A lucky wife born again from a farm family

Chapter 983 You are blackmailing

But Gu Dagui is blind.

She was dressed up and waiting for him on his way to school. She didn't wear a hat on rainy days, and she wrestled in front of him on sunny days. She even jumped over ditches and rivers on the roadside, but Gu Dagui didn't look at her at all.

Mrs. Chen was almost mad at him. I've already been brought in front of you. Will you die if you just lend a hand and be a hero to save the beauty?

In the end, Chen had no choice but to change his approach and a woman came to save the man.

As a result, Gu Dagui was extremely moved. Knowing that she had been beaten by her parents and brothers at home, he ran to the town medical center late at night, told her about her symptoms, and bought medicine for her to take.

Knowing that she didn't have enough to eat at home, I often saved my own rations and gave them to her.

After being in this relationship for half a year, the adults of the two families found out about their affairs. The Gu family was extremely angry, and her natal family was very angry. In short, they struggled for a while and finally got married.

Gu Dagui was so angry that he pointed at her and said, "You bitch, are you still reasonable in plotting against me?"

He thought she was a poor little girl who was bullied by her family and had no one to rely on, but he didn't expect that she treated him as a fool and plotted against him. He really gave it to the dog.

"Why did I plot against you? Didn't you like me back then!" Mrs. Chen is not afraid at all. Now she has a stable position, with the whole family's money in her hand, and two sons beside her. Even if Gu Dagui is angry with her, it is impossible. Divorce her.

Gu Dagui was speechless. He did like her back then, but he was sincere, but she was calculating!

The third grandma was too lazy to listen to their quarrel and said angrily: "What are you arguing about? Go back to your yard quickly. You are already a very old person. How can you say whether you like it or not? How shameless?"

Gu Dafu also said: "It happened so many years ago, what is there to argue about? Go back to the house and pack your things. We will return to the village in two days."

Mrs. Chen was not afraid of embarrassment, but Gu Dagui was educated and not as thick-skinned as her, so he left angrily after hearing this.

Mrs. Chen was still in the living room collecting snacks when she was beaten by the third mistress: "You can't eat enough and you've made your man angry. Why don't you go over and say a few nice words? When he really breaks up with you, If you are worried, just go ahead and cry."

Mrs. Chen said proudly: "Just him? I've already figured out how many tendons on his body he has, and I can't make any big waves."

Even though he said that, Chen still cared about Gu Dagui very much. After putting some snacks in his pocket, he hurriedly chased after him.

When Erqing told Gu Jinli about this, Gu Jinli almost died laughing: "I didn't realize it. Auntie Dagui was quite good at getting into trouble when she was young."

Geniuses, geniuses, they dare to think and do things, and they are not afraid of being beaten to death if they mess up.

Then he looked at Gu Jinan and Brother Cheng and said, "Uncle Dagui must be really angry this time. Why don't we make a bet to see if Uncle Dagui will divorce Aunt Dagui?"

Gu Jinan said: "Don't make fun of your elders."

The eldest noble uncle and eldest noble aunt are their relatives.

Gu Jinli smiled and didn't talk about Chen anymore, but about Xue De: "Brother, you really don't need me to poison Xue De?"

Gu Jinan shook his head: "No, Xue De has been shocked by me, and he made my cousin pregnant and slapped Mr. Yu in the face. The Yu family and Mr. Yu's disciples will not let him go, and he will have a hard life in the future."

After hearing this, Gu Jinli nodded in agreement, and then talked about Tian Huier's matter: "Daqing and You An will handle her matter. Brother, don't worry, just prepare for the hospital exam with peace of mind."

The Tian family was originally brought here to testify that Mrs. Gu had been having an affair with Mr. Li when she was young, but the Tian family dared to target their eldest brother.

He also tried his best to pretend to be faint and wanted to stay in her house, which was simply asking for death.

Gu Jinan said: "That Tian Hui'er is a ruthless person. Let Daqing and You An deal with it. Otherwise, I'm afraid the Tian family will bite us back and threaten us with the old Gu family's affairs."

