Lu Bai was beaten until he screamed miserably, crying and asking: "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, why does the hero still punch and kick someone?"

You An: "This is a gang rule. Those of you who can't hand over the money immediately will be given a killing blow. Otherwise, won't it ruin the reputation of our Tiger King Gang?"

This is the order of the master's brother-in-law. They have to do it, otherwise they will be in trouble when they go back. Just be patient and let us beat you up.

Bang bang bang!

You An punched and kicked Lu Bai so hard that his mother almost didn't recognize him. Then he stopped, took off one of his shoes and said, "Okay, get out of here. Remember to prepare the money within five days." Okay. On the night of the fifth day, we will go back to your place to get the money. We will keep these shoes. If you dare to default on the bill, we will take the shoes to Shenghe Building and tell Mr. Storyteller that you are an immortal king. The storyteller will make you famous!”

Lu Bai cried so hard that he lay on the ground and said, "I am not an immortal king."

You An clicked his tongue, a little convinced by this Lu Bai, his mind is a bit inflexible, Xianjun is obviously threatening you.

"As long as you prepare the money on time, we will return this shoe to you, and we will not spread rumors in front of Mr. Storyteller that you are an immortal king."

After hearing this, You Er'an urged: "Brother, let him go quickly, don't waste time with him, the bitch is not an immortal king? He should be sold to Jiangnan to become an immortal king. Looking at him like this, At least it can be sold for thirty taels, which is much more than ten taels of silver."

You An pretended to suddenly realize it and said, "Second brother is right, why not just sell him to Jiangnan?"

When Lu Bai heard this, he was afraid that he would really be sold to become an immortal king, so he ran away crawling.

He rushed all the way to the gate of the government office and shouted loudly: "I am from the market, and my family is a small vendor; I am from the market, and my family is a small vendor!!"

The voice was as loud as thunder, and Yao Youqian was shocked. He looked at Lu Bai and saw that he was covered in injuries, so he hurriedly asked: "You, have you been injured?"

After hearing this, Lu Bai looked at Yao Youqian, and suddenly felt that this Fa Xiao was so damn lovable, so he cried: "Tongxi, I was wrong, I should have listened to you from the beginning, wu wu wu... …”

If he had listened to Yao Youqian's words and fulfilled his bet here early in the morning, he would not have been robbed, and he was almost innocent.

After crying, he continued to shout: "I am from the market, and my family is a small street vendor!"

He shouted loudly, without any fear of embarrassment. Yao Youqian trembled with fright, and asked cautiously: "Lu Qianjin, are you... crazy?"

Must be crazy!

It's over, it's over, madness is a serious disease, how much money does it cost to cure it? The Lu family is very poor and is still in debt.

What's even worse is that the debt he owes is six to three hundred yuan. If Lu Bai goes crazy, the Lu family will definitely not be able to repay the money. He will probably have to ask his family to borrow money for medical treatment. , then his family will suffer a big loss.

After being beaten up, Lu Bai finally realized that Yao Youqian had some money, so he took the time to reply to Yao Youqian: "I'm not crazy... I'm from the market, and my family is a small vendor!"

Lu Bai's brows were frowning tightly. He couldn't believe that Lu Bai's brain, which was made of molten iron, would one day be enlightened. He really thought that he was crazy, and he didn't dare to take a step away from him, guarding him.

Lu Bai's shouts also attracted many people who were watching the fun. After hearing the news, the group of rich kids also ran back to watch the fun and continued to humiliate Lu Bai: "Hey, Lu Bai, have you figured it out? Aren't you afraid of embarrassment? Stop now and stop shouting. If you shout again, you will lose face."

"Master Tongsheng, are you shameless?"

"It's so shameful for a noble boy to do such a disgraceful thing!"

Others threatened: "Shut up! If you dare to shout again and embarrass us scholars, we will jointly sue you and let the prefect take away your right to be a child!"

These people cursed a lot of unpleasant words, but Lu Bai seemed to be unable to hear them and just kept shouting: "I am from the market, and my family is a small vendor!"

The group of wealthy children were very angry. Seeing that Lu Bai dared to surrender to Gu Jinan, they immediately entered the government office and sued Lu Bai.

After Ma Bantou told the prefect about the matter, the prefect frowned and said, "It's insulting to sue Lu Bai for making noise at the yamen gate? Do you want me to take away Lu Bai's right to be a child? You just don't know what to say, why don't you call me out?" , today is a good day, don’t come here to bring bad luck to me.”

"Yes." Ma Bantou responded and took the order.

Master Tang asked from the side: "Sir, what should I do with that Lu Bai? Should I let him shout at the yamen gate? But it will damage the dignity of the yamen."

The ancient magistrate said: "The literary style in Jiangnan is very strong. In addition to aristocratic families, it also depends on the faces of the literati. Those literati and fanatics love this kind of unusual behavior. Besides, that Lu Bai dares to abandon his face and fulfill his bet. He is a real man and will be praised by literati. If I open my eyes at this time, I may be able to gain a good reputation in Jiangnan."

Master Tang knew that the ancient magistrate's ambition was in the south of the Yangtze River. Hearing this, he felt that it was very reasonable. He nodded and said: "What you said is true. I will definitely handle this matter perfectly."

Since the ancient prefect wanted to use Lu Bai's affairs to gain a good name for himself, he had to do something more to add some splendor to this good name.

The ancient prefect nodded with satisfaction: "Well, Master Tang is here to help."

The group of wealthy children who sued Lu Bai failed to succeed. Instead, they were kicked out of the Yamen by the government officials. Later, a master named Tang came out and pointed at them and cursed: "Lu Bai occupied the door of the Yamen, not your home. Magistrate The adults haven't spoken yet, is it your turn to be arrogant here?"

He added: "The prefect said that although Lu Bai was wrong, he is willing to admit defeat and has the courage to come here to fulfill the bet. He is better than you guys who can only complain."

As soon as these words came out, the people watching the excitement praised one after another: "The prefect is worthy of being our father-in-law. Look at these words, they really speak to our hearts."

"The prefect is a good official."

In short, he praised the ancient prefect.

In the mule cart in the distance, Brother Cheng was shocked and asked his eldest brother: "Brother, what did you do? Didn't you break Lu Bai's brain?"

It must have been more than just a beating, the eldest brother must have done something else. Otherwise, Lu Bai could not have changed his temper in less than three quarters of an hour with his stubbornness.

Gu Jinan looked at Brother Cheng and smiled...

Brother Cheng shivered, rubbed his arms and said, "Brother, don't laugh like that. It's so scary, I'll give you goosebumps."

Gu Jinan's smile continued as he answered his words: "Did you do something else?"

Brother Cheng often ran behind Gu Jinli, and listened to a lot of gossip from Gu Jinli. His eyes sparkled when he heard the words, and he asked with a gossipy face: "What did you do?"

Come on, come on, I'm very curious.

Gu Jinan did not tell Brother Cheng the answer immediately, but took the opportunity to teach him: "Do you think a person who loves face very much will completely lose his face and change his body in some critical situation? I'll give you three days to figure it out. In the evening's classwork Halve it.”

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