Gu Jinli just glanced at the ground in the yard and followed Qin Sanlang into the mule cart.

"My little boss, are you seated securely? This slave is going to drive." You An was away, so Erqing could only drive. After hearing Gu Jinli's "yes", she flicked her whip and drove away in the mule cart.

Yuan Jiagui and Yuan En stood at the door to see them off. After the mule cart disappeared, he took his grandson into the house and said: "Brother En, grandpa is going to get medicine for your sister. After grandpa leaves, you can close the door." Pack your things and don't open the door no matter who calls. The neighbors will definitely come to question you, so don't say a word."

There was quite a big fuss today. Although the neighbors did not dare to offend Qin Sanlang, they did dare to offend his family. They would probably come to attack later.

"Well, don't worry, grandpa, your grandson will keep the door open and not talk to them." Yuan En agreed, and after sending Yuan Jiagui out, he locked the door and stayed at home to pack his things.

The neighbors on this street were much more impatient than Yuan Jiagui thought. As soon as he went out, he was stopped by three bachelors who came out.

The three bachelors were wearing clothes that were so dirty that they shone with oil. They rubbed their hands and asked Yuan Jiagui: "Mr. Yuan, who is coming to your house today? He looks quite wealthy. Is he hooking up with a wealthy family?"

Yuan Jiagui ignored them and wanted to go around them.

The three bachelors refused to do it, and stopped him and threatened: "Yuan, please don't be shameless. Tell us clearly who the young man is today. And where is Tian Huier?"

Then he said shamelessly: "You also know that we have been watching her for a long time. If you dare not tell her whereabouts, then you will use your granddaughter to pay for it!"

Tian Huier, that little prostitute, wandered in the alley all day long. Her twisted little waist made them feel very itchy, and they were unwilling to let her go.

Yuan Jiagui was furious when he heard this. How old was his Xiaohe, and they dared to say that? He pointed at them and cursed: "Shameless people, my family doesn't owe you anything, why do you threaten the old man like this? If you want to find Tian Huier, just go out of the city and look for her. Her family is no longer in the city."

"No more?" The three bachelors asked anxiously: "When did you leave? Where did she go? I heard that her family had a house, land and a sum of money. Could it be that all these things were taken away? Or were they robbed by today's young people? Leaving? Tell me quickly!"

Yuan Jiagui sneered: "Are you still shameless? Not only are you targeting Tian Huier but also the Tian family's property. The old man tells you that her house and land are gone. As for other things about her family, I don't know. I just know Her family is gone, if you want to find her, leave the city."

"Hey, you old fool, you are so shameless, aren't you?" Seeing that Yuan Jiagui refused to say anything, the three bachelors became angry and rolled up their sleeves to beat him.

But Yuan Jiagui still didn't say: "It's useless for you to beat me. Even if you beat me to death, I won't be able to find out where the Tian family has gone."

Then he warned: "I advise you to leave quickly. If you dare to touch me, my boss's people will definitely beat you to pieces."

"A member of your boss? Who is your boss?" The three bachelors were a little frightened.

Yuan Jiagui: "That young man who came to visit me today, you all know what kind of temper he has. He is a ruthless master. Don't get in trouble with him, or he will look bad to you."

The three bachelors frowned and began to waver, but after thinking about it, they refused to give in. It is not easy to get a wife in the city. Girls from serious families will not marry them, and those who are willing to marry them will need a lot of betrothal gifts. Even if you buy a maid, even if you buy a maid who is in bad shape, you will have to pay a lot of money. They couldn't afford three taels of silver.

He can only seek Tian Huier.

They felt that the Tian family was a mess, and they were taught a lesson again today. Tian Huier lost an ear. As long as they threatened her a few times, the Tian family would definitely give in.

Therefore, the three bachelors hesitated for a while, and finally grabbed Yuan Jiagui's clothes and said angrily: "Old immortal, you must know where the Tian family has gone? Tell me quickly, or we will not only beat you, but also arrest your grandchildren Go and sell them, sell them to the building, and after we get the money, we will buy a wife!"

Yuan Jiagui was shaking with anger, but still didn't say anything.

When the three bachelors saw this, they were not polite to Yuan Jiagui and started to beat him.

But before their fists could hit Yuan Jiagui, Qin Sanlang's men came out and knocked the three of them down in just three moves. He stepped on one of them's face and said, "These are my master's men. You dare to touch them. If you don't want to live, Just tell me, I will help you!"

As he spoke, he exerted force with his foot, crushing the man's face.

The man shouted: "Hero, please spare my life, my hero, please spare my life. I know I was wrong. Please spare my life this time."

Oh my God, where did this person come from and why didn't they notice it?

After hearing this, the man looked at the other two bachelors. The two bachelors made a plop and knelt down: "Hero, spare your life, we don't dare to do it anymore. We didn't do it on purpose. We are really too poor to marry." I finally set my sights on Tian Hui'er, and I didn't want to miss a wife in vain, so I took action against Mr. Yuan."

The man sneered and said: "If you want a wife, if you want Tian Huier, go find it yourself. Why bother with the Yuan family?"

After hearing this, the three bachelors begged for mercy again: "Please spare us, we don't dare to do it anymore!"

After scaring them, the man said: "Go away, if you dare to come to Yuan's house again to make trouble, I will cripple you!"

"Yes, yes, thank you for not killing the hero!" The three bachelors ran away in a hurry.

Yuan Jiagui finally escaped from danger and thanked the man: "Thank you so much, young man. Are you really from Dong Qin's family?"

The man nodded: "Yes, the master asked me to protect you. You can rest assured that you can stay here for one night. A mule cart will pick you up tomorrow."

The master knew that there was a mixed crowd in the west of the city. Once the master left with the little boss, there would be gangsters coming to the Yuan family to cause trouble, so he sent him here to protect the Yuan family and prevent the Yuan family from suffering.

After hearing this, Yuan Jiagui felt relieved and felt that his decision to seek refuge with Qin Sanlang was normal.

Their family is all old and weak, and they come from other places. If they want to survive in a foreign land, they need someone to support them, and he doesn't want to sell himself anymore, so he is the right thing to do to help Qin Sanlang in exchange for money and shelter. .

"Young man, you go to my house first, and the old man goes to get the medicine first." Yuan Jiagui was afraid that the neighbors would come to trouble him again, so he left the young man behind and went to buy the medicine himself.

He can't beat the bad neighbors, so it's safest for him to get the medicine and leave this young man behind.

The man agreed and went into Yuan's house to stay.

Yuan Jiagui felt relieved and went to the medical clinic to get medicine.

When he arrived at the hospital, the doctor looked at his prescription and asked in surprise: "Old man, who wrote this prescription for you? We have never seen such a prescription. I am not afraid to tell you, old man, Several of the herbs in this prescription are poisonous."

Yuan Jiagui said: "This prescription is written by a trustworthy doctor to the old man. Just rest assured and take the medicine. Nothing will happen."

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