A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 1: Malfoy Manor

South West England,


a huge estate.

Malfoy Manor has existed on this land for a thousand years, but few people know that Malfoy's ancestors are not English.

The first of the family to come to England was Armand Malfoy, who came here with the Norman Conquest.

So, William the Conqueror gave him a piece of land in Wiltshire, England.

Since then, for nearly a thousand years, the Malfoy family has continued to annex the surrounding Muggle lands and expand their already large manor.

They also managed to dabble in Muggle currency and assets, making them one of the richest wizarding families in Britain.

This kind of abundance has continued to this day, reaching its peak with the rise of the Dark Lord, but then turning from prosperity to decline as the other party lost power.

In the past ten years of ups and downs, the situation of the family has become worse and worse. This is the end of the wrong team.

In the gorgeous study, there were only two silent people, both sitting beside a long table with elegant decoration.

There was a blazing fire in the marble fireplace, which illuminated the room, and above it was a gilded mirror.

After Lucius Malfoy flipped through the information he had just obtained, he finally raised his head and looked at his wife, Narcissa Malfoy, who was drinking coffee.

Lucius leaned back on the chair and asked softly, "Cissy (Narcissa's nickname), is the journey going well?"

"It's not smooth, the waves are too big over there." Narcissa stirred the silver spoon and sighed.

Azkaban Castle is located on a lonely island in the middle of the North Sea. It did not belong to the Ministry of Magic at first, but was built by a dark wizard named Exis.

His purpose was to lure Muggle ships to the island, conduct various studies, and torture them to death.

Therefore, he directly selected the site in the storm-prone area.

July and August are the season of the strongest storms.

"How is Bella's condition?" Lucius asked concerned.

"Sister's condition is very bad..." Narcissa said sadly, "I almost don't recognize her anymore."

Lucius picked up a cup of black tea and sneered: "Of course it's bad, living in that environment for eleven years... Do you know why Azkaban didn't set up Auror guards?

Because the dementors can absorb all the hopes and all the happy feelings of the prisoners, the prisoners there are tortured so badly by the dementors that no one can escape. "

"Can you save Bella?" Narcissa looked at her husband pleadingly.

Lucius glared at Narcissa and said sternly: "Cissy, don't mention this kind of thing, we have nothing to do with the Death Eaters now!

save her?

How much Galleons did I spend to bribe the Ministry of Magic and escape trial?

And what about the Bellatrix woman? !

Knowing that the Dark Lord was losing power, she was bold enough to torture the Longbottoms with the Cruciatus Curse;

During the trial, she even publicly shouted that the Dark Lord would come back and everyone had to die!

Not giving Bella a Dementor's kiss would be a bargain for her. "

Narcissa's right hand with the emerald ring trembled slightly.

She doesn't know these things.


"Bella is my sister after all!"

Lucius shook his head and sighed.

"We're not as bad now as we used to be. Although Fudge is in power, everyone knows that he listens to Dumbledore and is just Dumbledore's dog!

You look at this. "

Lucius threw the information he had just obtained to Narcissa.

After Narcissa opened it, her brows were tight and she asked in doubt, "The new Muggle Protection Act...what does it have to do with us, and we didn't bully Muggles?"

"Of course it's relevant, look at this one." Lucius pointed to one of the paragraphs, he read: "'Aimed to protect Muggles from black magic artifacts', how many black magic items do we have in our house? !"

"They still dare to search Malfoy Manor?" Narcissa's voice was sharp.

"What dare not!" Lucius said angrily: "Arthur Weasley participated in the drafting of this law, and he is also the director of the Office of Prohibition of Misuse of Muggle Objects.

Don't look at this position as useless, but with this law, he can openly raid our house! "

Narcissa frowned and said, "Can you settle it with money?"

"Not optimistic." Lucius shook his head, "Dumbledore hates our family, many people are afraid of him, and they are beginning to alienate our family.

Money doesn't work anymore! "

Lucius sighed, "Also, I asked you to meet your sister Bella this time, to know how much gold Galleon I spent and how much relationship I used?

Fu Guitar is a beast that can't get enough food!

Don't look at the smile on his face every day, he seems to have a good relationship with me.

It's hard to save your sister! "

In this regard, Lucius Malfoy admired his little brother Snape very much.

Snape had secretly climbed Dumbledore's high branch long ago.

He was obviously a Death Eater, but after the Dark Lord lost power, he was directly guaranteed by Dumbledore, and he became a Potions Professor by the way.

Sharp eyes!

If Lucius knew that the Dark Lord would be defeated by a baby, he would have surrendered long ago. How could he have fallen into such a dilemma?

"So, is there really no way to save Bella?"

Narcissa covered her mouth and cried, her chest heaving violently and her cheeks flushed.

"Of course, it's not hopeless." Lucius looked at his wife with pity, and heaved a sigh of relief.

"How can I save her?" Narcissa raised her head.

"Even if Jin Galleon doesn't work, it's still Gold Galleon. It can't be saved at present, but the price is not high enough."

Lucius stared at his wife and asked, "So did your sister agree? Is she willing to transfer all the property in Gringotts to your name?

We'll use her property to rescue her..."

Narcissa shook her head.

Lucius frowned: "Didn't you tell her that the Ministry of Magic is proposing to introduce a bill to work with Gringotts to clean up the property of criminals imprisoned for life?"

This is of course just a proposal and cannot be passed, after all, private property is sacrosanct.

But through this pretext, Lucius wanted his wife to take over Bella's treasury.

Bella, as a child of the Black family, received the love of her mother and was assigned a considerable fortune.

The thought of such a huge amount of property being kept in Gringotts made Lucius feel badly distressed.

Others are kind-hearted, and they can't see other people's gold falling into ashes in Gringotts.

Of course, when the gold in the house falls, the ashes also fall.

Lucius is more willing to help others care.

That's why he sent Narcissa to Azkaban.

Lucius wanted to use the excuses of 'the Ministry of Magic confiscated Gringotts gold' and 'bribe the officials to let Bella out' to deceive the Black family's treasury... ah bah... reasonable move it to the Malfoy's!

Narcissa shook her head. "Darling, Bella's gone crazy, you didn't see her like that...she saw me, she grabbed my hand and asked if the Dark Lord was back?

She's insane, repeating those happy days with the Dark Lord..."

"Stupid!" Lucius asked again. "And what about Sirius Black?"

It stands to reason that Sirius has no right of inheritance, and he has been removed from the name.

Most of the Black family's inheritance, with the exception of Bella and the Narcissa sisters, will go to Regulus Black.

But Regulus died early. As the only male of the Black family, Sirius, did not die, and his mother's will was invalid and turned into a legal inheritance.

Legal inheritance is not based on the wishes of the deceased, but by blood.

Therefore, most of the property is in the hands of Sirius.

"Sirius...he just smiled when he saw me...as if he was watching a joke."

Narcissa shrank her head in fear, as if recalling the scene of that day.

"Let's go again sometime~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I'll be with you." Lucius said unwillingly.

"It's beyond my expectations that they can endure for so long. If they all die in Azkaban, the legacy will really be completely gone."

As the top pure-blood family, the Black family has more gold in the vault than the Malfoy family. Lucius is really reluctant to let go!

"Honey," Narcissa asked cautiously after a moment of silence, "The Dark Lord...will he make a comeback?"

Lucius raised his head and stared at the ceiling absently, his voice echoing in the empty study.

"I don't know, but I'd rather he... never... never come back."



(Kneeling and begging for the recommendation votes, the big guys.

Thanks to the book friend "20181126080152955" for the reward, \\(//?//)\\. )

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