In the private room, Master Ge cursed: "What did you do, you little bitch? You can't even hold a dish. Do you want to kill me?"

Then he pulled on the dizzyingly gorgeous brocade robe and said, "Even if it's just vegetable juice that splashes on my clothes, you, a low-life, can't afford to pay for it!"

A man next to him said coquettishly: "This robe is made of brocade. The fabric alone costs five taels of silver. How much money can your family earn from setting up a stall in a year? If you can't afford to pay, we will have to give you up." Sold to Jiangnan to become an immortal king."

"Hey, this old Tongsheng sold himself to receive guests from the Immortal Lord. It's really a strange news. The storytellers in Jiangnan are not allowed to talk about this scandal for three months?"

This was followed by a burst of sick laughter.

Lu Bai fell to the ground, lowered his head and shed tears, daring not to speak.

Master Ge refused to give up and spat at him, saying: "Sissy, why are you still standing there? Are you waiting for me to pay you a favor? I don't like your style, so hurry up and eat all the vegetables on the floor. Go to the kitchen and bring a new one!"

These words were quite disgusting, but Lu Bai did not resist, but begged for mercy: "Master Ge, this dish is beef stew with ginseng. It is a very expensive tonic. It costs ten taels of silver. You kicked the dish down. How can I compensate?"

And he couldn't pay for it.

He came here to work just to make money for those robbers. In two days, if he still can't get the money, they will...

Woohoo, why is his life so miserable?

Master Ge smiled: "So what if I kick you? You are so slow in serving food, you deserve to be kicked to death."

He leaned back in his chair, tapping the porcelain bowl with his chopsticks, and looked at Lu Bai with disdain: "A lowlife like you should live a hard life. How dare you pass the scientific examination?! Follow us!" You should know what will happen if you grab a spot."

Then he said: "I will give you two ways. You can pay for this dish with your own money, or you can go to the government office and learn how to bark like a dog for a day, and then shout that I am a low-class person and that I should not take the imperial examination."

Lu Bai was shocked: "You, how could you do this?"

Master Ge: "Why not? Gu Jin'an can ask you to go to the yamen gate and shout, "I am from the market, and my family is a small vendor." Naturally, I can also order you to do this."

Lu Bai was very angry, but he was afraid that the people in Shenghe Building would know about this and he would lose his wages for the past two days, so he could only lower his voice and said: "I went to the yamen gate to shout because I lost the bet, and Brother Gu What you asked me to shout was the truth, but what you asked me to shout was humiliating words...I can't agree."

After Gu Jinli heard this, he looked at Lu Bai with admiration. This man was not too confused.

But she praised too early. Lu Bai was not confused, but he was cowardly. He was insulted by Master Ge but did not dare to fight back. He even begged Master Ge: "Master Ge, please let me go. My family is poor. Seriously?" I can’t afford to pay for this dish.”

"Haha, poor? It's you poor guys that I bully!" Master Ge was quite arrogant. He continued to kiss Lu Bai and said, "If you don't pay compensation or go to the yamen to shout, then you will go to Jiangnan with me and sell yourself."

Lu Bai was stunned when he heard this and clenched his fists tightly, but still did not dare to hit anyone. He continued to beg Master Ge: "Master Ge, please do well..."

Gu Jinli was speechless. Did You An make Lu Bai stupid? After being humiliated like this, he continued to beg for mercy, saying: "Do you know what is right and what is wrong? They are the ones who are wrong. Since they kicked you on purpose and made the food fall to the ground, then you should ask the shopkeeper to follow They are confronting each other and they are just crying. If you cry, they will sympathize with you? Silly!"

When Master Ge and several other dandy boys heard this, they immediately looked at Gu Jinli, but Gu Jinli was wearing a curtain hat, so they couldn't see her face clearly.

But these people just like to seek death. When they see that she is a woman, they start to talk wildly: "Oh, she is still a beautiful little lady. Little lady, you have a boy..."

Before the word "human" could be said, Qin Sanlang's knife flew out and pricked directly into Master Ge's hand that was tapping the bowl with chopsticks.

