A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 969 My family is a small street vendor

Ming Shaoqing ordered that Li Zhi and the old Gu family cannot survive until the sun rises, so the ancient magistrate, Tang Tongpan, and Master Tang came to the execution ground at 3:00 a.m. and struggled for another two-quarters of an hour to identify who was behind them. Order: "Execution!"

After giving an order, the executioners each drank a bowl of strong wine, raised their swords high, and beheaded Li Zhi and others with a few clicks.

The ancient prefect was relieved to see that the old Gu family were finally dead. Oh my God, these crazy people were finally dead.

He thought about how he had been tortured by the old Gu family during this period, and he scolded the old Gu family again in his heart.

Tang Tongpan was the same, scolding the old Gu family bloody in his heart.

"There is no need to collect the corpses in a hurry. Just put their corpses here. The prison guards from Dali Temple will come for physical examination." After saying this, the ancient prefect returned to his home.

I have to go back quickly to wash up and get rid of the bad luck.

"Yes." Master Tang responded and stayed to deal with the aftermath with Bantou Zhang and the cell leader.

As for the father and son Gu Youlu and Qian Guangzong, who were suffering from the disease and could not come to the execution ground, they were directly poisoned.

And Gu Youlu and the others didn't know they were sentenced to death until they were poisoned... They stared wide-eyed, unable to believe that they were going to be executed by poison just for being guilty?

However, this is what Ming Shaoqing meant.

Ming Shaoqing took a fancy to Gu Jinan's talent and wanted to recruit this rookie into the Ming family's party so that he could be used by the Ming family. So I simply helped Gu Jinan deal with the old Gu family and let all these troublesome people die.

If it hadn't been for this reason, the old Gu family would not have died so quickly. At least Aunt Gu and the others would have been put to good use, thrown to do backbreaking work, or sold for money.

The prison guards from Dali Temple went to do the autopsy before Chen hour. They left with satisfaction after seeing that Li Zhi, Mrs. Gu and everyone in the old Gu family were all dead.

However, he asked about Ms. Zhou's situation: "Does Mrs. Zhou really hate the old Gu family? Is her son Brother Bao in good health?"

Ming Shaoqing has always done things by eradicating the roots, so it was best to kill all the old Gu family members.

The ancient magistrate said: "Mr. Zhou took her son to the Taoist temple before the house was sealed. She had already reconciled with Qian Chengcai under the guarantee of the temple owner of Xiaoqingming Temple and Mrs. Yu."

The ancient magistrate noticed the prison guard's worry and added: "The Zhou family deeply hated the old Gu family and the Qian family. She swore a vicious oath that she would not let her son know about the existence of the old Gu family and the Qian family. And she had given her son If her surname is changed to Zhou, her son will no longer belong to the Qian family."

The master of Xiaoqingming Temple and Mrs. Yu were both well-known people in He'an Prefecture. They came forward to help the Zhou family. The ancient magistrate quickly decreed a divorce between the Zhou family and Qian Chengcai and arranged a new marriage for their mother and son. Household registration.

After hearing this, the prison guard nodded and said, "That's good."

With Gu Jinan's ability, there is no need to fear that Zhou's son will seek revenge from him when he grows up. If he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself, then he has really failed Ming Shaoqing's expectations.

The people of He'an Prefecture didn't know until Young Master Li went to collect Mr. Li's body that Mr. Li and the old Gu family had been beheaded, and the whole city exploded.

"I heard that Mrs. Gu and Mr. Li were beheaded!"

"What? They were beheaded? Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Young Master Li has carried the coffin to the execution ground to collect the body. How can it be false?"

Someone from the side came over and said, "I heard from the person who woke up early that Mr. Li was beheaded while hugging each other. Oh, what a great feeling. The beheaded boss Tu was moved to tears. Got it!"

"Ah, where did you hear these rumors? I heard that Mr. Li hated Old Mrs. Gu so much, how could he still hold her to death? Besides, the executioners were all tied up, where did they get the hands? hug?"

"Hey, you still don't believe it? Liu Yexiang saw it with his own eyes, you can't fake it!"

Liu Yexiang is the old man who sells night fragrance in the north of the city. Because of his job of pouring night fragrance, the people in the city gave him the nickname Liu Yexiang.

Yao Youqian felt that Father Liu was wronged. He followed Father Liu to pour night incense. What they collected was night incense from the north of the city. He had never been to the execution ground. How could he see Mr. Li and others being beheaded?

However, Yao Youqian didn't have time to explain this, so he grabbed Lu Bai and dragged him to the gate of the government office: "Hurry up, don't be nagging. If you delay the time, I will ask you to come back tomorrow and call me half a day to make up for it." .”

Lu Bai was angry and ashamed, and said with tears: "Don't drag me, I, I..."

"What are you doing? Do you still want to default on your debt? A man must dare to take responsibility. If you lose, you lose. If you are afraid of embarrassment, don't bet with Brother Gu." Yao Youqian is tall and has helped the family since he was a child. The worker, who had a strong body, dragged Lu Bai all the way to the Yamen.

But he did not get too close to the yamen. Instead, he stopped in the open space three feet away from the yamen entrance, pointed to the position next to him and said, "Stand still and shout."

Then he took out a small piece of paper from his sleeve pocket and read what was written on it: "I am from the market, and my family is a small vendor. That's what I call it."

Lu Bai covered his face and sobbed, not daring to recite it at all... It was too embarrassing. If he recited it here for a day, he would be completely embarrassed.

"Today the prefect is hosting a banquet for the high school students... If I study here, how will I be a human being in this life?" Lu Bai became more and more desperate as he thought about it, and almost burst into tears.

But Yao Fuqian would not pity him, so he took out a rolling pin, hit Lu Bai on the back, and said angrily: "Hurry up and read it to me, if you dare to default on your debt, I will destroy you!"

He didn't want Lu Bai to be so embarrassed, but Brother Gu said that if he didn't give Lu Bai a strong dose of medicine, he would never lose face and would continue to be taboo about mentioning his origin.

"If you don't destroy it, you won't build it. You can read this while the people in the city are running to the execution ground to see the corpses being collected. Otherwise, after the people in the city have seen the excitement of the execution ground, they will come to see your excitement." Yao Youqian reminded Lu Bai: " You know how much gossip the people in He'an Prefecture have. If you don't finish reading it quickly, you will be treated like a monkey and some scary gossip will be spread to you."

Yao Youqian looked Lu Bai up and down, and said with an evil smile: "You are such a handsome guy and a sissy. When the time comes, the people will definitely tell you that you are an immortal king."

Yao Youqian was still worried about Lu Bai's reputation. The word "Xianjun" was not a big deal, but Lu Bai jumped up as if someone had stepped on his tail and said: "Shut up! I'm not, I am..."

Yao Youqian: "You like girls, right? I know that, but the people in Fucheng don't know."

Lu Bai was also afraid that some unpleasant gossip would be spread about him. When he saw Yao Youqian guarding him with a rolling pin, he knew that he could not escape this disaster, so he could only close his eyes and said: "I am from the market, and my family is Little street vendor~”

With a bang, Yao Youqian hit Lu Bai on the leg with a stick and cursed: "Scream for me, what's wrong with not eating? The sound of shouting sounded like he was about to die."

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