A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 979 The Tian family gives away their daughter

The ancient prefect knew what Xue De and the others were thinking, so he sneered in his heart and said to himself: Gu Jinan is the person Ming Shaoqing likes, you must not do this, otherwise you will die miserably.

After the ancient prefect explained to those present the rules of the college examination and the time when the college examination would be held, he let them leave.

The children present stood up and bowed to the ancient prefect: "Students bid farewell to the prefect."

After saying that, they filed out in twos and threes.

The ancient prefect also prepared a return gift for them, one for each person, including Brother Cheng, who handed it to them by the government servant who saw off the guests.

Brother Cheng was very happy to get the return gift and said to Gu Jinan: "Brother, the prefect is so kind. He gave me a return gift. I wonder what's in it?"

"What, what, what? Hehe, he is indeed from the lower reaches of the country. He speaks slang that is not worthy of refinement. Can't he speak elegant language?" Xue De came to seek death again.

Gu Jinan's eyes turned cold, his gaze pierced Xue De, and he smiled coldly.

Xue De had never seen Gu Jinan like this before. He was startled. After he came to his senses, he said angrily: "What are you looking at, you idiot? Be careful, I will dig out your eyes and feed them to the dogs!"

Gu Jinan smiled as brightly as a spring breeze, and said to the children and government officials present: "Fellow fellows and brothers, you all heard it. Xue De said that he wanted to gouge out my eyes. This is against the criminal law. I will wait for someone to file a lawsuit." When Xue De commits murder, please be a witness."

Xue De's face turned pale and he said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? I was just talking casually."

Gu Jinan smiled: "I just told you casually."

When he finished speaking, he put away the smile on his face, his handsome face was extremely cold, and he stared at Xue De and said: "Don't think that you can be presumptuous if I don't care about you. It's easy to destroy you. Just a piece of paper can make you Go to jail. Even if your family can rescue you, I can still ask people with official positions to help with the exam. If you don't cultivate your personal ethics, I will take away your reputation and make it impossible for you to even think about becoming an official in the imperial examination. !”

So you'd better be smart and don't seek death.

After hearing this, Xue De's face turned pale and he was trembling when he spoke. But after he calmed down, he said angrily: "You asked someone with an official position to take away my title. How can you, a country boy, know any official family?" ?”

Gu Jinan's smile grew wider and he counted them one by one: "County Magistrate Zheng of Tianfu County counts as one, Mr. Zheng of the Zheng family in Jinling counts as one, Mr. Shangguange counts as one..."

"You, you still know Mr. Shangguange!"

All the children present were stunned. Some people exclaimed: "The rumors are true. Gu Jinan is really on good terms with the eldest grandson of the Zheng family and the Shangguan family, and he even knows Mr. Zheng and the senior official!"

With a bang, Xue De's legs weakened with fright, and he sat down on the ground, unable to even speak.

Gu Jinan looked down at Xue De, but he was no longer interested in dealing with him: "It's useless. I'm scared before I even deal with you. How dare you be so brave with this little courage? Even in He'an Mansion, if you go If you go to Jiangnan or the capital, a fool like you will be killed by the descendants of wealthy families and high-ranking officials in less than a quarter of an hour."

After Gu Jinan scolded Xue De, he took Brother Cheng's hand and left.

Only then did Xue De come to his senses and begged behind Gu Jinan: "Gu, Brother Gu, please don't write to Mr. Zheng and Mr. Shangguange. Don't take away my honor. I got into the exam with great difficulty. If my fame is gone, I will be beaten to death by my family!"

The second to last one also passed the exam, and this was his best result ever, so he couldn't let it go.

Gu Jinan ignored Xue De and left with Cheng Geer, Qi Kangming and others.

Xue De sat on the ground for a moment before being helped away by others.

After the yamen officer returned, he told the ancient prefect about the matter and asked again: "Sir, would Case Chief Gu really write a letter asking Shangguange boss Shang Zhezi to take away Master Xue's honor?"

Gu Zhifu shook his head: "No, Gu Jinan is not that stupid to use such a large network of people for such a trivial matter."

The Zheng family and the Shangguan family all keep it for life-saving use. Unless Gu Jinan encounters a life-or-death emergency, it is impossible for him to seek help from the Zheng family or the Shangguan family.

After hearing this, the Yamen servant was very happy. The Xue family would definitely send someone to find out the news from him. When the time comes, he could get at least ten taels of silver if he tells what the ancient prefect said.

The ancient prefect was talking to the prison guards of Dali Temple about the distribution of business documents today and had no time to talk to the Yamen. After hearing this, he sent him away.

The prison guard at Dali Temple was very satisfied with Gu Jinan's performance: "He is smart and scheming, not bad."

The master doesn't like those naive scholars, only those who have the opportunity to do things.

"Brother Gu, let's say goodbye first. We will go to your house for a discussion tomorrow." Xu Zhaoming said to Gu Jinan. He came with Xu Liang and was not on the same path as Gu Jinan and the others.

Master Qu was also beside him and said, "I'm going to leave now. I'll follow my uncle and uncle Shang to find Brother Gu tomorrow."

Master Qu's uncle, Qu Xiucai, had a good relationship with Shang Xiucai. Qu Xiucai had been Gu Jinan's guarantor during the county examination. This time, Master Qu was taking the government examination, and Qu Xiucai also came with him.

Gu Jinan smiled and said, "Brothers, see you tomorrow."

After saying that, everyone got on their own mule carts and went home.

Guests came to the house, and they were Yuan Jiagui and Tian Xiwang. They said they came to thank the Gu family. If the Gu family hadn't helped, they would still be servants and would not be able to live a good life with a house and land.

Gu Jinan was a little surprised when he saw them. It was almost dark today, so even if he came to say thank you, there was no reason to stay until now.

Tian Xiwang was overjoyed to see him and hurriedly brought his son up to talk to him: "Hey, this is the head of the Xinke case. He is really handsome. I heard he hasn't been engaged yet, right?"

Tian Xiwang's daughter-in-law left in a hurry and headed towards the flower hall of the back house.

Gu Jinan frowned slightly, looked at Tian Xiwang, and said, "Hello, Uncle Tian."

Tian Xiwang was even happier and said hurriedly: "Hey, eh, ok, ok."

Then he continued: "I'm nineteen now, but I'm a young man, so I have to hurry up and get married."

Let’s talk about Gu Jinan’s marriage again.

Gu Jinan smiled. Tian Xiwang's purpose was a bit too obvious, but he didn't like the Tian girl, so he said: "Don't worry, I once swore that I would only marry someone who has passed the Judicial Examination."

"What? How long do you have to wait? Even if you pass the exam in one go, you are still over 20 years old. How can we farmers get married so late?" Tian Xiwang said to Gu Dashan: "Da Shan, you can't just let it go. Brother An is acting recklessly, so you have to arrange a marriage for him as soon as possible. Don’t choose someone from a rich family. Those rich girls look down on us farmers the most. If you marry him, your whole family will be angry with her!"

Tian Xiwang was very excited. Tian Xiwang's daughter-in-law was even more excited than him. She pulled Tian Hui'er and came over: Hui'er, hurry up and see your brother Gu. "

When Tian Hui'er saw Gu Jin'an, she felt happy. He was a handsome and capable man. He saluted and softly called out: "Hello, brother Gu."

When Gu Jinli heard this, Brother Gu almost laughed out loud.

Gu Jinan was very unhappy and said in a calm voice: "Just call me the eldest son of the Gu family."

What about Brother Gu, it sounds disgusting, and everyone is an adult, so shouting like this is misunderstood.

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