However, when he looked at the fourth daughter-in-law, he felt that he had sold more than three thousand taels, and there should be more, but the fourth daughter-in-law, a poisonous woman, had plundered them.

With a snap, Old Ancestor Mu slapped Old Master Mu with his palm and scolded: "Boss, don't doubt this or that. I just sold it for three thousand taels. The owner who bought the house gave me an extra fifty taels. That’s my pension money, that’s all.”

Speaking of old-age care, Patriarch Mu said: "There are four generations in the family, and you are old too. It is not appropriate for you to provide for me in old-age care. From now on, I will live with my fourth grandson's family."

When the third granddaughter-in-law of the Mu family heard that Patriarch Mu had received fifty taels of silver for nothing, she immediately squeezed over to show her courtesy: "Grandma, my fourth family has many children, so you might as well live with me."

Old Ancestor Mu sneered and ignored her. He was helped into the house by his fourth granddaughter-in-law and began to talk about dividing the family and dividing the money.

The Mu family was busy until the evening before they clearly separated their home and their money. Although the money was divided, Patriarch Mu hid it, saying that he would give it to them after returning to the countryside.

For the sake of money, the Mu family did not delay and got up early the next day to pack their things and prepare to return to the countryside.

When the Dai family heard that the Mu family's house had been sold for several thousand taels, their eyes became red with excitement.

Dai Lao Niang personally came to talk about the marriage between Mu Tai and Dai Tang Niang, but Mu Laozu sent someone to kick her out.

Mutai was so sad that he secretly ran to find Dai Tangniang, but was manipulated by the Dai family and became involved with Dai Tangniang.

The Dai family immediately came to Mu's house crying and asking for a thousand taels. Mu Tai was stunned and said stupidly: "Aunt Dai, didn't you say you were willing to marry Tang Niang to me? Then... Is that also a matter of time? Why did you suddenly change your mind and want so much money from my family? "

Mu Tai is not a fool. He likes Dai Tangniang and thinks it is worth spending two or three hundred taels to marry her, but now he wants a thousand taels. This is obviously blackmail.

The fat on Dai Lao Niang's round face was shaking. She put her hands on her hips and said, "Humph, my Tang Niang, a yellow-flowered girl, was touched by you. Even a thousand taels from you is a small amount. Hurry up and give me the money." , if you give me the money, Tangniang will be your wife, if you don’t give me the money, we’ll meet at the Yamen!”

After hearing this, Mu Tai was convinced that the Dai family wanted to extort money, and he was so sad that he cried. But he still had illusions about Dai Tangniang, and said to Dai Lao Niang, "Tang Niang said she would be happy to marry me and live a hard life. She doesn't care about money."

Dai Lao Niang smiled. If you don't want money, why should you be a fool?

"Don't talk nonsense to me. If you really like Tang Niang, just give her money and let her live in glory."

Mu Laozu only spoke after letting Dai Lao Niang be arrogant enough, and asked Mu Tai: "Brother Tai, do you see clearly? The Dai family has this kind of virtue. This unworthy wife will ruin three generations. You are not smart in the first place. If If we get married like this again, three generations of descendants will be ruined."

Mu Laozu said sincerely, but Mu Tai was someone who would never look back until he hit the wall. He felt that Tang Niang must not be like this, it was just Dai Lao Niang who was greedy for money.

He cried and said, "I want to see Tang Niang. I won't believe her until Tang Niang asks me for money, otherwise I won't agree to your promise."

After hearing this, Mrs. Dai thought that Mu Tai had relented and would give money to Tang Niang whenever she saw her, so she immediately said: "Sure, come back with me to see Tang Niang and listen to what she has to say personally."

Old Ancestor Mu still felt sorry for his great-great-grandson and went with him.

When Dai Tangniang saw Mu Tai, she kept crying and said, "Brother Mu, it's not that Tangniang wants to embarrass you, it's really because it's hard to go against your parents' wishes... and I've already given you my life, so we can be considered husband and wife." , it’s just money, Tang Niang will accompany you to earn it back in the future, you, just do what my mother said first."