They were the ones who brought Tian Xiwang's family and Yuan Jiagui's family to testify against Mrs. Gu.

Gu Jinli said: "Brother, don't worry. When we found them, we expected that they would rebel. We have already thought of countermeasures. It is impossible for the Tian family to threaten us with the affairs of the old Gu family."

After hearing this, Gu Jinan felt relieved, then looked at Brother Cheng who was sitting next to him doing his homework, and asked, "Have you finished writing?"

Cheng Ge'er's pen clicked, he put down the last stroke, and said with a smile: "It's finished."

There was very little homework today. I only wrote for two quarters of an hour and then it was gone.

Looking at Brother Cheng's smiling face, Gu Jinan felt very guilty and said, "Brother Cheng, I'm sorry."

Brother Cheng was stunned for a moment, and realized that the elder brother was talking about what happened in the government office today. He smiled and said: "Brother, there is no need to say sorry. I know that the elder brother did this for my own good."

"But big brother plotted against you." The last thing Gu Jinan wanted to do was plot against his family, but today he did it.

Brother Cheng shook his head and said: "This is not a calculation, but a grind. My eldest brother is good enough to me. If I stop blocking everything for me, I will become what the second sister said is useless."

He puffed out his chest and said, "I want to be a hero, I don't want to be a loser."

Gu Jinan's nose felt sore after hearing this, and he felt very relieved. After so many difficult years, his little brother who once thought he would die has grown up.

Gu Jinli couldn't stand this sad atmosphere and said hurriedly: "Stop talking about this, let's talk about something happy, such as..."

She looked at Gu Jinan and said with a smile: "Brother, if you don't like Tian Huier, then what kind of girl do you like? A lady from our family or a biyu from Xiaojia? Or a shrew?"

After hearing this, Brother Cheng also gathered around, grabbed Gu Jinan's arm and asked, "Yes, yes, what kind of girl does eldest brother like, and who do you want to marry to be our sister-in-law?"

With a snap, Brother Cheng was hit on the head by Gu Jinan, and then he pulled his hand away from his arm and carried him to a chair aside: "Sit tight."

Then he said: "This is big brother's business. What do you, a kid, know?"

Brother Cheng said: "Why don't you understand? The eldest aunt is making arrangements every day to find a wife for Brother Dexing. She also takes out the eldest brother and says that he also needs to find a wife quickly. If he continues to be a bachelor, he will be raped by the villagers. Suspected to be sick."

After hearing this, Gu Jinan said angrily: "What's wrong with you? Don't talk nonsense."

Then he said: "It's getting late. You guys need to tidy up. I'll go back to the house and go to bed first."

It turned out that the soles of the feet were oiled and slipped away.

When Gu Jinli and Brother Cheng saw Gu Jinan running away, they laughed loudly in the main room: "Brother is actually afraid sometimes."

Suddenly I am looking forward to seeing my eldest brother getting a wife and seeing how he blushes.

Gu Jinan heard this, but did not turn around to scold them. He let them laugh, walked quickly into the house, and closed the door with a bang.

However, he has also thought about what his future wife will be like?

First of all, he must like her, and secondly, her character must be good, and her temper should not be as fierce as a small fish, nor as delicate as a eldest sister. When he is not at home, if something happens at home, she can handle it first. Take care of your home.

He also needs to be literate and understand articles, and preferably also understand some official matters, so that he can have something to say with her after he becomes an official. Anyway, it is impossible to marry someone like Tian Huier.

Tian Huier woke up the next morning. After taking her pulse carefully, Doctor Liu said, "It's nothing serious. You can go home and rest after taking the medicine."

I originally thought that this girl was poisoned or had some hidden disease, but when I woke up, I found that she was not sick at all. She must have fainted due to sudden exhaustion.

However, even if it is not a serious illness, you still need to pay: "The consultation fee plus the cost of medicine and accommodation are thirty taels of silver in total."

"What? Thirty taels, you are blackmailing me!" Tian Xiwang jumped up in shock when he heard that he wanted so much money: "Thirty taels, just to see a doctor, and you haven't found any disease at all, how dare you ask for it?" We are thirty taels, are you crazy?!"

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