A Magical Hogwarts

Vol 3 Chapter 40: To make matters worse, Professor Kelt Byrne

Although Professor Kettleburn is the most kind of man, he has been bitten so many times that he is in a trance and his head is not normal.

He's probably the same kind of person as Hagrid, who sees those magical beasts as cute.

But he was not as strong as Hagrid.

Hagrid's physique and body can handle five or six little cuties at the same time in one night. After finishing the work, his waist is not sore, his legs are not shaking, his kidneys are not weak, and he can do twenty backflips in a row.

Therefore, not everyone can be a magical zoologist. As lucky as Newt is, there are still a few, and most of them lack arms and legs.

Under the leadership of Professor Keitelborn, everyone came to a dense birch forest.

From a distance, the birch tree seems to have mutated, constantly shining scarlet light.

"Everyone!" he cried. "That's right—stand where you can see. Now, the first thing you have to do is observe the creatures in the tree—"

William watched carefully, and the tree was full of magical creatures.

From the outside, it looks a bit like a cross between a monkey and a toad.

Its skin is green, striped, smooth and hairless, with webbed hands and feet.

It has short feet on its head and a large mouth that always looks like it's smiling, full of razor-sharp teeth.

"Very well, did you recognize this creature?"

"Tree monkey frog!" Qiu answered loudly.

"Yeah, five points for Ravenclaw. The tree monkey frog is a creature native to North America, but with illegal smuggling, it's distributed all over the world."

Professor Kettleburn asked everyone to come closer and observe carefully.

"The tree monkey frog is a useful magical creature, and its most distinctive feature is a large pustule in the middle of its forehead.

When the tree monkey frog senses danger, the pustule turns scarlet, flashing red.

If you put this in your arms, if someone wants to attack you, it will find out in advance, which is a good early warning! "

"Forget it, I'll never hold this thing in my life." Marietta whispered.

"Even if someone did attack the students at Hogwarts!"

Obviously, Marietta wasn't the only one who thought that, the tree monkey frog was not good-looking, it looked extremely dangerous.

They spent another twenty minutes feeding the tree monkey frogs.

The tree monkey frog mainly feeds on small lizards and birds.

It's a tedious job, and their limbs are long and nimble, capable of swinging from branch to branch, as agile as a gorilla.

Tree monkey frogs do not like being fed, and prefer to take the initiative to grab food.

Marietta had just been hit on the head with a stick by a tree monkey frog, and her forehead bulged.

"Ouch!" About half an hour later, Shabby screamed, "Come and help me!"

I saw the tree monkey frog he was feeding, the pustules on the top of its head slowly bulged into columns, squirting out sticky, smelly juice.

The juice shot in Sharby's face, and he smacking his lips, and the smell of heather came over him.

The strong smell almost made him vomit.

Everyone quickly covered their noses.

Shabby struggled frantically, his hands were wrapped by the tongue of the tree monkey frog, and the red tongue lingered around his arm like a live red snake, twitching continuously and slowly moving downstream.

It gives the impression that Charpy has been smeared out by the tree monkey frog.

Professor Kettleburn floated to Shabby's side, squinted his eyes and said, "Son, what did you do to the tree monkey frog?"

"No..." Shabby grimaced.

"Okay... I just had a bold idea and put my hand into its mouth to try the feeling of being wrapped in the tongue."

Kettleborn was a little unhappy, and he ordered: "Come on, give it a needle! Let the tree monkey frog feel refreshed and relax."

A dozen Billywig worms circled the tree monkey frog and plunged violently into its skin.

After being stabbed with more than ten needles suddenly, the tree monkey frog's body floated up, and then Shabby was released.

This annoyed the other tree monkey frogs, who were beating their chests angrily, like gorillas.

A tree monkey frog sticks out its long tongue and starts attacking the Billywig worm.

The Billywig bugs are not easy to mess with either. They escaped from Professor Kettleburn, and they were densely packed like locusts, and they slammed down hard.

Dozens of tongues, rolling and surging in mid-air, swiped and slid freely in the Billywig swarm, like a dragon out of the river, rolling up the swarm and dragging it into his mouth.

Although the number of Billywig worms is large, they cannot bear the speed of the tree monkey frog eating jelly beans.

Professor Kettleburn's potion-killing artifact was quickly eaten up by tree monkey frogs.

After they finished eating, they burped and spit out long spikes and threw them on the ground.

Professor Kettleborn fell to the ground, looking extremely frustrated, and several students squatted on the ground to comfort him softly.

The original sad and heroic scene gave William the next sentence to ruin the atmosphere.

"I remember that Billywig's claws are the raw material for Ziz Honey Candy. The price is very expensive, and the Hogsmeade Honey Duke shop is buying a lot."

No one comforted Professor Keitelborn, and everyone rushed up, desperately trying to pick up those pin needles on the ground, ready to sell them for money.

Sure enough, there is no buying and selling, and there is no killing.

"Professor Kettleburn, is he all right?"

After class, while walking on the road, Qiu said worriedly.

"I don't know, but looking at how sad he looks, it is estimated that he will retire after two years." William shrugged.

A sudden change made Professor Kettleburn, who was already in poor health, even worse.

Soon, everyone came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

The classrooms had been remodeled, with countless Lockhart frames on the walls, brightly lit by many candles. A few even have his autograph on them.

Everyone rushed to sit in the front row, because sitting here is easy to run away.

Logically speaking, the front row is generally the seat of the top student, and many students are reluctant to sit there.

This time it was different, Lockhart's reputation was already stinking at Hogwarts, especially after he had given a Defence Against the Dark Arts class to the sorcerer in the second year.

Everyone thought that Lockhart would bring some dark creature, but it was the Cornish Goblin.

The most terrifying thing is that he couldn't deal with the elf, so he ran away alone, locked the door of the classroom, and locked the little wizard inside.

Many second-year little wizards were admitted to the hospital~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Madam Pomfrey scolded Lockhart for being a **** in the hospital, and scolded Dumbledore for finding a rubbish... The lines are not repeated, Sprayed for half an hour.

Feeling Madam Pomfrey was trained at the Zaun Magical Hospital.

Even Madam Pomfrey did...

Plus Lockhart doesn't even know about Transfiguration Today, everyone thinks he's just a well-known crap.

William had wanted to skip class, but he had a small matter with Lockhart.

Hmm... little things.



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