Mutai also cried and said: "Although my house has been sold, there are many cousins ​​in my family. Twenty people can get three thousand taels, and one person can only get more than one hundred taels. Where can I get one thousand taels of silver?" ?If I give you a thousand taels, what will the other cousins ​​in the family do?"

Dai Tangniang didn't answer these words and just cried. She cried so hard that she looked like she was about to faint from crying: "Brother Mu, Tangniang really wants to live with you, so just accept my mother's request."

Mu Tai had always heard Dai Tangniang say this. After saying it countless times, he finally helped Mu Patriarch and left.

Dai Lao Niang was shocked and rushed over to stop them: "Don't leave. You have damaged my Tang Niang's innocence and want to leave. If you don't give me money, I will report it to the official!"

Father Dai and his two sons blocked the yard with sticks and said, "Mu, don't bully others too much. If you don't come up with a thousand taels of silver today, you can't even think of leaving."

Mu Tai's head was so swollen and painful that he turned back to look at Dai Tangniang in the room, and finally asked: "Tang Niang, if my family doesn't give you this thousand taels of silver, are you going to watch your parents and brothers beat me to death?" ?”

Dai Tangniang still didn't answer directly, she just cried: "Brother Mu, your family has money, so just give it to me. Tangniang will help you earn it back in the future."

Earn it back?

How to make money?

That's one thousand taels of silver, money that many people can't earn in a few lifetimes.

After hearing this, Mu Tai finally gave up, let go of Patriarch Mu, and walked towards Dad Dai and the others like a dead corpse.

"You brat, do you want to sleep in vain?!" Dad Dai was very angry. He originally wanted to live a good life relying on his beautiful daughter, but Tang Niang was not good at it. She failed to hook up with Wu when she was at Wu's house. Forget it, the young master of the family, now even the idiot from the Mu family is thinking of freeloading, which makes him mad to death.

Dad Dai was not polite to Mutai, and greeted his two sons and slapped Mutai.

Bang bang bang, a dozen sticks came down, beating Mu Tai severely.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting!" Mu Laozu cried, groping to protect Mu Tai. Before he could reach Mu Tai, Er Qing rushed in with Qiu Lang and kicked the Dai family. The old wooden door was kicked down.

"Who? Where did this blind bitch come from? Do you know whose house this is? Just dare you to kick me!"

Kicking down the door was a slap in the face. Dad Dai was so angry that he took his two sons to beat Erqing.

In the end, Qiu Lang was knocked to the ground in just a few strokes, unable to move.

When Mrs. Dai saw this, she shouted at the top of her lungs: "Come here, come here..."

Before he could say the word ah, Erqing rushed over and slapped him twice.

Erqing warned: "If you shout again, I will cut your tongue."

He added: "You can go to the Yamen if you want. Not only one or two people know about your family's Dai Tangniang. It has spread all over the north of the city. If it goes to court, they will all be able to prove that your daughter has been in the Wu family for a long time." His innocence was lost when he died. Your family sued Mutai. This is a false accusation and blackmail, and he will be sentenced to death!"

Mrs. Dai was confused. Who is this stinky girl? How do you know so much?

Mrs. Dai knew about her daughter's affairs. Seeing that someone was standing up for the Mu family, she couldn't sue the officials, so she had to sit on the ground and cry: "Oh, my poor Tang Niang, was slept with by the Mu family kid for nothing. !”

When Patriarch Mu knew that Er Qing was coming, he cried with joy. After thanking Er Qing, he fumbled into the house and threw the fifty-tael silver note to Dai Tangniang: "My great-great-grandson will not marry you. But I won’t sleep with you in vain, these fifty taels of silver notes will be regarded as your reward for teaching my great-great-grandson how to behave, so you can take care of yourself."

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