second daughter. She came to avenge her father last night!"

Master Fu said oh, and looked at Mrs. Zhang with something wrong in his eyes: "It turns out she is Gu Dashan's daughter, so we can't report it to the official for you. You are obviously holding a grudge, deliberately wronging people, and want to harm Gu Dashan. 's daughter."

As soon as these words came out, the guests present nodded one after another: "Master Fu is right, the old Gu family still refuses to give up. They probably want to cause this incident to wrongly accuse Gu Dashan's daughter and use this matter to blackmail Gu. Dashan’s money.”

After all, the girl's family didn't want to go to court, so they could only settle the matter with money. Zhang's calculation was really good.

Zhang yelled: "I didn't, Gu Jinli really brought someone here to poison me last night!"

"Tch, you didn't? If you didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to bite the Gu Dashan family to extort money, how could you say such ridiculous things? Gu Jinli? We don't know whether Gu Jinli is round or flat, so you start She said she had poisoned you. I can’t provide any evidence, and the doctor also said you were not poisoned. Are you not wronging someone?”

Master Fu pointed at Mr. Zhang and said, "You must have a conscience. Haven't you done enough harm to the Gu Dashan family? You still want to continue harming others. Why are you so bad?"

He also apologized to the guests present: "Guests, I'm really sorry. It's my fault that our shopkeeper was reluctant to give up money and entertained the old Gu family. We will kick them out immediately and prevent them from coming back to disturb everyone."

It was to take the opportunity to drive away the Zhang family.

Mrs. Zhang became anxious and stood up to fight with Master Fu: "You wolf bastard, what are you talking about? I already told you that it was that bitch Gu Jinli who killed me. Why don't you believe it? Why don't you believe it? I'll beat you to death!"

Mrs. Zhang's look of wanting to eat people was seen by the guests present, who thought she was really crazy.

When Mr. Fu saw his son being beaten, he hurriedly shouted: "Go and pull this crazy woman away!"

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