Gu Jinli looked at his silly look and smiled even sweeter: "I said, Brother Qin~"

Just after she finished speaking, Gu Jinli was spinning for a while. When she reacted, she was already sitting on his lap, with his enlarged face in front of her eyes.

His long arms were clasped around her waist, with a smile on his lips and eyes full of light. He approached her and responded, "Sister Gu."

After saying that, he kissed her directly.

Gu Jinli: "..."

Has she gone too far?

Shut up quickly. The food hasn't been served yet. The waiter will be bumped into when he comes to serve the food later and he will be embarrassed to see others.

But he was very excited, and kissed her gently and fiercely. Her breath was filled with his hot breath, which gave her the illusion that she was in the clouds. Her body was still as soft and weak as if she had been poisoned, and her mind was dizzy and helpless. think.

Finally, she felt that she should struggle, and she did so, but she was tragic.

Gu Jinli was shocked: "..."

I really went overboard!

Well, what the aunties in the village said is indeed true. This young man has a lot of firepower and will burn up if he is teased without being teased.

Qin Sanlang also reacted. His body froze and his face was so red that he was about to bleed. He didn't dare to look at her. He only slowly let go of her and quickly put her back on the chair.

There was an awkward silence after that.

Not long after, Gu Jinli heard him say, "Yes, I'm sorry."

Either he meant to offend her or he couldn't help it.

Gu Jinli was stunned, and after knowing what he was talking about, her face turned red. Finally, she suddenly laughed, and the smile was out of control, making Qin Sanlang almost find a hole to dig into.

Her eyes were still staring at...

Qin Sanlang became even more embarrassed and turned around stiffly to prevent her from continuing to look... But when he heard her laughter, he felt relieved, knowing that he did not scare her.

Gu Jinli looked at his appearance and smiled even more. He raised his hand and poked his shoulder and said, "Why are you shy? Shouldn't it be me who should be shy?"

This was the first time she had encountered such a thing, and she found it both novel and embarrassing.

Qin Sanlang had suppressed the excitement and embarrassment in his heart, turned his head, looked at her and said firmly: "Xiaoyu is also shy."

He saw with his own eyes that she was stunned at first, and then turned red, so he was not the only one who was shy.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli became depressed: "But you are more shy than me. You didn't even dare to look at me just now."

Qin Sanlang had nothing to say in reply. He did not dare to look at her just now, but that was not because of shyness, but to suppress his excitement... He had the yearning for her that all men should have.

But they weren't married yet, and he didn't want to lose control and make her afraid, so he stayed silent and didn't continue to quibble.

Gu Jinli was happy, but then his face darkened and he said, "Why did you call me Sister Gu just now? It's so unpleasant."

Qin Sanlang: "Is it unpleasant? But I like you to call me Brother Qin."

Gu Jinli's face heated up and he asked, "Don't you hate people calling you Brother Qin?"

When Tian Huier called him Brother Qin earlier, he almost vomited it out.

Qin Sanlang took her hand and said seriously and expectantly: "Xiaoyu can shout. As long as it is Xiaoyu shouting, I like to listen."

When he hears her calling him Brother Qin, he feels a tingling sensation in his heart. This feeling has never happened before. It makes him tremble and at the same time, he wants to put her into his heart and let her help him get rid of the feeling of pleasure. The numbness that jumped out of my chest was blocked.

After hearing this, Gu Jinli smiled and shouted again: "Brother Qin~"

After Qin Sanlang heard this, the numbness spread from his heart to his whole body, making him want to grab her, hold her in his arms and kiss her again.

But the waiter who delivered the food was probably about to arrive, and he was afraid of embarrassing things again, so he could only hold back.

Gu Jinli seemed to think it was fun to call him Brother Qin, so he shouted a few more times, but in the end he got tired of calling him: "I won't shout anymore. It sounds so artificial, so let's call him Brother Qin."

Qin Sanlang said: "It's up to you. But occasionally I have to call Brother Qin, so that it sounds familiar."

You can tell from the first listen that they are the closest people.

Gu Jinli looked at him and said, "So you like this kind of tone, okay, I'll shout occasionally, but you're not allowed to call me Sister Gu. It sounds like it will give you goosebumps. Just call me Xiaoyu."

Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, what a cute name, Sister Gu and so on, Gu Jinli is grateful but not sensitive.

Qin Sanlang listened to her very much. Seeing that she didn't like the name Sister Gu, he smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's call her Xiaoyu."

In the dream, he liked the cute little fish who ate money and gave birth to five children for him.

Qin Sanlang's heart was filled with excitement when he thought about what happened in his dream. He really wanted to marry Xiaoyu home as soon as possible so that he could have children.

After their children are born, he will definitely teach them carefully and let them become talents.

In a few decades, he will help teach his grandchildren.

Gu Jinli had no idea that Qin Sanlang's thoughts had drifted far away, and thought he was silent because he was shy.

Knock knock knock~

Erqing said: "Master, little boss, the guys are here to serve the food."

She seemed to hear a noise and had to knock on the door first to ask if she could go in? If she let the guys in directly and bumped into something, her head would be in danger.

Gu Jinli said: "Come in, I'm hungry."

"Yes." Erqing then opened the door and came in, asking the guys to put the dishes on the table one by one.

Qin Sanlang ordered a lot of dishes, all of which were Shenghelou's signature dishes.

"What do you want to eat?" Qin Sanlang asked her.

Gu Jinli looked at it, pointed at a dish of sweet-scented osmanthus fish soup and said, "This looks good, eat it."

Qin Sanlang smiled and picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus and fish soup. Seeing that the soup was too hot, he asked the waiter for two bowls and a basin of well water. He scooped the sweet-scented osmanthus and fish soup into the bowl and put it on the basin. She lets it cool.

Looking at him like this, Gu Jinli felt warm in his heart, feeling like his whole body was wrapped in his tenderness.

Brother Qin's house is indeed a deep pit, and the family has a big revenge to avenge, but Qin Sanlang makes her willingly jump into the deep pit of his house and go through the wind and rain with him.

Not long after, Qin Sanlang handed her the sweet-scented osmanthus fish soup and said, "Don't burn your mouth anymore, you can eat it."

Gu Jinli: "There is a thorn."

"Are there any thorns?" Qin Sanlang became vigilant and carefully picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus fish soup in the bowl with a spoon. After confirming that there were no thorns, he took a spoonful of the sweet-scented osmanthus fish soup and fed it to her mouth: "Eat it."

He could see that Xiaoyu wanted him to feed her, and he was happy to do so.

Gu Jinli smiled, opened his mouth and ate the fish soup. The fish soup was tender and smooth, and could be swallowed directly without chewing. It also had a strong fragrance of osmanthus. It was indeed a good dish: "It's delicious."

Seeing that she was eating happily, Qin Sanlang was also very happy. After feeding her a few more spoons, she stopped him: "I'll eat it myself."

While taking the bowl, she said to Qin Sanlang: "Don't feel sorry for me. Since I have decided to marry you, I should shoulder everything with you."

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