A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 928: Drive out of He'an Mansion

He immediately said: "Master, report it to the official. We can't let the old Gu family blackmail us like this."

Mr. Fu paused and nodded in agreement: "Okay, hurry up and report to the government office, saying that Lao Gu's family lied about being robbed and used it to blackmail our inn of thousands of taels of silver. Please make the decision for us."

Although Mrs. Zhang was afraid of officials, she thought that she had indeed been poisoned by Gu Jinli and her family's money had been stolen, so she said confidently: "Okay, just report it to the official and arrest Gu Jinli. Let's see how she can get married." !”

But Zhang didn't expect that the prefect had already disgusted the old Gu family to death. They were willing to commit suicide outside, but if they still dared to come to the government to trouble the government, the prefect would not be polite to them.

Therefore, when the government officials came to report that the Fujia Inn had sued the old Gu family by lying about being robbed and trying to blackmail the inn of a thousand taels of silver, the prefect sneered and said, "You don't want to let me live, you have to come here to seek death." .”

I'm so annoyed. If I don't clear you all out this time, I won't be a human being!

The ancient prefect acted resolutely and immediately questioned the owner, shopkeeper, clerk, two doctors, and guests of the Fujia Inn. He found out that Zhang was not poisoned, and the wounds on their bodies were most likely stabbed by himself. Because according to the location and direction of the wounds, they were all places where he could stab them, and they were not critical.

If a bandit robs you, can he show you where to go and avoid your vital points to stab you?

After obtaining the confessions of these people, the prefect wanted to directly sentence him, but Tang Tongxuan reminded him: "Sir, these people are terrible. Two paralysis, a lunatic, and an injured lame cannot do their work. Sentencing them to prison is just a matter of time." It will be a waste of food.”

Prisons don't support idlers. They have to drag people to work in the mines or other places. What can the four cripples like the old Gu family do? If you need food and medicine every day, why don't you empty the government office?

The ancient prefect was excited, yes, all four of the old Gu family were sick and could not work, so they could not be sentenced to jail.

He thought about it and gave the Zhang family two ways. One was to drive them out of He'an Mansion. No matter where they went, they would never be able to enter He'an Mansion.

The second is to directly sentence them to death and execute them three days later.

Mrs. Zhang was frightened and cried: "Sir, sir, we were obviously murdered, how could you do this to us? You should arrest Gu Jinli and sentence her to death!"

Gu Chengli also nodded vigorously, yes, yes, everyone in Gu Jinli's family should be killed, and then her family's livelihood should be awarded to their family. Then their family would become rich and he could be the eldest young master.

However, Gu Chengli was a poisonous person inside, so he only dared to think about it in his heart, but did not dare to say it out loud.

The ancient prefect sneered and said: "Ms. Zhang, you are really vicious-hearted. Do you know what impact calling an unmarried girl to the court will have on her throughout her life?"

To put it mildly, you will never be able to get married, but to put it more seriously, you may be thrown out of the clan!

Zhang naturally knew, and it was precisely because she knew that she insisted on suing Gu Jinli.

But Bantou Zhang had already returned from Gu Jinli's house, and he had brought Gu Jinan and Xiaoji with him.

Xiaoji said: "My boss vomited blood. Our girl has been staying at home to prepare medicine for my boss. Everyone in the house saw it. My slaves slept with the girl at night. The girl has not even taken a step out of the house."

Gu Jinan continued: "My second sister was at home yesterday. Although she heard about the old Gu family, she is a girl. She usually doesn't go out. She just gets angry at home. She has never caused trouble to the old Gu family."

These words made Mrs. Zhang almost vomit blood: "Bah, that bitch Gu Jinli won't go out? Then who poisoned me last night? You are all protecting her, hand her over quickly, torture her, and make her confess. !”

With a bang, the ancient prefect was stunned and scolded: "Shut up, guilty woman. The case is very clear. Everything is a false accusation by you. Now I will give you two ways, either to compensate the money of the Fujia Inn, or to be sentenced to beheading." Punishment!"

After saying that, he didn't want to be bothered by the affairs of Lao Gu's family anymore, so he immediately said to the Yamen servant: "I'll torture him first. I'll give him a thirty-pound blow per person. If I can't beat him to death, I'll wait."

It's best to kill him.

The government officials immediately swarmed up, frightening Mrs. Zhang and Gu Chengli.

Mrs. Zhang wanted to hold on for a moment longer, but when the board came down, she could no longer hold on and cried: "Sir, sir, we were wrong... It's all fake, it's all fake, please forgive me." If they kill us, let’s leave now and never come back.”

Wuwuwu, these government officials wanted to beat her to death, but after three spanks, she felt like her bones were about to crack.

Gu Chengli was injured, and now he was beaten again. He felt that he was about to die. Between life and money, he chose life and cried: "Sir, we were wrong, please let us go. "

The ancient magistrate sneered: "If you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with wine. If someone comes, give them a bond and drive them out of He'an Prefecture. They will never set foot in He'an Prefecture."

He then quietly told Team Leader Zhang: "You personally drive them away and drive them farther away. Don't go to Linhe Prefecture. The students from each prefecture will go to take the college examination and the provincial examination where they will not be offended."

Captain Zhang understood immediately: "Don't worry, sir, I understand this humble position."

After saying that, after Zhang and the others were escorted to plead guilty, they took ten yamen servants, picked up Mr. Gu and the four of them in pairs, and left the yamen all the way.

The common people followed all the way from the Fujia Inn to the government office. When they saw that the government office had decided the case and wanted to drive the old Gu family out, they were all excited and shouted: "It's been judged, it's been judged, the government office has judged the case. It's to drive the old man out." Get these evil people from the Gu family who like to extort money out of He'an Mansion!"

After hearing this, other people shouted: "Old Gu's family has been driven out of He'an Mansion, come and see!"

The people in Fucheng rushed to tell each other and came to watch the excitement. The main street where the Fucheng Yamen was located was blocked. Zhang Bantou and the others drove the four old Gu family members to the city gate with difficulty.

Xiao Ji wanted to run to watch the fun, but Gu Jinan didn't agree. After Zhang and the others were taken away, he took Xiao Ji and Zezi away.

After the ancient magistrate judged the case of the four Zhangs, he returned to the back office. He didn't say a word to Gu Jin'an the whole time. He had been avoiding suspicion... Seeing that the prefectural examination was about to start, it was impossible not to avoid suspicion.

Although Gu Jinan and Xiaoji went back, Mrs. Chen dragged Gu Dagui to watch the fun and pushed Gu Dagui ahead to clear the way for herself.

Gu Dagui was hit hard by the person in front of him. He covered his nose and said, "Stop pushing. If you push me again, I will die."

Mrs. Chen heard the curse and said, "Pah, that's all you have? Wasn't it awesome last night? Now you complain if I ask you to make a way. If you dare to talk nonsense again, don't go to my bed tonight."

Gu Dagui wanted to die, his face turned red and he cursed: "You stinky bitch, you have no sense of shame, you dare to say anything out loud."

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