"Ah!" Master Ge screamed, looking at his bleeding hands, and then at Qin Sanlang, who walked in with a dark face, and immediately said, "Hero, hero, please spare your life, we don't dare to do it anymore."

Qin Sanlang didn't listen at all. He grabbed him by the collar of his clothes, fired his bow left and right, slapped him several times, and slapped Master Ge ten times.

Qin Sanlang was good at fists and kicks and was very strong. Even though Master Ge was a man, he was slapped with ten slaps until he vomited blood and two of his teeth flew out.

The dandy boys who were dining at the same table with Master Ge didn't dare to come over to help. They knew very well that such a person who dared to throw knives and hurt people without saying a word was a ruthless person and should never be offended.

Gu Jinli smiled: "A bunch of cowards."

Then he looked at Lu Bai: "Have you seen it? Some people are just mean and just give them a beating. If you don't believe me, try it."

Qin Sanlang pulled out the knife that pricked Master Ge's palm, looked at Lu Bai, and said coldly: "Hit."

Lu Bai was so frightened that he was afraid of killing Qin Sanlang. He stood up quickly and patted Master Ge lightly on the face.


"Exerting force, didn't you eat?" Gu Jinli said with disgust: "I gave you a chance to take revenge and you still didn't use force. Were you born from the air?"

Lu Bai was afraid to death of the evil couple, so he hurriedly used force and slapped Master Ge twice. Then he looked at Gu Jinli and said tremblingly: "No, we can't hit him anymore...if he hits him again, he will die. of."

Master Ge's face was so swollen that he would really die if he was hit again.

Gu Jinli and the others didn't want to cause trouble, so they heard this and said, "Okay, let's go."

After hearing this, Qin Sanlang wiped the bloody knife with the tablecloth, walked out of the private room, and walked downstairs holding Gu Jinli's hand.

But Lu Bai was afraid and said: "Just leave like this? What if their family members come to investigate? Shenghelou will also suffer. I can't harm Shenghelou."

There's also two days' wages, which is a hundred cents, so don't be too pity.

Gu Jinli said: "You are really stupid in studying. If the Ge family dares to cause trouble for you, you can go to the Yamen and sue them. Don't forget that you are a Tongsheng master. Why can't you use the honors that you finally got?"

He added: "Don't worry about Shenghe Tower. Mr. Ke can afford to open Shenghe Tower and keep it. As for your wages, do you want dignity or wages?"

After hearing this, Lu Bai's face turned red, and he finally followed Gu Jinli and the others.

The guys in Shenghe Building had already heard the commotion and went to tell the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper immediately brought someone over. After stopping them, he saluted and asked, "Excuse me, guest, what happened to the elegant room with the name Xuan?"

Then he smiled and said: "Guest, please don't misunderstand. We have to ask clearly before we can find a way to deal with it."

The shopkeeper recognized that these were distinguished guests from Tianzihao Yajian, so he asked politely and had no intention of letting them go.

After hearing this, Er Qing kicked Lu Bai: "Speak quickly."

Lu Bai stumbled and told what happened.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper frowned and took out a coin and handed it to Lu Bai: "I know, this is your wages. Master Tongsheng, don't worry, this matter will not involve you."

Although Lu Bai didn't have much ability, he was Master Tongsheng after all, so they didn't dare to abuse him too much.

After Lu Bai heard this, he was shocked. He didn't expect that Sheng Helou not only didn't blame him, but also gave him three times his wages. He really said: "Thank you, shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper waved his hand, smiled and asked the clerk to send them away.

After exiting the gate of Shenghe Building, Gu Jinli asked, "Are you short of money?"

Lu Bai nodded: "When I encounter some trouble, I have to earn ten taels of silver within five days."

Otherwise he will be, woo woo woo!

Gu Jinli said: "Okay, I'll give you a job. After selling it for money, you want ten taels and I want three hundred taels."

She has to earn back the money she earned from today's storytelling, otherwise she will die of heartache.

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