A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 4: William's Bag End

St Capor Village is a small village in Devon, England.

There are wizards and Muggles living here. It is a remote and extremely remote village.

All the way to the west of the village, there are continuous peaks and mountains, ups and downs, and there is a thorny wooden house on an open flat ground between the mountains.

The owner of the cabin is an old woman named Olenna Redwyn, who is slightly old, with silver hair and short stature.

One day in July, she suddenly left here.

There were rumors in the village that someone had bought Olena a large sum of money to buy the house.

The newly moved family didn't seem to like the original dilapidated house, so they quickly demolished the wooden house and replaced it with a beautiful three-story building with a huge balcony.

The creeping tiger that originally covered the wooden house was not destroyed, but was transplanted on the other side.

After the transplant, the creeping tiger did not wilt in the slightest. Instead, it grew wildly within a week at an incredible speed, completely occupying the shady side of the three-story building.

The owner of the house also draws a stream from the mountain peak, forming a small river that looks around the house.

The only exit is the beautiful mahogany bridge connecting the big yard.

Soon, the sturdy plane trees were transplanted around the river from nowhere, completely covering the house in the shade to prevent others from watching.

But it's not like a home after all, because it lacks a master.

Today, this beautiful and outrageous house finally heard the noise.

A huge car stopped at the intersection.

It was a three-story bus, and the words in gold letters on the windshield of the car: Knight Bus.

Soon, the car door opened, and three children, a man and two women, and a fat orange cat who seemed to be motion sickness walking crookedly came down from above.

Another head stuck out from the car. The man was wearing a conductor's clothes. He was seventeen or eighteen years old. He had a pair of big fan ears and a few small pimples on his face.

"Stark, is this your home?" asked the conductor Thorpak.

"No, this is a classmate's home." William lied.

The wizarding world was not safe, and two years at Hogwarts proved that, and William didn't want strangers to know where he lived.

He's going to set up a few safe houses, and this will be one of them.

"Well, that's what I think too." San Parker is a little chatty and likes to inquire about other people's **. "I didn't even see any luggage you brought."

Thorn Parker is a student of Hogwarts, who just graduated this year, and William did not expect that the other party would actually become a conductor.

"Goodbye then, and welcome to the next ride on the Knights Bus—goodbye Stark, goodbye two little girls," said Thorpak happily.

Ern, the driver, hits the clutch and slams the door shut; another loud slam, and the car rumbles down a narrow country road, trees on either side jumping out of the way.

"Oh, I'll never ride the Knight Bus again," Annie complained.

She just nearly vomited in the car.

"But." Hermione raised her eyebrows, "Who started suggesting a ride on the Knights Bus? He even said tearfully, 'This is my request for the rest of my life'."

"You have no objection, even eager to try, don't lie, I see it!"

The two quarreled.

William was caught in the middle, and he had a headache, and the two quarreled all the way. Every time we meet, it's like a grudge.

Picture what?

William ignored the two and stood on the road and looked into the distance.

From here, you can see the beautiful scenery of the village of Autry San Cachipol, which looks like a small toy house from a high distance.

The location that Dumbledore chose is really good, at least the environment is comfortable.

He turned around, interrupted the quarrel between the two, and announced loudly to Hermione and Annie:

"Okay! This is our new home. We will live here in the next summer vacation."

William coughed again.

Hermione and Annie hurriedly stood side by side with smiles on their faces and applauded in agreement, like troops waiting to be reviewed.

William nodded with satisfaction, put on a leadership style, and smiled: "Hello, classmates, I will simply say three points.

The first small point of this first point.

This is our new home, Nicole specially helped me find an architect to design and plan, and also checked Feng Shui with a divination witch.

You two must love each other.

To be honest, I'm not used to living in London for a long time. There is poor air quality, traffic jams and no stars at night.

It’s still good here, with beautiful mountains and rivers. As soon as I see this scenery, I can’t help but want to write a poem. "

William was still brewing his emotions, and the two girls had ignored him, turned and ran towards the peach blossom bridge.

They are still pulling each other.

"I'll go first!"

"I am advanced!"

"I go first!"

Hermione was so fast that Annie couldn't keep up, so she had to hold on to her clothes.

Unexpectedly, she exerted too much force, and almost tore off Hermione's short sleeves, revealing a small half of her white shoulders and slender shoulder straps.

Hermione blushed, her eyes and cheeks were almost dripping with water, and she was so angry that she wanted to curse Anne.

Out of the corner of the girl's eye, William glanced back at the river, pretending he didn't see anything.

**Tea walked slowly, ignoring the three of them, and "suddenly" took the lead to walk on the wooden bridge, and their dispute only ceased.

The two girls and a cat went to visit the house, while William stood on the bridge and watched the fish growing in the stream.

He took out a large amount of fish food from the ring and threw it into the water, where the red koi tumbled.

Hurry up and grow up. When you grow up, you can... eat.

"Hey, William, what does that mean?" Hermione's voice came from the yard.

William crossed the wooden bridge into a large yard simply fenced off.

In the middle of the yard, there is also the word "demolition" written in bright red in English!

When Niko asked someone to renovate, he wrote a demolition on the wall of the original wooden house, and William left that piece of wood as a remembrance.

When William was in the orphanage in his previous life, he saw the word "demolition" sprayed on the wall of the neighbor next door, and felt so pitiful that he had no house to live in, and wanted to squeeze the beautiful big sister next door with him.

Later, I learned that the word read... rich!

It's a pity... the word "demolition" in the magic world is not worth much, and this hut didn't cost much Galleon.

William checked the plants in the yard.

The yard is very wide~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The path is full of all kinds of exotic plants, a tall persimmon tree on the left, a grape vine trellis on the right, and a gazebo below, decorated with Mistletoe corolla with white beads.

Drogon and Rhaegal the owls were already watching from a branch.

Hermione and Annie were still working on the split word, they didn't like it, they thought it was unlucky, and they were going to change it to the name of the house.

William thought for a while, then smiled: "Let's call it Bag End Cave."

"What is Bag End?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

The Harry Potter world doesn't have Toggins' Middle-earth story, and they don't know what Bag End is.

I saw William coughed and said softly: "There is a hobbit living in the underground cave..."



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