Gu Jinli: "Of course there is. Just feel free to write it down. The evidence will come later."

Daqing and the others have been keeping an eye on the Ge family. They have evidence for the things the Ge family has done.

After hearing this, Yao Youqian felt relieved and asked Lu Bai to continue writing.

Not to mention, Lu Bai can become the county chief of Yujiang County. His literary talent is really unparalleled, his words are so beautiful that there are no words to say. Gu Jinli looked at it and found that the whole story was like an exquisite poem.


"It's not good. You have to change it." Gu Jinli said: "You have to make the curse words down to earth. The writing is too beautiful. The storyteller will not be happy when he scolds, and the guests will be unhappy when they hear it."

"What does it mean to be grounded?" Lu Bai didn't understand.

Yao Youqian is very good at it: "It's because your second brother fell in love with shopkeeper Zhang's Furong. Zhang Furong's mother called your second brother a wild boar who wants to chew lotus flowers. He will be drowned before he touches the lotus leaves. Something like this if."

Lu Bai's expression turned ugly when he heard this. He knew that his second brother fell in love with Zhang Furong and went to the Zhang family to propose marriage, but was beaten up by the Zhang family.

But at that time, he was arrogant and arrogant, and he also helped Zhang Furong's family, saying that the second brother, a reckless man, should not marry shopkeeper Xiao Xiang's daughter, but should marry a country girl and live an honest life.

After the second brother heard this, he didn't speak to him for two years.

Lu Bai actually knew that he was wrong, but he felt that he was a scholar, how could he admit his mistake to a porter carrying goods? That's so sorry for the ancient sages. You have to stretch your arms and let your second brother come to you in person to admit your mistake after you are admitted to the exam.

Thinking about it now, Lu Bai felt that he was really nothing.

He wiped his tears and revised the story he had written according to Hu Jinli's instructions.

After the modification, Gu Jinli was very satisfied. It had both elegance and a sense of life: "Not bad. If I write another story, I'm afraid the story about the Ge family won't sell for more than three hundred taels."

Lu Bai held the pen and said, "My benefactor, please tell me."

Then, Gu Jinli dictated and asked Lu Bai to write a story about Baochai's rebirth. This story was even more outrageous than the story about the Ge family, and comparable to Mrs. Gu's biography about the poisonous women with three surnames.

It's just that the villain in Baochai's Rebirth is not the female protagonist, but the male protagonist Xue Pinggui.

After hearing this story, Lu Bai was so angry that he was trembling: "How could this person named Xue do this? The Wang family kept him safe and waited for eighteen years in Hanyao. Not only did he marry the princess and become his consort, but he still let the princess do it. The retainers over there poisoned the Wang family, allowing the Wang family to die after only eighteen days of good life. Damn, it is really hateful, even more disgusting than Mr. Shi and his like!"

Eighteen years in a cold kiln are exchanged for eighteen days of good life. This is simply a trampling on good people and a humiliation to the vast number of virtuous wives and mothers.

Lu Bai was very angry. He was crying and cursing while writing. After finishing writing, he was crying so much that half of his sleeves were wet.

Yao Youqian said disgustedly: "Why are you crying? Didn't you leave the Xue family after rebirth, rely on your own skills to become a generation of embroidery masters, and marry a good man? It can be regarded as not living a new life."

"Little boss, what you asked for has been delivered." Erqing sent over the evidence of the Ge family's crimes. He was very confused when he saw Lu Bai bursting into tears.

"Give them two." Gu Jinli said, "Take these two stories and evidence and go to Shenghe Building to find Mr. Ke. As for how much silver you will sell for, it is up to you. I only need three hundred taels."

Yao Youqian's eyes lit up when he heard this. So, the higher the price they sell this story, the more money they will get.

"Thank you, benefactor." Yao Youqian was very happy. After seeing the evidence, he pulled Lu Bai away.

It was already evening, and Shenghe Building was bustling with activity, and all the young men came out to have fun.

However, Mr. Ke heard that someone had sent the Ge family's secrets, so he went to see the person in person. After seeing that the people coming were Lu Bai and Yao Youqian, he felt much more at ease.

Mr. Tong Sheng should not lie and deceive him.

"Tell me, please. As long as the secret is true, the price is negotiable." Mr. Ke bowed his hands to them, asked them to sit down and said.

Yao Youqian directly handed over the two stories and the evidence that the Ge family had done evil things to Ke Yuli.

Ke Yuli was very satisfied with this. After saying something refreshing, he became more and more excited as he read the story... Oh my God, I didn't realize it. Those people from the Ge family who only know how to take advantage of others actually have other people. Do you have the guts to do such evil things?

The little aunt of the Ge family is famous for her hot temper, and she is also known for respecting Mr. Ge. If the matter of drugging Mr. Ge while he was sick in bed was revealed, the little aunt of the Ge family would have to go to Linhe. Come back from the government and chop up those bastards from the Ge family!

As long as the Ge family's little aunt brings people back to kill her, they can continue to tell the sequel to the Ge family's story. It's really killing two birds with one stone.

"I bought the Ge family's affairs for three hundred taels of silver. No counter-offering. What do you two think?" Ke Yuli was very happy and gave a good price.

Lu Bai was so excited that he nodded hurriedly: "Okay, okay, just three hundred taels."

Yao Youqian wanted to kick him to death, but he agreed too quickly. If he had stretched it for a while, the price could have been higher, but Lu Bai had already agreed, and he couldn't go back on it even if he wanted to.

Then he asked: "What about The Legend of Wang's Rebirth? This story is very exciting. How much money can it be sold for?"

Ke Yuli read the Biography of Wang's Rebirth and was very impressed by the story. He had never seen such a thing like rebirth and revenge. Once this story is told, it will definitely fetch a good price.


"The price of this story is not high. It is just a joke and not real. The maximum price can only be fifty taels."

These fifty taels were given to them because they were Master Tongsheng. If someone without fame came to sell this story, the most they could give was twenty taels.

Fifty taels was already a sky-high price for Lu Bai and Yao Youqian, and the fifty taels belonged to them and they did not need to give it to the female benefactor, so they readily agreed.

Ke Yuli didn't hesitate and immediately gave them the banknotes. Seeing that they were two people, he very carefully divided the banknotes into two parts to make it easier for them to divide the money.

Finally, Lu Bai was given a job: "Lu Tongsheng's story is well written, and the words are beautiful and very lively. We at Shenghe Building occasionally ask people to write some curse words or praise poems to add to the story. You can If you don’t mind it, you can cooperate with our Sheng Helou and help us write poems and essays. You can also get a tael of silver for writing a poem."

In the past, Lu Bai would rather die than do such a thing, but after being repaired by Gu Jinan, he understood his own uselessness and knew that he was just like the old Gu family, a blood-sucking insect sucking the blood of the whole family. .

Lu Bai didn't want to live another life of sucking the blood of his whole family to survive, so after hesitating for a while, he agreed: "Thank you, Mr. Ke, for the life."

Before he was admitted as a scholar, this was a way of survival for him and his family.

Yao Youqian was very pleased that Lu Qianjin finally lost her aloofness and began to learn how to make money. With this income, Grandpa Lu’s family’s life will be much easier.

Seeing that he had agreed, Ke Yuli asked them when they would return to their hometown, and then took out two story books and gave them to Lu Bai: "Read them as soon as possible, and then write six poems each based on the content of the story, and send them to you before returning home." That’s it.”

"Hey." Lu Bai took the two story books and carried them away.

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